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Zhou, Z. (2022). 'China’s Criminal Law Against Cyberterrorism' In M. Engelhart, H. Kudlich, & B. Vogel (Eds.), Digitalisierung, Globalisierung und Risikoprävention (2nd ed., pp. 1017-1030)
Zhou, Zunyou. "China’s Criminal Law Against Cyberterrorism". Digitalisierung, Globalisierung und Risikoprävention, edited by Marc Engelhart, Hans Kudlich and Benjamin Vogel, Duncker & Humblot, 2022, pp. 1017-1030.
Zhou, Z. (2022): 'China’s Criminal Law Against Cyberterrorism', in Engelhart, M, Kudlich, H, Vogel, B (eds.). Digitalisierung, Globalisierung und Risikoprävention. Duncker & Humblot, pp. 1017-1030.


China’s Criminal Law Against Cyberterrorism

Zhou, Zunyou

In: Digitalisierung, Globalisierung und Risikoprävention (2022), pp. 1017–1030

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Author Details

Zunyou Zhou

Zhou, Zunyou, Prof. Dr., Law School, South-Central University for Nationalities (Wuhan, Hubei Province, China)


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  2. Julienne, Marc/Rudolf, Moritz/Buckow, Johannes, Beyond Doubt: The Changing Face of Terrorism in China, in: The Diplomat, May 28, 2015 (  Google Scholar
  3. Jarvis, Lee/Macdonald, Stuart, What Is Cyberterrorism? Findings From a Survey of Researchers, in: Terrorism and Political Violence, Volume 27, Issue 4, 2015, pp. 658–659.  Google Scholar


Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Zunyou Zhou: China’s Criminal Law Against Cyberterrorism 1017
I. Introduction 1017
1. Terrorism and Counterterrorism 1017
2. Problem of Cyberterrorism 1018
3. Aim and Structure of the Paper 1019
II. Definition of Cyberterrorism 1019
1. International Definition 1019
2. Chinese Definition 1020
3. Focus of this Paper 1021
III. Law on the Books 1022
1. Overview 1022
2. Ninth Amendment 1022
3. Judicial Interpretations 1023
4. Borders of Criminal Law 1024
5. International Dimension 1024
IV. Law in Action 1025
1. Criminal Policies 1025
2. Special Operations 1026
3. Operation Results 1028
4. Research Investigation 1029
V. Conclusion 1030