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Zedner, L., Ashworth, A. (2022). 'Administrative Sanctions: Two Contradictions' In M. Engelhart, H. Kudlich, & B. Vogel (Eds.), Digitalisierung, Globalisierung und Risikoprävention (2nd ed., pp. 1435-1444)
Zedner, Lucia and Ashworth, Andrew. "Administrative Sanctions: Two Contradictions". Digitalisierung, Globalisierung und Risikoprävention, edited by Marc Engelhart, Hans Kudlich and Benjamin Vogel, Duncker & Humblot, 2022, pp. 1435-1444.
Zedner, L and Ashworth, A. (2022): 'Administrative Sanctions: Two Contradictions', in Engelhart, M, Kudlich, H, Vogel, B (eds.). Digitalisierung, Globalisierung und Risikoprävention. Duncker & Humblot, pp. 1435-1444.


Administrative Sanctions: Two Contradictions

Zedner, Lucia | Ashworth, Andrew

In: Digitalisierung, Globalisierung und Risikoprävention (2022), pp. 1435–1444

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Author Details

Lucia Zedner

Andrew Ashworth


  1. Sieber, Ulrich, Administrative Sanction Law in Germany, in: Vogel, Benjamin/Dyson, Matt (eds.), The Limits of Criminal Law, Intersentia 2018, pp. 301–31.  Google Scholar
  2. Ashworth, Andrew, Social Control and Anti-Social Behaviour: the Subversion of Human Rights?, in: Law Quarterly Review, vol.120 (2004), pp. 263–91.  Google Scholar
  3. Zedner, Lucia, Penal Subversions: when is a punishment not a punishment, who decides, and on what grounds?, Theoretical Criminology, vol. 20 (1) (2016), pp. 3–20.  Google Scholar
