Cite BOOK Chapter
Legal Objectivity
Towards a material and embodied approach
In: Wissen in Recht und Sprache – Viele Stimmen, vage Grenzen (2024), pp. 87–100
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Author Details
Nicole Zilberszac
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Table of Contents
Section Title | Page | Action | Price |
Legal Objectivity | 87 | ||
Towards a material and embodied approach | 87 | ||
I. Introduction | 87 | ||
II. Deficits of different accounts of legal objectivity | 90 | ||
III. Replace, abandon or reconceptualize | 93 | ||
IV. Knowing the law – 4E Cognition as a framework for legal cognitive processes | 94 | ||
V. Being the law: In what way can we think about the law as an object? | 96 | ||
VI. Towards a material and embodied approach to legal objectivity | 97 | ||
Literature | 97 |