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Abts, K., Laermans, R. (2018). 'Populism: Definitions, Questions, Problems, and Theories' In G. Pallaver, M. Gehler, & M. Cau (Eds.), Populism, Populists, and the Crisis of Political Parties (1st ed., pp. 63-79)
Abts, Koen and Laermans, Rudi. "Populism: Definitions, Questions, Problems, and Theories". Populism, Populists, and the Crisis of Political Parties, edited by Günther Pallaver, Michael Gehler and Maurizio Cau, Duncker & Humblot, 2018, pp. 63-79.
Abts, K and Laermans, R. (2018): 'Populism: Definitions, Questions, Problems, and Theories', in Pallaver, G, Gehler, M, Cau, M (eds.). Populism, Populists, and the Crisis of Political Parties. Duncker & Humblot, pp. 63-79.


Populism: Definitions, Questions, Problems, and Theories

Abts, Koen | Laermans, Rudi

In: Populism, Populists, and the Crisis of Political Parties (2018), pp. 63–79

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Author Details

Koen Abts

Koen Abts, Researcher, Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Tilburg University (Netherlands)

Rudi Laermans

Rudi Laermans, Professor, Centre for Sociological Research, Catholic University KU Leuven (Belgium)


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