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Van Hecke, S., Andrione-Moylan, A. (2018). 'Between Collaboration and Demarcation' In G. Pallaver, M. Gehler, & M. Cau (Eds.), Populism, Populists, and the Crisis of Political Parties (1st ed., pp. 239-258)
Van Hecke, Steven and Andrione-Moylan, Alex. "Between Collaboration and Demarcation: The European People’s Party and the Populist Wave". Populism, Populists, and the Crisis of Political Parties, edited by Günther Pallaver, Michael Gehler and Maurizio Cau, Duncker & Humblot, 2018, pp. 239-258.
Van Hecke, S and Andrione-Moylan, A. (2018): 'Between Collaboration and Demarcation', in Pallaver, G, Gehler, M, Cau, M (eds.). Populism, Populists, and the Crisis of Political Parties. Duncker & Humblot, pp. 239-258.


Between Collaboration and Demarcation

The European People’s Party and the Populist Wave

Van Hecke, Steven | Andrione-Moylan, Alex

In: Populism, Populists, and the Crisis of Political Parties (2018), pp. 239–258

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Author Details

Steven Van Hecke

Steven van Hecke, Professor, Public Governance Institute, Catholic University KU Leuven (Belgium)

Alex Andrione-Moylan

Alex Andrione-Moylan, Junior Research Associate, Public Governance Institute, Catholic University KU Leuven (Belgium)


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