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Nuhoğlu, A. (2022). 'Legal Provisions on Sexual Offences in the Istanbul Convention and the Turkish Criminal Code' In M. Engelhart, H. Kudlich, & B. Vogel (Eds.), Digitalisierung, Globalisierung und Risikoprävention (2nd ed., pp. 293-301)
Nuhoğlu, Ayşe. "Legal Provisions on Sexual Offences in the Istanbul Convention and the Turkish Criminal Code". Digitalisierung, Globalisierung und Risikoprävention, edited by Marc Engelhart, Hans Kudlich and Benjamin Vogel, Duncker & Humblot, 2022, pp. 293-301.
Nuhoğlu, A. (2022): 'Legal Provisions on Sexual Offences in the Istanbul Convention and the Turkish Criminal Code', in Engelhart, M, Kudlich, H, Vogel, B (eds.). Digitalisierung, Globalisierung und Risikoprävention. Duncker & Humblot, pp. 293-301.


Legal Provisions on Sexual Offences in the Istanbul Convention and the Turkish Criminal Code

Nuhoğlu, Ayşe

In: Digitalisierung, Globalisierung und Risikoprävention (2022), pp. 293–301

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Author Details

Ayşe Nuhoğlu

Nuhoğlu, Ayşe, Prof. Dr., Bahçeşehir Universität (Istanbul, Türkei)


  1. 5th Criminal Chamber of the Court of Cassation, 20.05.2008, E. 2008/2477, K. 2008/4651.  Google Scholar
  2. M.C. vs. Bulgaria judgment, 04.12.2003, 39272/98, para. 166.  Google Scholar
  3. 14th Criminal Chamber, 04.04.2016, E. 2014/3518, K. 2016/3247.  Google Scholar


Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Ayşe Nuhoğlu: Legal Provisions on Sexual Offences in the Istanbul Convention and the Turkish Criminal Code 293
I. Offence of Sexual Assault Against Adults 294
II. Offence of Sexual Abuse Against Children 296
1. Forced Marriages 297
2. Child Marriages 297
III. Other Related Crimes 298
1. Female Genital Mutilation 298
2. Forced Abortion and Forced Sterilization 298
3. Sexual Harassment 298
IV. Common Provisions 299
1. Aiding and Abetting 299
2. Unacceptable Justifications for Crimes, Including Crimes Committed in the Name of So-called “Honor” 299
3. Sanctions and Measures 300
V. Conclusion 301