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Bachmaier Winter, L. (2022). 'Comparative Law, Legal Metaphors and Negotiated Justice' In M. Engelhart, H. Kudlich, & B. Vogel (Eds.), Digitalisierung, Globalisierung und Risikoprävention (2nd ed., pp. 3-14)
Bachmaier Winter, Lorena. "Comparative Law, Legal Metaphors and Negotiated Justice". Digitalisierung, Globalisierung und Risikoprävention, edited by Marc Engelhart, Hans Kudlich and Benjamin Vogel, Duncker & Humblot, 2022, pp. 3-14.
Bachmaier Winter, L. (2022): 'Comparative Law, Legal Metaphors and Negotiated Justice', in Engelhart, M, Kudlich, H, Vogel, B (eds.). Digitalisierung, Globalisierung und Risikoprävention. Duncker & Humblot, pp. 3-14.


Comparative Law, Legal Metaphors and Negotiated Justice

Bachmaier Winter, Lorena

In: Digitalisierung, Globalisierung und Risikoprävention (2022), pp. 3–14

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Chapter Details


Author Details

Lorena Bachmaier Winter

Bachmaier Winter, Lorena, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c., Universität Complutense (Madrid, Spanien)


  1. Watson, A., Legal Transplants. An Approach to Comparative Law, Athens/London, The University of Georgia Press, 1993 (2a ed.), p. 9.  Google Scholar
  2. Langer, From Legal Transplants to Legal Translations (fn. 2), pp. 6 ff.  Google Scholar
  3. Thaman, Atypology of Consensual Criminal Procedures (fn. 22), p. 375.  Google Scholar


Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Lorena Bachmaier Winter: Comparative Law, Legal Metaphors\rand Negotiated Justice 3
I. Introduction 3
II. Legal Transplants and Other Metaphors in Comparative Law 4
III. Plea Bargaining: A Legal Transplant or a Legal Translation? 6
IV. Impact of the Imported Institution on the Continental European Criminal Procedure: Convergence or Inoculation? 9
V. Concluding Remarks 12