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Torralba, J. (2024). 'The paradox of autonomy. Freedom and normativity from Kant to Hegel' In B. Bowman, M. Gerhard, & J. Zovko (Eds.), Erkenne Dich selbst – Anthropologische Perspektiven II (1st ed., pp. 536-542)
Torralba, José M.. "The paradox of autonomy. Freedom and normativity from Kant to Hegel". Erkenne Dich selbst – Anthropologische Perspektiven II, edited by Brady Bowman, Myriam Gerhard and Jure Zovko, Duncker & Humblot, 2024, pp. 536-542.
Torralba, J. (2024): 'The paradox of autonomy. Freedom and normativity from Kant to Hegel', in Bowman, B, Gerhard, M, Zovko, J (eds.). Erkenne Dich selbst – Anthropologische Perspektiven II. Duncker & Humblot, pp. 536-542.


The paradox of autonomy. Freedom and normativity from Kant to Hegel

Torralba, José M.

In: Erkenne Dich selbst – Anthropologische Perspektiven II (2024), pp. 536–542

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Author Details

José M. Torralba

Dr. José M. Torralba, Departamento de Filosofía/ICS, Universidad de Navarra


  1. Thomas Khurana/Christoph Menke (eds.), Paradoxien der Autonomie, Berlin 2011.  Google Scholar
  2. Dieter Henrich, “Der Begriff der Sitllichen Einsicht und Kants Lehre vom Faktum der Vernunft”, in: Die Gegenwart der Griechen im Neueren Denken, edited by D. Henrich, W. Schulz et al., Tübingen 1960, 76–115.  Google Scholar
  3. Robert Pippin, Hegel’s Practical Philosophy. Rational Agency as Ethical Life, Cambridge 2008.  Google Scholar


Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
José M. Torralba: The paradox of autonomy. Freedom and normativity from Kant to Hegel 536
1. Introduction 536
2. The apparent contradiction or antinomy of the “duties to oneself” 537
3. Rödl and empiricism in the will 539
4. The presence of the paradox in the three requirements of autonomy 539