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Blum, U., Wey, C., Zimmermann, K. (Eds.) (2008). Globalization and Competition. Duncker & Humblot.
Blum, Ulrich; Wey, Christian and Zimmermann, Klaus F.. Globalization and Competition. Duncker & Humblot, 2008. Book.
Blum, U, Wey, C, Zimmermann, K (eds.) (2008): Globalization and Competition, Duncker & Humblot, [online]


Globalization and Competition

Editors: Blum, Ulrich | Wey, Christian | Zimmermann, Klaus F.

Applied Economics Quarterly. Supplements, Vol. 59


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This supplement presents the contributions to the 71st Annual Meeting of the Association of German Economic Research Institutes that deal with the contentious issues of "Globalization and Competition." Increased competitive intensity does not serve as a great "equalizer"; in contrast, the book identifies various areas where organizational and institutional differences sustain - a fact, important for the success of business strategies and governmental policies. In "Innovators and the Diversity of Innovation Systems" Uwe Canter and Andreas Meder analyze the determinants of cooperative invention. Regional proximity is a main driver of cooperative innovations so that path dependencies remain important even under globalization. Pio Baake und Christian Wey show that increasing demand-side market integration leads to new anticompetitive effects of mergers. In "Latin versus European Power: A Comparison of Market Reforms in Europe and Chile and Brazil" Tim Mennel and Maria Viecens show that national approaches towards utility regulations reveal persistent differences. Michael Rothgang analyzes the diversity of innovation processes while Christian Rammer and Anja Schmiele highlight the importance of absorptive capacities when innovation processes become more international. Finally, in "Foreign Subsidiaries in the East German Innovation System" Jutta Günther and co-authors show that foreign subsidiaries are often not linked to the local innovation system.This supplement presents the contributions to the 71st Annual Meeting of the Association of German Economic Research Institutes that deal with the contentious issues of "Globalization and Competition." Increased competitive intensity does not serve as a great "equalizer"; in contrast, the book identifies various areas where organizational and institutional differences sustain - a fact, important for the success of business strategies and governmental policies. In "Innovators and the Diversity of Innovation Systems" Uwe Canter and Andreas Meder analyze the determinants of cooperative invention. Regional proximity is a main driver of cooperative innovations so that path dependencies remain important even under globalization. Pio Baake und Christian Wey show that increasing demand-side market integration leads to new anticompetitive effects of mergers. In "Latin versus European Power: A Comparison of Market Reforms in Europe and Chile and Brazil" Tim Mennel and Maria Viecens show that national approaches towards utility regulations reveal persistent differences. Michael Rothgang analyzes the diversity of innovation processes while Christian Rammer and Anja Schmiele highlight the importance of absorptive capacities when innovation processes become more international. Finally, in "Foreign Subsidiaries in the East German Innovation System" Jutta Günther and co-authors show that foreign subsidiaries are often not linked to the local innovation system.

Table of Contents.

Section Title Page Action Price
Editorial 5
Contents 7
Uwe Cantner and Andreas Meder: Innovators and the Diversity of Innovation Systems 9
Abstract 9
1. Introduction 9
2. Dimensions of Proximity Influencing Cooperative Innovation 11
3. Disentangling the Technological and Regional Impacts on Cooperative Invention 16
3.1 Index of Relative Regional Impact 17
3.2 Application to German Patent Data 17
3.3 Results 19
4. Regional Effects on Cooperative Invention and Their Determinants 19
4.1 Hypotheses 19
4.2 Data and Variables 20
4.3 Results 21
5. Conclusion 23
References 24
Pio Baake and Christian Wey: Market Integration and the Competitive Effects of Mergers 27
Abstract 27
1. Introduction 27
2. Market Definition, Market Shares, and Competitive Effects 29
3. Market Integration and Parallel Trade 32
4. Supply-side Market Integration 34
5. Demand-side Market Integration 35
6. Conclusions 44
References 45
Björn A. Kuchinke: Market Integration and the Competitive Effects of Mergers Comment 49
1. Overview and Classification 49
2. Paper Review and Open Questions 50
3. Concluding Remarks 51
References 51
Tim Mennel and Maria Fernanda Viecens: Latin versus European Power – a Comparison of Market Reforms in Europe and Chile and Brazil 53
Abstract 53
1. Introduction 53
2. Geographical Comparison 56
2.1 Population and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) 56
2.2 Electricity Consumption 57
2.3 Electricity Production and Transmission Grid 58
3. Electricity Market Liberalization and Price Development 61
3.1 History of Liberalization 61
3.2 Price Development 65
4. Structure of Electricity Commerce 69
4.1 Electricity Generation and Wholesale Markets 69
4.2 Regulation of Electricity Commerce and Transmission Grids 73
4.3 Inter-regional Commerce 78
4.4 Distribution and Retail Markets 79
5. Current Problems 80
5.1 Market Power 80
5.2 Security of Supply 85
References 90
Hannes Weigt: Latin versus European Power – a Comparison of Market Reforms in Europe and Chile and Brazil. Comment 93
1. Apples and Oranges? 93
2. Open Questions 94
3. Will the Reader be Happy with the Paper? 96
References 96
Michael Rothgang: Sectoral Innovation Systems, Corporate Strategies, and Competitiveness of the German Economy in a Globalised World 97
Abstract 97
1. Introduction 97
2. Analysis of the Manufacturing Sector 99
2.1 Long-term Developments 99
2.2 Empirical Data Base 101
3. Internationalisation of Production and Corporate Behaviour 104
3.1 Trends in International Production Systems 104
3.2 Factors Influencing Location of R&D and Production Activities 105
3.3 Globalisation on the Value Chain in Automobile Production 107
3.4 Value Creating Activities in Manufacturing Firms 109
4. Sectoral Innovation, Production and Value Added Systems 110
4.1 The Sectoral Innovation and Production Systems 110
4.2 The Interaction of Sectoral Innovation and Production Systems 113
4.3 Firm Development and Value Added in the Industrialised Countries 119
5. Conclusion: Can we Hope to Influence Competitiveness and Employment by Supporting R&D Activities? 121
References 122
Dirk Fornahl: Sectoral Innovation Systems, Corporate Strategies, and Competitiveness of the German Economy in a Globalised World. Comment 125
1. Introduction and Overview of the Article 125
2. Indicators for National Competitiveness 126
3. International Knowledge Sourcing and Production Off-Shoring 129
4. Supporting R&D to Increase Competitiveness – The Key to Success? 132
5. Concluding Remarks 134
References 135
Jutta Günther, Johannes Stephan and Björn Jindra: Foreign Subsidiariesi n the East German Innovation System – Evidence from Manufacturing Industries 137
Abstract 137
1. Introduction 138
2. Theory and Hypotheses Development 140
3. The Empirical Analysis of Foreign Subsidiaries in East Germany 144
3.1 Data 144
3.2 Stylised Facts: Technological Capability of Foreign Subsidiaries in East Germany 148
3.3 Estimation Approach 151
4. Estimation Results and Discussion 154
5. Summary and Policy Conclusions 157
References 159
Annex 164
Holger Graf: Foreign Subsidiaries in the East German Innovation System – Evidence from Manufacturing Industries. Comment 167
1. Introduction 167
2. Evaluation of the Study 169
3. Conclusions 171
References 172
Christian Rammer and Anja Schmiele: Globalisation of Innovation in SMEs: Why They Go Abroad and What They Bring Back Home 173
Abstract 173
1. Introduction 173
2. Conceptual Background 175
2.1 Internationalisation of SMEs 175
2.2 Internationalisation of Innovation Activities 177
2.3 Effects of Innovation on Firm Performance 178
3. Empirical Models 180
3.1 Internal and External Drivers of Internationalising Innovation. Activities in SMEs 180
3.2 Effects of International Innovation Activities on SMEs’ Home Market Growth 184
4. Data 186
4.1 The German Innovation Survey 186
4.2 Measuring Model Variables 187
5. Drivers of Internationalising Innovation Activities 193
6. Performance Effects of International Innovation Activities 197
7. Conclusion 200
References 202
Axel Mangelsdorf: Globalisation of Innovation in SMEs: Why They Go Abroad, and What They Bring Back Home. Comment 207
References 210
Participants 213