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German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht



Delbrück, J., Hofmann, R., Zimmermann, A. (Eds.) (1993). German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht. Vol. 35 (1992). Duncker & Humblot.
Delbrück, Jost; Hofmann, Rainer and Zimmermann, Andreas. German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht: Vol. 35 (1992). Duncker & Humblot, 1993. Book.
Delbrück, J, Hofmann, R, Zimmermann, A (eds.) (1993): German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht: Vol. 35 (1992), Duncker & Humblot, [online]


German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht

Vol. 35 (1992)

Editors: Delbrück, Jost | Hofmann, Rainer | Zimmermann, Andreas

German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht, Vol. 35


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Book Details



The German Yearbook of International Law, founded as the Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht, provides an annual report on new developments in international law and is edited by the Walther Schücking Institute for International Law at the Kiel University. Since its inception in 1948, the Yearbook has endeavored to make a significant academic contribution to the ongoing development of international law. Over many decades the Yearbook has moved beyond its origins as a forum for German scholars to publish their research and has become a highly-regarded international forum for innovative scholarship in international law. In 1976, the Yearbook adopted its current title and began to publish contributions written in English in order to reach the largest possible international audience. This editorial decision has enabled the Yearbook to successfully overcome traditional language barriers and inform an international readership about current research in German academic institutions and, at the same time, to present international viewpoints to its German audience. Fully aware of the paramount importance of international practice, the Yearbook publishes contributions from active practitioners of international law on a regular basis. The Yearbook also includes critical comments on German state practice relating to international law, as well as international reactions to that practice.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents 5
Articles 9
Riccardo Pisillo-Mazzeschi: The Due Diligence Rule and the Nature of the International Responsibility of States 9
Lucius Caflisch: Unequal Treaties 52
F. A. Mann and Jürgen Kurth: The Notion of 'Civil Rights' in Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Reflections on the Recent Practice of the European Commission with Regard to Germany's Federal Compensation Law 81
Jost Delbrück: The Right to Education as an International Human Right 92
Bradley Reed Howard: Human Rights and Indigenous People: On the Relevance of International Law for Indigenous Liberation+ 105
Ove Bring: Kurdistan and the Principle of Self-Determination 157
Tono Eitel: The Escape and Parole of the Imprisoned God of War. An Overview of the Second Gulf War from the Perspective of International Law 170
Cornelius Murphy: The Conciliatory Responsibilities of the United Nations Security Council 190
Richard B. Lillich: Forcible Protection of Nationals Abroad: The Liberian "Incident" of 1990 205
Ruth Lapidoth: Some Reflections on the Taba Award 224
Maria Teresa Infante: Maritime Conventions in Antarctica 249
Francisco Orrego Vicuna: The "Presential Sea": Defining Coastal States' Special Interests in High Seas Fisheries and other Activities 264
Mary Ellen O'Connell: Enforcing the New International Law of the Environment 293
Betsy Baker: Eliciting Nonparty Compliance With Multilateral Environmental Treaties: U.S. Legislation and the Jurisdictional Bases for Compliance Incentives in the Montreal Ozone Protocol 333Andrea Bianchi: Extraterritoriality and Export Controls: Some Remarks on the Alleged Antinomy Between European and U.S. Approaches 333
Andrea Bianchi: Extraterritoriality and Export Controls:Some Remarks on the Alleged Antinomy BetweenEuropean and U.S. Approaches 366
George P. Politakis: Variations on a Myth: Neutrality and the Arms Trade 435
Report 507
Johannes Niewerth: Bericht über die Tätigkeit des Europarates im Jahre 1991 507
Book Reviews 545
The EC and Product Liability (Stoll) 545
Anderle: Der Haftungsumfang des harmonisierten Produkthaftungsrechtes Schwenzer: Die Umsetzung der EG-Richtlinie zur Produkthaftpflicht in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Anderson/Blackhurst (eds.): The Greening of World Trade Issues (Berrisch) 545
Schwenzer: Die Umsetzung der EG-Richtlinie zur Produkthaftpflicht in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 545
Anderson/Blackhurst (eds.): The Greening of World Trade Issues (Berrisch) 545
Becker: Der GestaltungsSpielraum der EG-Mitgliedstaaten im Spannungsfeld zwischen Umweltschutz und freiem Warenverkehr (Schmitz) 548
Intellectual Property and GATT (Stoll) 549
Beier/Schricker (eds.): GATT or WIPO? New Ways in the International Protection of Intellectual Property Christians: Immaterialgüterrechte und GATT Benedek: Die Rechtsordnung des G A T T aus völkerrechtlicher Sicht (Hempel) 551
Christians: Immaterialgüterrechte und GATT 549
Benedek: Die Rechtsordnung des G A T T aus völkerrechtlicher Sicht 551
von Beseler/Jacobs-Wüstefeld: Law Dictionary. German — English (Riedel) 553
Boguslawskij (Hrsg.): Internationaler Technologietransfer. Rechtliche Regelungen (Stoll) 554
Bugiel: Volkswille und repräsentative Entscheidung. Zulässigkeit und Zweckmäßigkeitvon Volksabstimmungen nach dem Grundgesetz (Dicke) 554
Cahanellas/Massaguer: Know-How Agreements and EEC Competition Law (Stoll) 557
Gattini: Zufall und force majeure im System der Staatenverantwortlichkeit anhand der ILC-Kodifikationsarbeit (Schuppert) 558
Gorove: Developments in Space Law (Hobe) 559
Großfeld/Junker: Das CoCom im Internationalen Wirtschaftsrecht (Morrison) 561
Jayme/Furtak (Hrsg.): Der Weg zur deutschen Rechtseinheit. Internationale und interne Auswirkungen im Privatrecht (Jebautzke) 563
Koch: Zur Einführung eines Grundrechtskataloges im VereinigtenKönigreich von Großbritannien und Nordirland (Schmitz) 566
auf der Maur: Das Urheberrecht des Produzenten: Schweizerische Lehre und Gesetzgebung im Zuge der europäischen Rechtsharmonisierung (Schuppert) 568
Maganza: Le Droit De La Communauté Economique Européenne: Commentaire du Traité et des Textes Pris Pours Son Application – Volume 13 – La Convention De Lomé (Addo) 569
Quiroga: The Battle of Human Rights. Gross, Systematic Violations and the Inter- American System (Riedel) 570
Sunga: Individual Responsibility in International Law for Serious Human Rights Violations (Plesmann) 572
Thornberry: International Law and the Rights of Minorities (Partsch) 574
Wolfrum: The Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resource Activities (Hafner) 580
Zimmer: Zulässigkeit und Grenzen schiedsgerichtlicher Entscheidung von Kartellrechts Streitigkeiten (Stoll) 582
Books Received 583
List of Contributors 587