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Delbrück, J., Hofmann, R., Zimmermann, A. (Eds.) (1995). German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht. Vol. 37 (1994). Duncker & Humblot.
Delbrück, Jost; Hofmann, Rainer and Zimmermann, Andreas. German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht: Vol. 37 (1994). Duncker & Humblot, 1995. Book.
Delbrück, J, Hofmann, R, Zimmermann, A (eds.) (1995): German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht: Vol. 37 (1994), Duncker & Humblot, [online]


German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht

Vol. 37 (1994)

Editors: Delbrück, Jost | Hofmann, Rainer | Zimmermann, Andreas

German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht, Vol. 37


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Book Details



The German Yearbook of International Law, founded as the Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht, provides an annual report on new developments in international law and is edited by the Walther Schücking Institute for International Law at the Kiel University. Since its inception in 1948, the Yearbook has endeavored to make a significant academic contribution to the ongoing development of international law. Over many decades the Yearbook has moved beyond its origins as a forum for German scholars to publish their research and has become a highly-regarded international forum for innovative scholarship in international law. In 1976, the Yearbook adopted its current title and began to publish contributions written in English in order to reach the largest possible international audience. This editorial decision has enabled the Yearbook to successfully overcome traditional language barriers and inform an international readership about current research in German academic institutions and, at the same time, to present international viewpoints to its German audience. Fully aware of the paramount importance of international practice, the Yearbook publishes contributions from active practitioners of international law on a regular basis. The Yearbook also includes critical comments on German state practice relating to international law, as well as international reactions to that practice.

Table of Contents.

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents 5
Articles 9
Hanspeter Neuhold: Perspectives of Austria's Membership in the European Union 9
Josef Doswald: The Future of EFTA 40
Mahulena Hošková: Legal Aspects of the Integration of the Czech Republic and Slovakia into European Security and Economic Structures 68
Kay Hailbronner: The European Union from the Perspective of the German Constitutional Court 93
Stephan Hobe: The German State in Europe After the Maastricht Decision of the German Constitutional Court 113
Frederick M. Abbott: The Maastricht Judgment, the Democracy Principle, and US Participation in Western Hemispheric Integration 137
Surya P. Subedi: The Doctrine of Objective Regimes in International Law and the Competence of the United Nations to Impose Territorial or Peace Settlements on States 162
Claudia Annacker: Part Two of the International Law Commission's Draft Articles on State Responsibility 206
Volker Röben: The Sciences – A Contribution to Understanding the Law on an Activity of International Concern 254
Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg and Michael Donner: New Developments in the Protection of the Natural Environment in Naval Armed Conflicts 281
Miquel Montañà i Mora: International Law and International Relations Cheek to Cheek: an IL / IR Perspective on the Uruguay Round Negotiations on Agriculture 315
J. William Hicks: The Listing of Daimler-Benz A.G. Securities on the NYSE: ConflictingInterests and Regulatory Policies 360
German Section 386
Stephan Hobe and Christian Tietje: Government Criminality and Human Rights: Restrictions upon State Sovereignty for Criminal Acts Committed by State Officials as an Aspect of German Unification 386
Note 422
Jeremy Heep: From Private to Public: Giving Effect to the "Debt" Component of Debt-For-Nature Swaps 422
Reports 446
Dorte Pardo López: Die Rechtsprechung des Internationalen Gerichtshofes in den Jahren 1993 und 1994 446
Daniela Krantz: Die Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs für Menschenrechte 1993 489
Book Reviews 514
Assunção / Fuhr / Späth: Internationale Organisationen, Entwicklungsverwaltungen und Kleingewerbeförderung in der Dritten Welt (Dicke) 514
Benkö / Schrogl (eds.): International Space Law in the Making (Hobe) 515
Bruhács: The Law of Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses (Härders) 517
Chowdhury / Denters / de Waart: The Right to Development in International Law (Hobe) 519
Dannemann: An Introduction to German Civil and Commercial Law (Convery) 522
Dauses (Hrsg.): Handbuch des EG-Wirtschaftsrechts (Tietje) 523
Dinstein: War, Aggression and Self-Defence (Delbrück) 524
Dupuy: Droit international public (Pardo López) 527
Franckx: Maritime Claims in the Arctic: Canadian and Russian Perspectives (Härders) 528
Geppert: Europäischer Rundfunkraum und nationale Rundfunkaufsicht. Zur Rolle und Zukunft der deutschen Landesmedienanstalten in einem europäischen Rundfunksystem (Delbrück) 530
Graf Vitzthum (ed.): Europäische und Internationale Wirtschaftsordnung aus der Sicht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Delbrück) 532
Gutiérrez Espada: Derecho internacional publico, 1: Introducción y fuentes (Pardo López) 534
Gutiérrez Espada: El sistema institucional de la Union Europea (Pardo López) 535
Hahn: Der Vertrag von Maastricht als völkerrechtliche Übereinkunft und Verfassung (König) 536
Henkin / Hargrove (eds.): Human Rights: An Agenda for the Next Century (Partsch) 538
Hohmann: Präventive Rechtspflichten und -prinzipien des modernen Umweltvölkerrechts. Zum Stand des Umweltvölkerrechts zwischen Umweltnutzung und Umweltschutz (Riedel) 542
Hohmann (ed.): Basic Documents of International Environmental Law (Riedel) 542
Hannum (ed.): Guide to International Human Rights Practice (Kenny) 546
Isensee / Kirchhof (Hrsg.): Handbuch des Staatsrechts (Hobe) 547
Kahl: Umweltprinzip und Gemeinschaftsrecht (Schmitz) 553
Kiss / Shelton: Manual of European Environmental Law (Hobe) 554
Nollkaemper: The Legal Regime for Transboundary Water Pollution: Between Discretion and Constraint (König) 555
Nowak: U.N. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – CCPR Commentary (de Zayas) 557
Packer / Myntti (eds.): The Protection of Ethnic and Linguistic Minorities in Europe (de Zayas) 562
Saksena: Reforming the United Nations. The Challenge of Relevance (Dicke) 564
Schabas: The Abolition of the Death Penalty in International Law (Hobe) 567
Schenk: Asylrecht und Asylverfahrensrecht (Hobe) 568
Marx: Asylrecht Band 1: Asylrecht und Menschenrechte, Gesetze und völkerrechtliche Verträge (Hobe) 568
Schütz: Solidarität im Wirtschaftsvölkerrecht (Tietje) 569
Shute / Hurley (eds.): On Human Rights, The Oxford Amnesty Lectures 1993 (Convery) 571
Stocker: Das Prinzip des Common Heritage of Mankind als Ausdruck des Staatengemeinschaftsinteresses im Völkerrecht (Hobe) 574
Thompson: Justice and World Order. A Philosophical Inquiry (Dicke) 576
Books Received 579
List of Contributors 582