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German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht



Delbrück, J., Hofmann, R., Zimmermann, A. (Eds.) (2003). German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht. Vol. 45 (2002). Duncker & Humblot.
Delbrück, Jost; Hofmann, Rainer and Zimmermann, Andreas. German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht: Vol. 45 (2002). Duncker & Humblot, 2003. Book.
Delbrück, J, Hofmann, R, Zimmermann, A (eds.) (2003): German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht: Vol. 45 (2002), Duncker & Humblot, [online]


German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht

Vol. 45 (2002)

Editors: Delbrück, Jost | Hofmann, Rainer | Zimmermann, Andreas

German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht, Vol. 45


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Book Details



The German Yearbook of International Law was founded in 1948 as the "Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht" by Rudolf Laun and Hermann von Mangoldt and is now edited by the Institute for International Law at the University of Kiel. Since its inception it has endeavoured to contribute to the development of international law. Originally it has done this mainly by providing German scholars with an opportunity to publish the results of their works, but increasingly also by offering an international forum.

In view of the desirability of obtaining for the Yearbook the largest possible international audience, the editors in 1976 have decided to use the present English title and to accept for publication preferably contributions written in English, or - to a lesser degree - in French. Naturally, the Yearbook also contains contributions written in German. This policy to overcome traditional language barriers appears to have proven successful both in informing the international law community about research done in German academic institutions and in presenting international viewpoints on various topics to the German audience.

The Yearbook provides an annual report on the work of international organizations and bodies including the International Court of Justice and the European Court and Commission of Human Rights. Fully aware of the paramount importance of practical aspects in this field, the editors from the beginning also have sought to include contributions from practitioners of international law.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents 5
Forum 9
Rainer Hofmann: International Law and the Use of Military Force Against Iraq 9
Andreas Zimmermann: Role and Function of International Criminal Law in the International System After the Entry into Force of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court 35
Focus Section: The Non-international Armed Conflict 55
Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg: Introductory Remarks 55
Hans-Joachim Heintze: The European Court of Human Rights and the Implementation of Human Rights Standards During Armed Conflicts 60
Reinhard Haßenpflug: Comment 78
Leslie C. Green: Criminal Responsibility of Individuals in Non-international Conflicts 82
Heike Spieker: Comment 109
David Turns: At the "Vanishing Point" of International Humanitarian Law: Methods and Means of Warfare in Non-international Armed Conflicts 115
Hans-Peter Gasser: International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law in Noninternational Armed Conflict: Joint Venture or Mutual Exclusion? 149
Torsten Stein: Comment 163
General Articles 166
Erika de Wet and André Nollkaemper: Review of Security Council Decisions by National Courts 166
Karin Oellers-Frahm: Comments on the Pre-Trial Proceedings in the Milosevic Case Before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia 203
Alexander Orakhelasbvili: State Immunity and International Public Order 227
Christian J. Tams: A Sprig of Parsley That Leaves a Bitter Taste - The Spanish- Moroccan Dispute About Perejil/Leila 268
Magne Frostad: Good Guys Wearing Cuffs - The Detention of Peacekeepers 291
Richard Happ: Dispute Settlement Under the Energy Charter Treaty 331
Martin Kment: Comparative Analysis of the 'Horizontal Effect' of the Human Rights Act 363
David Schneider-Addae-Mensah: Privileges and Immunities Under the Law of the Sea Convention: Legal Basis, Relevance in Practice, Comparison to the United Nations 395
Comments 417
Tilmann Laubner: World Summit on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg, South Africa, 26 August-4 September 2002: "People, planet and prosperity" 417
Oksana Holovko: International Legal Aspects of Ukrainian Foreign Policy 431
Reports 442
Vanessa Klingberg und Jana Schlinkert: Die Rechtsprechung des Internationalen Gerichtshofes im Jahre 2002 442
Björn Elberling: Die Rechtsprechung des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofes für das ehemalige Jugoslawien im Jahre 2002 483
Alexander Szodruch und Carl-Sebastian Zoellner: Die Rechtsprechung des WTOStreitbeilegungsgremiums im Jahre 2002 526
Simon Schromm: Die Tätigkeit der International Law Commission im Jahre 2002 567
Philipp Wendel: Die Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofes für Menschenrechte im Jahre 2002 584
Book Reviews 630
Simon Chesterman: Just War or Just Peace? Humanitarian Intervention and International Law (Nowrot) 630
Thomas M. Franck: Recourse to Force. State Action Against Threats and Armed Attacks (Nowrot) 632
Peter Häberle: Europäische Verfassungslehre (Schliesky) 634
The International Bureau of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (ed.): International Investments and Protection of the Environment. The Role of Dispute Resolution Mechanisms (Happ) 637
Kriangsak Kittichaisaree: International Criminal Law; and Ilias Bantekas/Susan Nash/Mark Mackaral: International Criminal Law (Mennecke) 638
Nico Krisch: Selbstverteidigung und kollektive Sicherheit (Nowrot) 640
Jan Neumann: Die Koordination des WTO-Rechts mit anderen völkerrechtlichen Ordnungen. Konflikte des materiellen Rechts und Konkurrenzen der Streitbeilegung (Finke) 643
Matthias Niedobitek: Das Recht grenzüberschreitender Verträge (Tietje) 647
Philippe Sands/Pierre Klein/Derek W. Bowett: Law of International Institutions (5th ed.) (Tams) 649
William A. Schabas: The Abolition of the Death Penalty in International Law (Orakhelashvili) 651
Christoph H. Schreuer: The ICSID Convention: A Commentary (Happ) 653
Bruno Simma et al. (eds.): The Charter of the United Nations - A Commentary (2nd ed.) (Zimmermann) 654
Christoph Tangermann: Die völkerrechtliche Immunität von Staatsoberhäuptern. Grundlagen und Grenzen; and Grit Hokema: Immunität von Staatsoberhäuptern (Tams) 656
Otto Triffterer (ed.): Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Observer's Notes, Article by Article; and Antonio Cassese/Paola Gaeta/John R. W. D. Jones (eds.): The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Commentary (Mennecke) 660
Michael Vogler: Defizite beim Schutz der Berufsfreiheit durch BVerfG und EuGH (Schultz) 662
Sandra Voos: Die Schule von New Haven. Darstellung und Kritik einer amerikanischen Völkerrechtslehre (Tams) 665
Liesbeth Zegveld: Accountability of Armed Opposition Groups in International Law (Orakhelashvili) 668
Books Received 670
List of Contributors 673