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Piergiovanni, V. (Ed.) (1993). The Growth of the Bank as Institution and the Development of Money-Business Law. Duncker & Humblot.
Piergiovanni, Vito. The Growth of the Bank as Institution and the Development of Money-Business Law. Duncker & Humblot, 1993. Book.
Piergiovanni, V (ed.) (1993): The Growth of the Bank as Institution and the Development of Money-Business Law, Duncker & Humblot, [online]


The Growth of the Bank as Institution and the Development of Money-Business Law

Editors: Piergiovanni, Vito

Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History, Vol. 12


Additional Information

Book Details


Table of Contents.

Section Title Page Action Price
Inhaltsverzeichnis 9
Peter Linehan: An Archbishop and his Bankers: Gonzalo Pérez Gudiel of Toledo 1280-1283 11
Julius Kirshner: Encumbering Private Claims to Public Debt in Renaissance Florence 19
Loans 32
Real Property 35
Dowries 38
Legacies and Gifts 53
Conclusion 57
Summary 58
Appendix I 59
Appendix II 64
Vito Piergiovanni: Banchieri e mercanti: Modelli di classificazione nella dottrina giuridica genovese 77
Summary: Bankers and Merchants in Medieval Law. Examples and Considerations 88
Daniel R. Coquillette: The Mystery of the New Fashioned Goldsmiths: From Usury to the Bank of England (1622-1694) 91
I. Introduction: The English Story 91
II. The Difference of a Century 92
III. The Elements of Change 95
1. A New Model of Usury 96
2. A Better Comprehension of Exchange Credit Balance of Trade 99
3. A Domestic Deposit and Transfer Banking System: the "New Fashioned Goldsmiths" 101
4. A Better Means to Manage the National Debt 104
IV. Conclusion 110
Summary 113
Appendix: The Mystery of the New Fashioned Goldsmiths or Bankers... 113
James Steven Rogers: The Problem of Accomodation Bills: Banking Theory and the Law of Bills in the Early Nineteenth Century 119
I. The Role of Normative Issues in Commercial Law 119
II. The Livesey Bankruptcy and Accomodation Bills 122
III. The Economic Context of the Accommodation Bills Cases 126
1. Bills of Exchange and Eighteenth Century Banking Practice 126
2. Bills of Exchange and Eighteenth Century Banking Theory 129
3. The Bank of England Suspension and the Bullion Controversy 131
IV. The Judicial Response to Accomodation Bills 134
1. The Livesey Fictitious Payee Cases 136
2. The Continuing Struggle with Accommodation Bills 140
3. The Denouement: Reaching an Accommodation with Accommodation Bills 146
V. Concluding Observations 149
1. The difficulties of seeing the Past 149
2. Thoughts on the Role of Law in Economic Controversies 151
Summary 154
Siegbert Lammel: Einige Aspekte der Emissionstätigkeit von Frankfurter Banken 157
I. Öffentliche Darlehen bis Anfang des 18. Jahrhunderts 157
II. Vom Privatgeschäft zum Kapitalmarkt 160
1. Wirtschaftliche Voraussetzungen 160
2. Zusammenarbeit in Emissionskonsortien 162
3. Zerlegung der Anteilscheine 168
4. Ausgabe von Inhaberpapieren 172
5. Bedeutung der Anleihekonditionen 175
III. Emission und Haftung 177
1. Prospektgestaltung als Haftungsgrundlage 177
2. Der Lucca-Pistoja-Aktien-Streit 181
a) Tatbestand 182
b) Entscheidungsgründe 184
IV. Ausblick 188
V. Summary 189
Bartolomé Clavero: Entre ocio de banco y negocio de cambio: Pecunia depositada bajo régimen catolico 191
I. 191
II. 194
III. 198
IV. 202
V. 206
VI. 210
VII. 214
VIII. 218
IX. 222
Summary 224
Carlos Petit: Signos Financieros y Cosas Mercantiles, ο los Descubiertos de la Ilustración Cambiaria 225
I. La presentación de una historia diversa 225
II. El banquero ante una Curia ilustrada 228
III. Los negocios de unos Gremios 233
IV. Los involuntarios límites de unos contratos 238
V. Los corolarios de una agricultura pecuniaria 250
VI. Las actividades bancarias de un Gobierno activo 256
VII. Las ordinarias servidumbres de un establecimiento cambiario extraordinario 265
VIII. La casa particular de un Banco Nacional 279
IX. Los signos de unas cosas 295
X. La constitutión Bancaria en las postrimerias de una sociedad 306
Summary: Financial Signs and Mercantile Things, or, the Overdrafts of the Exchange Englightenment 310
Eva-Christine Frentz: Cambio marittimo — Bodmerei — Respondentia: Kreditinstrumente des Kapitäns in der Kontroverse 311
I. Einleitung 311
II. Arten der Kreditaufnahme 316
1. Darlehen 319
2. Wechsel — Cambio marittimo 323
3. Ladungsnotverkauf 326
4. Bodmerei auf die Ladung — Respondentia 328
5. Bodmerei auf das Schiff 331
III. Orte der Kreditaufnahme 337
1. Kreditaufnahme vor Reisebeginn 338
2. Kreditaufnahme auf der Reise 339
IV. Beweisfragen zur Notwendigkeit der Kreditaufnahme 340
1. Notlage des Schiffes 340
2. Kreditverwendung zum Besten des Schiffes 342
V. Schlußbemerkung 342
Summary 343
Christopher P. Rodgers: Ransom Bills and Commercial Credit in English Law — an Early Excursus in Comparative Legal Science 345
Ransom: Practice and Organisation 345
Enforceability of Ransom in English Law 349
Legal Nature of Ransom: a problem of classification 351
(i) Contractual Status of Ransom bills 352
(ii) Relationship with Admiralty Jurisdiction 353
Postscript: the Demise of Ransom 355
Summary 357
Verzeichnis der Mitarbeiter 359