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Judicial Records, Law Reports, and the Growth of Case Law



Baker, J. (Ed.) (1989). Judicial Records, Law Reports, and the Growth of Case Law. Duncker & Humblot.
Baker, John H.. Judicial Records, Law Reports, and the Growth of Case Law. Duncker & Humblot, 1989. Book.
Baker, J (ed.) (1989): Judicial Records, Law Reports, and the Growth of Case Law, Duncker & Humblot, [online]


Judicial Records, Law Reports, and the Growth of Case Law

Editors: Baker, John H.

Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History, Vol. 5


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Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Preface 5
Inhaltsverzeichnis 13
J. H. Baker: Records, Reports and the Origins of Case-Law in England 15
I. The Sources 15
1. The Plea Rolls 15
2. The Year Books 17
2.1 Authorship of the Year Books 21
2.1.1 Some false Trails 21
2.1.2 The Year Books and the Apprentices 25
2.2 The Organisation of Year-Book Production 27
2.3 Changes in the Later Year Books 31
II. The Relationship between Year-Book and Record 34
III. English Law as Case-Law 37
Appendix I 42
1. Record of the Case of Corbet v. Scurye 42
2. Longer Report of the Case of Corbet v. Scurye 43
3. Shorter Report of the Case of Corbet v. Scurye 44
Appendix II 44
The Principal Tudor Reporters 44
J. Hilaire et C. Bloch: Connaissance des décisions de justice et origine de la jurisprudence 47
I. 47
II. 53
III. 60
IV. 68
G. Dolezalek: Reports of the "Rota" (14th - 19th centuries) 69
1. Activity of the Apostolic See as a law court 69
2. Papal Auditors and their Deliberations "in Rota" 70
3. The Records 73
4. The Reports (called "Quaestiones motae in Rota", or "Decisiones Rotae") 77
5. Rotal Reports and the Principle of Stare Decisis 81
Appendix I 82
Specimen of Records of a Case, c. 1358 - 1365 82
Appendix II 98
Specimen report 98
Mario Ascheri: La decisione nelle corti giudiziarie italiane del Tre-Quattrocento e il caso della Mercanzia di Siena 101
I. 101
II. 105
III. 107
IV. 112
V. 120
F. Ebel: Aufzeichnung von Ratsurteilen und Schöffensprüchen im Lübecker und Magdeburger Rechtskreis 123
I. Die Ausgangslage 123
1. Die Oberhofsysteme 124
2. Das Stadtbuchwesen 124
II. Der Rechtszug nach Lübeck 126
III. Der Rechtszug nach Magdeburg 128
1. Das Fehlen von Provenienz-Registern 128
2. Der Rechtszug 129
3. Die Empfängersammlungen 131
4. Systematisierungen 133
5. Gründe für die Anlage der Sammlungen 134
6. Verbreitung, Geheimhaltung 134
7. Die Autorität der Sammlungen 135
8. Entwicklungen, Forschungsaufgaben 136
Original-Schöffenspruch aus Ms. Oxford BL Laud. Misc. 741 fol. 39 138
Unsystematische Sammlung nach der Hs. Ossolineum / Breslau Ms. 2012 (aus Pilzno / Galizien; 14. Jh. 139
(Systematische) Magdeburger Fragen, nach der Edition von J. F. Behrend, Berlin 1865 140
G. Vallone: Le decisiones di Matteo d’Afflitto 143
I. Records e reports 143
1. ll Sacro Regio Consiglio e la registrazione delle decisioni 143
2. Credito e discredito della raccolta dafflittiana 147
3. Prova definitiva e problemi della letteratura giuridica a stampa 151
II. Problemi giuridici 156
1. La „sententia principis" nel diritto comune 156
2. La teorica dafflittiana della „sententia" e le „binae iudicaturae" 158
3. I problemi della certezza: il difetto di motivazione 161
4. ... il cumulo ed ancora il difetto di motivazione 163
5. I „decreta junctis Aulis" 166
6. Fatto e diritto nell’ordinamento processuale: lo „stilus" ed altro 169
7. lus commune, ius proprium e communis opinio nella raccolta dafflittiana 174
Alain Wijffels: Legal Records and Reports in the Great Council of Malines (15th to 18th Centuries) 181
1. Case-law in the Great Council: the Sources 182
1.1 Archival Sources 182
1.1.1 Registers of "Extended Sentences" 182
1.1.2 Registers and Collections of Dicta 184
1.1.3 Other Registers 185
1.1.4 Files of Proceedings 185
1.2 Collections of Case-Law 186
1.2.1 Guillaume de Grysperre (c. 1544 - 1622) 188
1.2.2 Pierre de Cuvelier (? - 1628) 189
1.2.3 Claude de Humyn (c. 1582 - 1639) 190
1.2.4 Nicolas du Fief (1578 - 1651) 191
1.2.5 Paul van Christynen (Christinaeus, 1553 - 1631) 193
1.2.6 Remy-Albert du Laury (? -1716) 196
1.2.7 Jean-Alphonse de Coloma (1677 - 1739) 198
1.2.8 Jean-Baptiste Hony (? - 1765) 199
2. Judicial Precedent in the Practice of the Great Council 200
3. The Great Council and the "Reception of Roman Law" in the Low Countries 203
J. Th. De Smidt: The "Hoge Raad" in the Province of the United Netherlands 207
Andrea Romano: Tribunali, Giudici e Sentenze nel „Regnum Siciliae" (1130 - 1516) 211
Premessa 211
I. L'ordinamento giudiziario del „Regnum Siciliae" Tribunali e procedure 214
1. L’età normanna 214
2. Verso la delineazione di un „ordo iudiciarus" L’età sveva ed angioina 230
3. L’età aragonese 239
4. „Curiae" e „ritus". L’ordinamento giudiziario siciliano da Alfonso il Magnanimo a Ferdinando il Cattolico 246
II. Resoconti giudiziari, „decisiones", „allegationes" 259
1. Struttura e rilevanza processuale delle sentenze L’età del regno (1130 - 1412) 259
2. „Decisiones", „allegationes", „consilia" L’età del viceregno. Le raccolte édité di sentenze siciliane 270
3. „Decisiones" e „stilus curiarum". Conclusioni 281
Appendice documentaria 285
Summary: Tribunali, Giudici e Sentenze nel "Regnum Siciliae'' (1130-1516) 300
Filippo Ranieri: Die archivalischen und literarischen Quellen aus der Judikatur des Reichskammergerichts (16. - 17. Jahrhundert) 303
I. Die archivalische Überlieferung der Prozeßakten 304
II. Die Entscheidungssammlungen des Reichskammergerichts 309
III. Kammergerichtliche Aktenrelationen und Stilus Curiae 312
Anlage: Die Zeitgenössischen Entscheidungssammlungen der Judikatur des Reichskammergerichts aus dem 16. und 17. Jahrhundert 315
W. H. Bryson: Law Reporting and Legal Records in Virginia, 1607 - 1800 319
I. Introduction 319
II. County Courts 320
III. The General Court 322
IV. Privy Council; Court of Appeals 324
V. Intermediary Courts (1776 - 1800) 326
1. High Court of Chancery 326
2. District Courts 327
3. Admiralty Courts 328
VI. General Conclusion 328
Appendix 329
County Court Records 329
Select Bibliography 335
W. E. Butler: The Role of Case-Law in the Russian Legal System 337
I. Russian Court Organisation 337
II. The Role of Individual Cases 345
Verzeichnis der Mitarbeiter 353