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Piergiovanni, V. (Ed.) (2005). From lex mercatoria to commercial law. Duncker & Humblot.
Piergiovanni, Vito. From lex mercatoria to commercial law. Duncker & Humblot, 2005. Book.
Piergiovanni, V (ed.) (2005): From lex mercatoria to commercial law, Duncker & Humblot, [online]


From lex mercatoria to commercial law

Editors: Piergiovanni, Vito

Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History, Vol. 24


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Book Details



The argument of lex mercatoria - because of its important implications mainly in the international and commercial field of great interest to the jurist of civil law - is also fundamental to the historian of law. In fact, it can be considered both as a witness of new commercial legal institutions risen from the practice of affairs and defined by an international juridical science, and as a moment of crisis of the consolidated system since the first codes of the juridical sources. The authors of the articles collected in the present volume are historians of law of different cultural background and provenience. The publication at issue was conceived as an almost obligatory intervention in a debate which rather scantily considers epistemology as well as disciplinary boundaries.

Each single study highlights a different aspect of the lex mercatoria and its relationship to the ius commune, studying both under different perspectives. The authors explore well-founded historical evidence across a broad chronological period from the Middle Ages until the nineteenth century, acrossing institutional settings differing both politically and operationally.

The historical problem of the lex mercatoria is mainly dealt with from the point of view of the sources. The volume collects general studies in relation to the problem of the existence of the lex mercatoria and more specific items - many of them dedicated to the maritime law. Thus different keys of interpretation are given concerning the development of the European commercial law.

Table of Contents.

Section Title Page Action Price
Table of Contents 5
DANIEL R. COQUILLETTE: „Mourning Venice and Genoa“: Joseph Story, Legal Education, and the Lex Mercatoria 11
I. Story’s Youth in Salem 12
II. Story at Harvard Law School 14
III. Story and the Lex Mercatoria 26
IV. Story’s Judicial Opinions 33
V. Story’s Contemporaries 38
VI. Conclusion 41
Appendix I 43
Law Institute of Harvard University „Course of Study“ 43
Appendix II 47
Joseph Story’s Academie Career (1815–1845) 47
Appendix III 48
David Hoffman’s Required Cases for the Lex Mercatoria Curriculum (2d ed. 1836) 48
ALBRECHT CORDES: The search for a medieval Lex mercatoria 53
CHARLES DONAHUE, JR.: Benvenuto Stracca’s De Mercatura: Was There a Lex mercatoria in Sixteenth-Century Italy? 69
I. Introduction 69
II. Stracca’s De Mercatura 78
III. Equity in the Courts of Merchants 84
IV. The Exceptio procuratoria 89
V. The Exceptio excussionis 98
VI. Conclusion 106
Appendix 1. 115
Outline of Stracca’s De Mercatura 115
Appendix 2. 117
Contents of Stracca’s De Mercatura 117
RICCARDO FERRANTE: Codification and Lex mercatoria: the maritime law of the second book of the Code de commerce (1808) 121
MAURA FORTUNATI: The fairs between lex mercatoria and ius mercatorum 143
KNUT WOLFGANG NÖRR UND KERSTIN SCHLECHT: Zur Entwicklung der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit in Deutschland: Gesetze und Entwürfe des 19. Jahrhunderts 165
I. Lex Mercatoria und Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit: zur Einführung in das Thema 165
II. Die Bedeutung des Schiedsgerichts im zeitlichen Wandel 166
III. Überblick über die regelungsbedürftigen Themen 169
IV. Bindung des Schiedsrichters an die staatlichen Gesetze 171
V. Staatliche Kontrolle von Schiedssprüchen: ordentliche Rechtsbehelfe 173
VI. Staatliche Kontrolle von Schiedssprüchen: außerordentliche Rechtsbehelfe 175
VII. Gesetzgebung in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts: Politik oder reine Pragmatik? 181
ANTONIO PADOA-SCHIOPPA: The Genoese commenda and implicita in a Discursus by Casaregis 183
VITO PIERGIOVANNI: Genoese Civil Rota and mercantile customary law 191
I. Preamble 191
II. Genoa’s medieval mercantile Courts and the birth of the Civil Rota in 1528 191
III. The ‘Decisiones de mercatura’ and the sources of Genoese law applicable to merchants: the ‘regulae Rotae’ 192
IV. Stylus et consuetudo mercatoria 196
V. ‘Communis stylus mercatorum’ 198
VI. The exchange contract, trial rules and the insurance contract 198
VII. The richness and organizational variety of the medieval and modern mercantile world 201
VIII. Historiography and sources of the lex mercatoria in the past and the future 203
JAMES W. SHEPHARD: The Rôles d’Oléron: A lex mercatoria of the Sea? 207
I. What is the Rôles d’Oléron 208
1. The Manuscripts 209
2. The Subject Matter 212
a) The Original Version 213
b) The Brittany Version 215
c) The Black Book Version 215
II. The Origins of the Rôles d’Oléron 217
1. The Historiography 217
2. The Background Conditions 221
a) The Wine Trade 221
aa) The Geographical Limits 221
bb) Historical Development of the Wine Trade 230
b) The Ship 234
3. When, Where, Why and by Whom 238
a) When 238
b) Where 240
c) Why and by Whom 243
III. Conclusion 249
ALAIN WIJFFELS: Business Relations Between Merchants in Sixteenth-Century Belgian Practice-Orientated Civil Law Literature 255
I. The ius commune as the ‘operating system’ for legal arguments 261
II. The qualification of merchants’ law as ius proprium 264
III. Aequitas mercatoria 276
IV. Policy considerations 283
Conclusion 289