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Bonfield, L. (Ed.) (1992). Marriage, Property and Succession. Duncker & Humblot.
Bonfield, Lloyd. Marriage, Property and Succession. Duncker & Humblot, 1992. Book.
Bonfield, L (ed.) (1992): Marriage, Property and Succession, Duncker & Humblot, [online]


Marriage, Property and Succession

Editors: Bonfield, Lloyd

Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History, Vol. 10


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Book Details


Table of Contents.

Section Title Page Action Price
Table of Contents 5
Introduction 7
The Continent 13
Philippe Godding: Le droit au service du patrimoine familial: les Pays-Bas méridionaux (12ème - 18ème siècles) 15
I. La famille 15
II. Le patrimoine 17
III. Patrimoine et autonomie de la volonté 19
IV. Régimes matrimoniaux et successions: traits communs 22
V. Les régimes matrimoniaux 23
VI. Le droit successoral 27
VII. Conclusions 32
Robert Feenstra: Family, Property and Succession in the Province of Holland during the Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries 37
Manlio Bellomo: La struttura patrimoniale della famiglia italiana nel tardo medioevo 53
I. Premessa 53
II. I cespiti patrimoniali: ‘Patrimonium’, ‘peculia’, ‘dos’, ‘parapherna’, ‘donatio propter nuptias’ 56
1. Il ‘Patrimonium’ 56
2. I ‘peculia’ 58
3. La ‘dos’ e i ‘parapherna’ 61
4. La ‘donatio propter nuptias’ 62
III. L’emancipazione e il ‘praemium emancipations’ 63
IV. La ‘patria potestas’ e lo ‘ius in personis filiorum’ 65
V. La coesione e l’articolazione familiare: i problemi della volontà individuate e collettiva 67
Andrea Romano: Successioni e difesa del patrimonio familiare nel Regno di Sicilia 71
0. Patrimonio familiare e successioni mortis causa. Alcuni problemi preliminari 71
1. Famiglia e devoluzione del patrimonio in Sicilia 76
2. La legislazione regia 78
3. Il patrimonio familiare. Matrimoni ‘alla latina’ e ‘alla grechisca’. La generalis consuetudo Regni 84
4. Patrimonio familiare e sua devoluzione mortis causa 97
5. Successioni e ius pheudale siculum 104
6. Successioni mortis causa e conservazione dei beni familiari. Verso un modello di famiglia agnatizia 114
7. Fedecommessi e maggioraschi. L’influenza spagnola e la dottrina siciliana: verso l’inalienabilità del patrimonio familiare 126
8. Difesa della proprietà familiare e jus prothomiseos 138
9. Conclusioni 143
Summary 146
Fonti giuridiche di particolare interesse 148
Maria Carla Zorzoli: Della famiglia e del suo patrimonio: riflessioni sull’uso del fedecommesso in lombardia tra cinque e seicento 155
I. Fedecommesso di famiglia 158
II. Testamenti lombardi 166
III. Fedecommessi lombardi 177
IV. I soggetti e il patrimonio: erede gravato, fedecommissario onorato 189
V. Prohibitio alienandi: il blocco del patrimonio familiare 200
Bartolomé Clavero: Favor maioratus, usus Hispaniae: Moralidad de linaje entre Castilla y Europa 215
I. 215
II. 220
III. 225
IV. 227
V. 232
VI. 236
VII. 239
VIII. 242
IX. 245
X. 248
Michel Petitjean: Eléments d’une politique patrimoniale de l’aristocratie à travers l’exemple bourguignon 255
I. La Constitution d’un patrimoine 258
La formation du domaine ducal 259
L’exemple ducal suivi par l’aristocratie 261
Tendance à la spéculation 263
La recherche d’un bon parti 264
II. La gestion du patrimoine 266
Terriers et livres de raison 267
Le faire-valoir direct 269
Erection en dignité 270
La rente, un procédé efficace, mais dangereux 271
Une double protection: le retrait lignager ... 273 le mariage divis 276
III. La transmission du patrimoine 277
De l’interdiction d’avantager un héritier ... 277
... à la liberté de disposer «mortis causa» 278
Testaments et substitutions ... 280
... pour assurer la pérennité du nom et l’intégrité du patrimoine 281
England 285
Lloyd Bonfield: Property Settlements on Marriage in England from the Anglo-Saxons to the Mid-Eighteenth Century 287
I. 287
II. 292
III. 299
IV. 306
V. 308
R. H. Helmholz: The English Law of Wills and the ius commune, 1450 - 1640 309
Introduction 309
Testamentary Jurisdiction in England 310
Use of Continental Sources in English Ecclesiastical Law 312
Strategies of Family Settlement in English Practice 316
Ecclesiastical Practice and English Common Law 323
Conclusion 326
Michael M. Sheehan: The Bequest of Land in England in the High Middle Ages: Testaments and the Law 327
The Problem of Sources 329
Anglo-Saxon Survivals 330
How Testators Exercised Their Power to Bequeath 332
Attempts to Control the Devolution of Land after Death 334
Charles Donahue, JR.: English and French Marriage Cases in the Later Middle Ages: Might the Differences be Explained by Differences in the Property Systems? 339
I. The Difference Between English and French Medieval Marriage Cases 339
II. Patterns of Inheritance and Marital Property 348
III. What Does the Property Difference Explain? 350
IV. What the Difference in Property Systems Does Not Explain 356
Verzeichnis der Mitarbeiter 367