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Delbrück, J., Hofmann, R., Zimmermann, A. (Eds.) (1990). German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht. Vol. 32 (1989). Duncker & Humblot.
Delbrück, Jost; Hofmann, Rainer and Zimmermann, Andreas. German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht: Vol. 32 (1989). Duncker & Humblot, 1990. Book.
Delbrück, J, Hofmann, R, Zimmermann, A (eds.) (1990): German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht: Vol. 32 (1989), Duncker & Humblot, [online]


German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht

Vol. 32 (1989)

Editors: Delbrück, Jost | Hofmann, Rainer | Zimmermann, Andreas

German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht, Vol. 32


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Book Details



The German Yearbook of International Law, founded as the Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht, provides an annual report on new developments in international law and is edited by the Walther Schücking Institute for International Law at the Kiel University. Since its inception in 1948, the Yearbook has endeavored to make a significant academic contribution to the ongoing development of international law. Over many decades the Yearbook has moved beyond its origins as a forum for German scholars to publish their research and has become a highly-regarded international forum for innovative scholarship in international law. In 1976, the Yearbook adopted its current title and began to publish contributions written in English in order to reach the largest possible international audience. This editorial decision has enabled the Yearbook to successfully overcome traditional language barriers and inform an international readership about current research in German academic institutions and, at the same time, to present international viewpoints to its German audience. Fully aware of the paramount importance of international practice, the Yearbook publishes contributions from active practitioners of international law on a regular basis. The Yearbook also includes critical comments on German state practice relating to international law, as well as international reactions to that practice.

Table of Contents.

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents 5
Stephen Zamora: Is There Customary International Economic Law? 9
I. Introduction 9
1. The Role (or non-Role) of Customary International Economic Law 10
2. International Economic Law Defined 13
3. Customary International Law and the New International Economic Order 15
II. Basic Elements of Customary International Law 18
1. State Practice 18
2. Opinio Juris 21
3. Codification of Customary International Law 22
III. Possible Areas of Customary International Economic Law 23
1. Expropriation 23
2. Economic Coercion 25
3. The Most-Favoured-Nation Principle 28
4. International Monetary Law 29
5. Other Legal Subjects 31
a) Sovereign Immunity 31
b) Extraterritorial Effects of Government Regulation 32
c) Regulation of Multinational Enterprises 33
IV. Common Characteristics of Customary International Economic Law 34
1. The Passive Character of Customary International Economic Law 34
2. The „Soft Law“ Nature of Customary International Economic Law 34
3. Customary International Economic Law at the Extremes of Economic Behaviour 35
V. Customary International Economic Law and the Courts 36
VI. An Assessment of the Analytical Framework for Customary International Economic Law 38
1. Weaknesses in Customary International Law Analysi 38
2. Customary Law and the Element of Exchange in International Economic Law 39
3. The Role of Custom in an Evolving World Economy 40
VII. Conclusion – The True Role of Custom in International Economic Law 41
Ignaz Seidl-Hohenveldern: Piercing the Corporate Veil of International Organizations: The International Tin Council Case in the English Court of Appeal 43
Ibrahim F. I. Shihata: The „Gold Dollar“ as a Measure of Capital Valuation after Termination of the Par Value System: The Case of IBRD Capital 55
I. Introduction 55
II. Determination of the Standard of Value for the Bank's Capital – A Legal Analysis 59
1. Power of Interpretation of the Bank's Articles of Agreement 59
2. Practice of Other Agencies 63
3. Judicial Practice 65
4. Interpretation of the Provisions of Article //, Section 2 (a) of the Bank's Articles of Agreements 69
a) Implications of the Issue 69
b) Conflicting Interpretations 70
III. Work of the First Ad-Hoc Committee on Valuation of Bank Capital and the Executive Directors' Decision of 14 October 1986 75
IV. The Issue Revisited – Options before the Second Ad-Hoc Committee 79
1. Establishment and Task of the New Committee 79
2. Options Before the Committee 82
V. Conclusion 85
Francis Snyde: European Community Law and Third World Food Entitlements 87
I. Introduction 87
II. Internal Policies with External Consequences 90
III. The Third Lomé Convention 96
IV. Other External Relations 103
V. Concluding Remarks on Law and Policy 107
Julius Emeka Okolo: ECOWAS Regional Cooperation Regime 111
I. The Treaty for ECOWAS Cooperation 111
1. General Background 111
2. Legal-Institutional Issues of the Treaty 113
a) The Community's Aims and Purposes 113
b) Membership Rights and Obligations 117
c) Institutional Structure of the Community 118
aa) The Authority 118
bb) Council of Ministers 119
cc) The Executive Secretariat 119
dd) The Tribunal of the Community 121
ee) Technical and Specialized Commissions 121
ff) Financial Controls 123
d) Features of Institutional Issues 124
aa) Free Trade and Common External Tariff 124
bb) Free Movement of Peoples 126
cc) Defence Pact 128
dd) Sectoral Industrial Planning and Related Matters 130
ee) Institutional Mechanisms and Treaty Implementation 132
II. Relations with Other Regional and International Bodies 132
III. The Future of ECOWAS 134
Jean-Pierre Quéneudec: Les rapports entre zone de pêche et zone économique exclusive 138
I. Une équivalence relative 139
1. Les Droits de L'Etat côtier 140
2. Les obligations de L'Etat côtier 143
3. La nature des compétences de L'Etat côtier 146
II. Une assimilation impossible 147
1. Les raisons 148
2. Les conséquences 151
Francis Auburn: The Erebus Disaster 156
I. The Accident 156
II. The Air Accident Report 157
III. Royal Commission 160
IV. Chief Inspector's Comments 165
V. Civil Aviation Review 167
VI. Court of Appeal 168
VII. Privy Council 175
VIII. New Zealand Litigation 177
IX. The Mason Case 183
X. Beattie and Its Implications 184
XI. Recommendation X-8 190
Mechthild Minkner: Central American Integration: Evolution, Experiences and Perspectives 195
I. Introduction 195
II. Central American Integration: an Overview 196
1. Historical Background, Political and Economic Origins of the Integration Movement 196
2. Stages of the Integration Process 198
a) 1st period (1951–1960) 198
b) 2nd period (1960–1965) 199
c) 3rd period (1965–1969) 199
d) 4th period (1970–1975) 200
e) 5th period (1975–1980) 200
f) 6th period: the Post-1979 Crisis 200
III. The Central American Common Market: a Successful Attempt at Economic Integration? 202
1. The Role of ECLA and the United States 203
2. Development and Effects of the CACM until 1969 204
a) Trade Liberalization and External Tariff 204
b) Integration Industries 206
c) Harmonization of Fiscal Incentives 207
d) Financing of the Integration Process 207
e) Institutions and Mechanisms for Monetary Policy 208
f) Organs of the General Treaty 209
3. The 1969-Crisis and the Attempts at Reconstruction of the Common Market 209
4. The Post-1979 Crisis of the CACM 214
IV. The Virtual Collapse of the Integration Process: Effect of the Crisis of the 1980s 215
1. The Evolution of Regional Trade 216
2. Performance of the Industrial Sector 218
3. The Situation of the Institutional Framework 219
4. The Behaviour of the Public and Private Sectors Toward the Integration Process in Crisis 221
V. The Attempts at Integrational Restructuring in the '80s 222
1. The Common External Tariff and the Fiscal Incentive Systems 222
2. Regional Cooperation in the Industrial and Agricultural Sector 225
a) Industrial Cooperation 225
b) Cooperation in Agriculture 227
3. Legal Aspects and Institutional Framework 228
VI. Role of the U.S. and Western Europe in Reactivating Integration 235
1. The U.S.-Position 235
2. Western Europe's Role 235
VII. Assessment and Perspectives of the CACM and of the Integration Movement 237
Alexandre Kiss: Nouvelles tendances en droit international de l'environnement 241
I. La première approche: la protection de l'environnement envisagée en tant que rapport bilatéral entre Etats 244
II. La globalisation et les transformations de la technique juridique 252
1. La globalisation du droit international de l'environnement 252
a) L'importance croissante des problèmes transversaux 252
b) De la réglementation transversale à la réglementation globale 256
2. Evolution des techniques juridiques 259
Claudio Grossman: Proposals to Strengthen the Inter-American System of Protection of Human Rights 264
I. Introduction 264
II. Outline of the System 265
1. Tensions 265
a) Municipal or International Protection 265
b) Moral or Legal Obligation 266
c) Political, Judicial or Semi-Judicial Supervision 268
2. Political Forces 269
III. Accomplishments 270
IV. Suggestions for Development of the System 274
1. Strengthening the Organs 274
2. Promotional Activities 275
3. Areas of Particular Interest 276
a) Disappearances 276
b) Economic, Social and Cultural Rights 277
c) Direct Representation 277
d) Emergency Situations 278
e) Grass Roots Organizations 278
V. Conclusion 279
Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann: The Mid-Term Review Agreements of the Uruguay Round and the 1989 Improvements to the GATT Dispute Settlement Procedures 280
I. The First Two Years of the Uruguay Round 280
II. The Work of the Negotiating Group on Dispute Settlement up to the Mid-Term Review 285
III. The 1989 Mid-Term Review Agreements: an Overview 289
1. Surveillance of Standstill and Rollback 289
2. Tariffs 291
3. Non-Tariff-Measures 291
4. Natural Resource-Based Products 292
5. Textiles and Clothing 292
6. Agriculture 293
7. Tropical Products 293
8. GATT Articles 294
9. MTN Agreements and Arrangemen 294
10. Safeguards 295
11. Subsidies and Countervailing Measures 296
12. Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Including Trade in Counterfeit Goods 296
13. Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMS) 299
14. Dispute Settlement 299
15. Functioning of the GATT System („FOGS“) 306
a) Trade Policy Review Mechanism 307
b) Greater Ministerial Involvement in the GATT 307
c) Increasing the Contribution of the GATT to Achieving Greater Coherence in Global Economic Policy-Making 307
16. Group of Negotiations on Services 308
IV. Outlook: Reciprocity, Globality and the Future of the GATT-MTN System 310
Annex 316
P. R. Ghandhi: The Human Rights Committee and Derogation in Public Emergencies 323
I. The Incidence of Derogation in Public Emergencies 323
II. The Derogation Clause 327
III. General Comments under Article 40 (4) of the Covenant 330
IV. The Jurisprudence under the Right of Individual Communication 334
V. The Paris Minimum Standards of Human Rights Norms in a State of Emergency 345
VI. The Siracusa Principles: Derogation Provisions in the Covenan 350
VII. Conclusions 357
Ravi Tennekoon: Regulation of London's Financial Markets Under the Financial Services Act 1986 362
I. Background 362
II. „Authorisation“ of Investment Business 363
III. Extraterritorial Application of Section 3 366
IV. Exempt Persons 368
V. Routes to Authorisation 370
VI. Enforcement of the Requirement of Authorisation 370
VII. Advertisements 371
VIII. Unsolicited Calls 374
IX. Misleading Statements 375
X. Market Manipulation and Market Rigging 375
XI. Client Money 377
XII. Issues of Securities 378
XIII. Conduct of Business Rules 379
XIV. Overall Structure and Conclusions 381
Volker Röben: Le précédent dans la jurisprudence de la Cour internationale 382
I. Introduction 382
II. Régime légal et pratique jurisprudentielle du précédent 384
III. Essais de concilier régime légal et pratique en matière de précédent 398
IV. Conclusions 406
Otto Kimminich: Anmerkung zu den Entscheidungen des Verfassungsgerichtshofes der Republik Österreich vom 21.6.1988, Β 400/87-10 und Β 625/87-8 408
R. W. Bentham: The Law of Development: International Contracts 418
I. Introduction 418
II. The Lawyer's Role 419
III. The Importance of a Binding Contract 420
IV. Jurisdiction and Dispute Settlement 421
V. International Arbitration 422
VI. Choice of Venue 423
VII. Applicable Law 425
VIII. „Stabilisation“ Clauses 425
IX. Force Majeure and Change: Review Provisions 429
X. Other Provisions and the Language of the Contract 431
XI. The Background to International Contracts: Bilateral Treaties 432
XII. Conclusion 433
Eva-Maria Schulze und Stefan Schuppert: Die Rechtsprechung des Internationalen Gerichtshofes in den Jahren 1987 und 1988 435
I. Fall betreffend bewaffnete Grenz- und grenzüberschreitende Zwischenfälle 435
A. 436
B. 438
II. Fall betreffend bewaffnete Grenz- und grenzüberschreitende Zwischenfälle 441
III. Fall betreffend militärische und paramilitärische Aktivitäten in und gegen Nicaragua 441
IV. Fall betreffend Elettronica Sicula S.p.A. (ELSI) 442
V. Fall betreffend die Grenzstreitigkeit (Burkina Faso/Mali) 443
VI. Fall betreffend die Land-, Insel- und Seegrenzstreitigkeiten 443
VII. Antrag auf Überprüfung des Urteils Nr. 333 des Verwaltungsgerichts der Vereinten Nationen 444
A. 444
B. 445
Wulf Hermann: Die Tätigkeit des Nordischen Rates im Jahre 1987 450
I. Die Generaldebatte 451
II. Die Fachausschüsse 453
1. Der Wirtschaftsausschuß 453
2. Der Kulturausschuß 457
3. Der Sozial- und Umweltausschuß 458
4. Der Kommunikationsausschuß 459
5. Der Rechtsausschuß 461
6. Der Haushalts- und Kontrollausschuß 461
Carsten H. Krage: Die Tätigkeit des Nordischen Rates im Jahre 1988 463
I. Die ordentliche Jahrestagung 463
1. Die Generaldebatte 463
2. Die Fachausschüsse 466
a) Der Wirtschaftsausschuß 467
b) Der Sozial- und Umweltausschuß 469
c) Der Kommunikationsauschuß 472
d) Der Rechtsausschuß 473
e) Der Kulturausschuß 474
f) Der Haushalts- und Kontrollausschuß 475
II. Die außerordentliche Sitzung 475
Karen Rickers: Die Tätigkeit des Europarates im Jahre 1988 478
I. Organisatorische Fragen; Allgemeines 478
II. Behandlung allgemeinpolitischer Themen im Europarat 479
III. Rechtsvereinheitlichung und rechtliche Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten; Verträge und Empfehlungen 485
IV. Schutz der Menschenrechte 489
Book Reviews 501
Books Received 540
List of Contributors 542