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German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht



Delbrück, J., Hofmann, R., Zimmermann, A. (Eds.) (1985). German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht. Vol. 27 (1984). Duncker & Humblot.
Delbrück, Jost; Hofmann, Rainer and Zimmermann, Andreas. German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht: Vol. 27 (1984). Duncker & Humblot, 1985. Book.
Delbrück, J, Hofmann, R, Zimmermann, A (eds.) (1985): German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht: Vol. 27 (1984), Duncker & Humblot, [online]


German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht

Vol. 27 (1984)

Editors: Delbrück, Jost | Hofmann, Rainer | Zimmermann, Andreas

German Yearbook of International Law / Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht, Vol. 27


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Book Details



The German Yearbook of International Law, founded as the Jahrbuch für Internationales Recht, provides an annual report on new developments in international law and is edited by the Walther Schücking Institute for International Law at the Kiel University. Since its inception in 1948, the Yearbook has endeavored to make a significant academic contribution to the ongoing development of international law. Over many decades the Yearbook has moved beyond its origins as a forum for German scholars to publish their research and has become a highly-regarded international forum for innovative scholarship in international law. In 1976, the Yearbook adopted its current title and began to publish contributions written in English in order to reach the largest possible international audience. This editorial decision has enabled the Yearbook to successfully overcome traditional language barriers and inform an international readership about current research in German academic institutions and, at the same time, to present international viewpoints to its German audience. Fully aware of the paramount importance of international practice, the Yearbook publishes contributions from active practitioners of international law on a regular basis. The Yearbook also includes critical comments on German state practice relating to international law, as well as international reactions to that practice.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
In Memoriam Ralph F. Fuchs. March 8, 1899 – February 7, 1985 9
Edward H. Buehrig: Patterns of Authority in International Law 11
I. 12
II. 13
III. 16
IV. 22
V. 26
A Bibliographical Note 27
Klaus Bockslaff: The Pipeline Affair of 1981/82: A Case History 28
Detlev F. Vagts: The Pipeline Controversy: An American Viewpoint 38
I. The Sources of the Embargo in U.S. Institutions 38
II. United States International Law Theory 43
III. The Theories Applied: The Pipeline Case 48
Α. V. Lowe: International Law Issues Arising in the „Pipeline“ Dispute: the British Position 54
I. Introduction 54
II. The Legal Issues 55
1. The Burden of Proof 55
2. Territoriality as a Basis of Jurisdiction 58
3. Nationality as a Basis of Jurisdiction 60
4. Jurisdiction over Goods 64
5. Submission to Jurisdiction by Private Agreement 65
6. Conclusions on International Law Arguments 66
7. The British Response 67
Pieter Jan Kuyper: The European Community and the US Pipeline Embargo: Comments on Comments 72
I. Introduction 72
II. The Comments of the European Community 76
1. General 76
2. The Territoriality Principle 77
3. The Nationality Principle; US Subsidiaries 78
4. The Nationality Principle; US Origin Goods and Technology 82
5. Clash of Public Policies? 83
6. Abuse of Rights? 84
7. Other Bases of Jurisdiction 87
8. The Amendments under US Law 88
9. Conclusion 92
III. Towards a Community Blocking Statute? 94
Karl M. Meessen: Extraterritoriality of Export Control: A German Lawyer's Analysis of the Pipeline Case 97
I. Extraterritoriality: One Among Several Troubling Aspects 97
II. Pipelines Put Into Perspective 98
III. The Antitrust Approach 99
IV. Basis of Jurisdiction Regarding Foreign-State-to-Foreign-State Exports 100
V. Exercise of Jurisdiction in Cases of Concurrent Jurisdiction 102
VI. Double Standardin Favor of Third States? 106
Jürgen Basedow: Private Law Effects of Foreign Export Controls – An International Case Report – 109
I. Introduction 110
II. Types of Export Restrictions 112
III. "Enforcement" and "Effects“ of Forign Export Restrictions 115
1. Government Claims – Enforcement 116
2. Private Litigation – Effects 118
IV. Evasion Contracts 119
1. Claims for Delivery and Damages 120
2. Claims for Consideration 124
3. Insurance Claims 126
4. Contention of Transferred Rights 128
V. Compliance Contracts 129
1. Excuse of Nonperformance 129
2. Specific Contract Clauses 136
VI. Conclusion: The European Perspective 139
Stanley C. A. Obeyesekere: International Economic Co-operation Through International Law: The IMF Agreement and the Recognition of Foreign Exchange Control Regulations 142
Α. Introduction 142
B. The Pre-IMF Period 144
C. The IMF Era 146
D. Scope of Article VIII, Section 2(b) 148
E. Interpretation of Article VIII, Section 2(b) by National Courts 159
1. Exchange Contracts 160
2. Involve the Currency 163
3. „Of Any Member“ and „Of That Member“ 167
4. Which are Contrary 169
5. Exchange Control Regulations 171
6. Maintained or Imposed 174
7. Consistently with this Agreement 178
8. Shall be Unenforceable 184
9. Territories of Any Member 189
F. Conclusion 190
G. E. do Nascimento e Silva: The Influence of Science and Technology on International Law 196
Influence on the Sources of International Law 198
International Spaces 204
Environmental Pollution 206
Albrecht Weber: Safeguards in International Economic Organizations in Times of Crisis – with Special Reference to the European Economic Community 212
I. Delimitation of Safeguard Mechanisms 212
1. Escape Clauses 213
2. „Ordre-public Clauses“ 214
a) General Exceptions 214
b) Security and Emergency Exceptions 214
3. Reservations of National Sovereignty 214
4. Preferential Arrangements 215
5. Transitional Regulations 215
6. Waiver 216
7. Adaptation and Compensatory Mechanisms 216
a) Compensatory Measures 216
b) Adaptation and Readaptation Clauses 216
II. Functions and Character of Safeguard and Ordre-Public Clauses 217
1. Legal Character 218
2. Functions 218
III. Free Movement of Goods 219
1. Escape and Public-Policy Clauses Concerning the Tree Movement of Goods in the EE 219
a) Common Customs Tariffs 219
b) Deflection of Trade 220
c) Public Policy (Art. 36 EEC) 221
2. Escape and Ordre-Public Clauses not Restricted to the Free Movement of Goods 222
IV. Free Movement of Workers; Freedom of Establishment and Freedom to Provide Services 222
1. Free Movement of Workers 222
2. Right of Establishment and Freedom to Provide Services 223
V. Exchange Rates and Balance of Payments Difficulties (Art.107, 108 para. 3, 109) 224
1. Safeguard Clause Against Alterations of Exchange Rates Distorting Competition (Art. 107 para. 2 EEC) 224
2. Escape Clauses in Balance of Payment Difficulties (Artt. 108 para. 3, 109 EEC) 225
VI. Escape Clauses Restricted to the Free Movement of Capital (Artt. 70 para. 2, 73 EEC) 227
VII. Agricultural Policy 227
1. Specific Safeguard Clauses Restricted to the Agricultural Sector 228
2. General or Basic Clauses 228
VIII. Residual Clauses and Implied Powers 229
IX. Safeguard and Ordre-Public Clauses and Related Instruments of International Treaty Law 231
1. Reservations of a Signatory 231
2. Denunciation and Withdrawal 231
3. Revision of Treaties 231
Christoph Vedder: The International Olympic Committee: An Advanced Non-Governmental Organization and the International Law 233
I. Olympia Banished from Olympic Grounds 233
II. The Present Legal Status of the IOC 235
1. The Constituents of the Olympic Movement 235
a) The IOC 235
b) The National Olympic Committees 238
c) The International Federations 239
2. The Olympic Charter 240
3. The Olympic Games 243
4. The Status of the IOC under Swiss Law 245
5. The Status of the IOC under Public International Law 246
6. Activities of Intergovernmental Organizations in Connection with the Olympic Movement 249
III. Means of Status Improvement 251
1. Consultative Status 251
2. Modification of the Olympic Charter 252
3. Bilateral Agreements on the Olympic Games 253
4. Multilateral Declaration and Convention 254
IV. NGOs and Public International Law 255
Cord-Georg Hasselmann: Do We Need New IAEA Safeguards? 259
I. Introduction 259
II. Goals: What Do We Want? 262
III. Trends: What Do We Have? 267
1. Historical Overview 267
2. The Safeguards System 269
a) From Commercial Conditions to the Derogation of Sovereignty 269
b) The Safeguards Régime of INFCIRC/153 271
aa) General Overview 271
bb) Detailed Analysis 275
IV. Appraisal and Policy Recommendations 281
1. Appraisal 281
a) Evaluation Based on IAEA Goals 281
b) Evaluation Based on Goals Outlined in Part II 291
2. Policy Recommendations 297
V. Conclusions 302
Tullio Treves: „Observers Signatory of the Final Act“ in the International Seabed Authority's Preparatory Commission 303
Janusz Symonides: The Legal Status of the Enclosed and Semi-Enclosed Seas 315
I. The Question of the Enclosed and Semi-Εnclosed in the Doctrine of International Law 315
II. The Question of the Enclosed and Semi-Enclosed Seas at the Third UN Conference on the Law of the Sea 319
III. Definition of the Enclosed and Semi-Enclosed Seas 322
IV. The Principle of Cooperation between States Bordering the Enclosed or Semi-Εnclοsed Seas 326
Meinhard Schröder: Der Kampf um die Falkland-Inseln – Völkerrechtliche und europarechtliche Aspekte – 334
I. Tatsachen und Argumente 334
II. Im Hintergrund: Kontroverse Konzeptionen der territorialen Souveränität 337
1. Die britische Position 337
2. Die argentinische Position 339
III. Argentiniens Schritt in die Gewalt 343
1. Problem einer friedlichen Streitbeilegung 343
2. Der argentinische Rechtsbruch 343
IV. Die britische Reaktion 346
1. Probleme des Selbstverteidigungsrecbts 346
2. Die Festlegung maritimer Sperrzonen während der Kampfhandlungen 350
3. Die Einrichtung einer 150 sm-Grenze um die Falkland-Inseln nach Beendigung der Kampfhandlungen 356
4. Gesamturteil 357
V. Das Argentienembargo der Europäischen Gemeinschaft 357
1. Völkerrechtliche und europarechtliche Fragestellungen 357
2. Die gemeinschaftsrechtliche Zuständigkeit für Wirtschaftssanktionen gegenüber Drittstaaten 358
3. Schlußbemerkung 364
Summary 365
Manfred Zuleeg: Vertragskonkurrenz im Völkerrecht Teil II: Verträge zwischen beliebigen Völkerrechtssubjekten 367
I. Stand der Entwicklung 367
II. Anwendung der Regeln für Verträge zwischen souveränen Staaten 369
III. Besonderheiten bei internationalen Organisationen 373
1. Konkurrenz von Verträgen einer internationalen Organisation zu Verträgen der Mitgliedstaaten 373
2. Vertragschluß internationaler Organisationen mit einem oder mehreren Mitgliedstaaten 374
3. Bindung der Organisation an Verträge der Mitgliedstaaten 375
a) Gegenstand der Vertragskonkurrenz 375
b) Rechtslage 375
4. Das Verhältnis von Verträgen zur autonomen Rechtsordnung einer internationalen Organisation 377
a) Gegenstand der Vertragskonkurrenz 377
b) Verträge der Mitgliedstaaten 378
c) Verträge der Organisation 378
d) Sonstiges Völkervertragsrecht und Organisationsrecht 379
5. Konkurrenz der Organisationsrechte 379
IV. Besonderheiten bei abhängigen Territorialverbänden 380
1. Konkurrenz von Verträgen eines abhängigen Territorialverbands zu Verträgen des beherrschenden Staats 380
2. Beherrschungsverträge 381
V. Zusammenfassung 382
Summary 384
Ludwig Grämlich: Diplomatie Protection Against Acts of Intergovernmental Organs 386
I. Introduction 386
II. Diplomatic Protection Against Acts of Intergovernmental Organs Under Public International Law 396
III. Is There a Subjective Public Law Right to Claim an Exercise of Diplomatic Protection Against Intergovernmental Acts Under German (Constitutional) Law? 410
IV. Conclusion 428
Helmut Rumpf: The Concepts of Peace and War in International Law 429
I. 429
II. 429
III. 430
IV. 432
V. 433
VI. 434
VII. 435
VIII. 437
IX. 437
X. 439
XI. 440
XII. 441
XIII. 442
XIV. 442
XV. 443
XVI. 443
Ingrid L. Jahn: Applying International Law to the Downing of Korean Air Lines Flight 007 on September 1, 1983 444
I. The Case History 444
II. Legal Assessment 446
1. The Intrusion of KAL 007 446
a) The Law on Civil Air Traffic 446
b) The Prohibition of the Use of Force 448
2. The Soviet Reaction 449
a) The Law on Civil Air Traffic 449
b) The Prohibition of the Use of Force 451
c) Proportionality 453
d) State Responsibility 457
Klaus Dicke: Die Rechtsprechung des Internationalen Gerichtshofes in den Jahren 1983 und 1984 459
I. Die Festlegung der Seegrenze im Gebiet des Golfes von Maine 460
1. Einrichtung der Sonderkammer 460
2. Urteil vom 12.10.1984. I.C.J. Reports 1984, S. 246 461
A. 461
B. 465
C. 472
II. Fall betreffend militärische und parra militärische Tätigkeiten in und gegen Nicaragua (Nicaragua gegen Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika) 473
1. Ersuchen um Anzeigung vorsorglicher Maßnahmen. Anordnung vom 10. 05. 1984, I.C.J. Reports 1984, S. 169 473
A. 473
B. 476
C. 480
2. Erklärung El Salvadors über den Beitritt zum Verfahren. Urteil vom 04. 10. 1984, I.C.J. Reports 1984, S. 215 481
A. 481
B. 481
C. 481
Wulf Hermann: Die Tätigkeit des Nordischen Rates im Jahre 1983 483
I. Die Generaldebatte 484
II. Die Fachausschüsse 487
1. Der Wirtschaftsausschuß 487
2. Der Kulturausschuß 490
3. Der Sozial- und Umweltausschuß 492
4. Der Verkehrsausschuß 494
5. Der Rechtsausschuß 494
Dietmar Bachmann / Hans-Heinrich Gronau: Die Europäischen Gemeinschaften im Jahre 1983 499
I. Überblick 499
II. Insitutionelle Entwicklung 502
III. Ausbau des Gemeinsamen Marktes 504
IV. Politiken der Gemeinschaft 508
V. Die Außenbeziehungen der Gemeinschaft 514
VI. Rechtsprechung zum Gemeinschaftsrecht 519
Hendrik Escher: Die Tätigkeit des Europarates im Jahre 1983 525
I. Organisatorische Fragen; Allgemeines 525
II. Behandlung allgemeinpolitischer Themen im Europarat 526
III. Rechtsvereinheitlichung und Zusammenarbeit unter den Mitgliedstaaten; Konventionen und Übereinkommen 533
IV. Schutz der Menschenrechte 537
a) Individualbeschwerden nach Art. 25 EMRK 538
aa) Recht auf Freiheit und Sicherheit 538
bb) Recht auf ein billiges Verfahren 539
cc) Dauer des Verfahrens 540
dd) Respektierung des Rechts auf Eigentum 541
ee) Verbot von Folter und unmenschlicher Behandlung oder Strafe 541
ff) Recht auf Privatleben 541
gg) Garantie von freien und geheimen Wahlen 542
hh) Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung 542
b) Staatenbeschwerden nach Art. 24 EMRK 542
Book Reviews 563
Books Received 594
List of Contributors 598