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International Law and Municipal Law



Tunkin, G., Wolfrum, R. (Eds.) (1988). International Law and Municipal Law. Proceedings of the German-Soviet Colloquy on International Law at the Institut für Internationales Recht an der Universität Kiel, 4 to 8 May 1987. Duncker & Humblot.
Tunkin, Grigory I. and Wolfrum, Rüdiger. International Law and Municipal Law: Proceedings of the German-Soviet Colloquy on International Law at the Institut für Internationales Recht an der Universität Kiel, 4 to 8 May 1987. Duncker & Humblot, 1988. Book.
Tunkin, G, Wolfrum, R (eds.) (1988): International Law and Municipal Law: Proceedings of the German-Soviet Colloquy on International Law at the Institut für Internationales Recht an der Universität Kiel, 4 to 8 May 1987, Duncker & Humblot, [online]


International Law and Municipal Law

Proceedings of the German-Soviet Colloquy on International Law at the Institut für Internationales Recht an der Universität Kiel, 4 to 8 May 1987

Editors: Tunkin, Grigory I. | Wolfrum, Rüdiger

Veröffentlichungen des Walther-Schücking-Instituts für Internationales Recht an der Universität Kiel, Vol. 103


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Die »Veröffentlichungen des Walther-Schücking-Instituts für Internationales Recht an der Universität Kiel« sind eine 1918 unter dem Namen »Aus dem Institut für Internationales Recht an der Universität Kiel« gegründete Schriftenreihe des ältesten universitären Völkerrechtsinstituts im deutschsprachigen Raum. Sie werden in der Nachfolge von Prof. Dr. Jost Delbrück herausgegeben. In ihr werden zum einen Habilitationsschriften von Institutsangehörigen und hervorragende Dissertationen, die von den Direktorinnen und Direktoren des Instituts betreut oder begutachtet wurden, veröffentlicht. Zum anderen erscheinen in der Schriftenreihe die Tagungsbände der vom Institut ausgerichteten internationalen Symposien und Workshops sowie die Sammelbände zu den jedes Jahr veranstalteten Ringvorlesungen des Instituts. Schließlich finden sonstige Monographien von Institutsangehörigen oder von mit dem Institut verbundenen Wissenschaftlern Aufnahme.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Preface 5
Contents 7
Abbreviations 9
Gennady M. Danilenko, Moscow: Application of Customary International Law to Municipal Law 13
I. Methods of implementing international customary law 14
II. The development of customary international law and methods of implementation: Some problems 20
III. Conclusion 23
Walter Rudolf, Mainz: Incorporation of Customary International Law into Municipal Law 24
I. Relationship between international law and municipal law 24
II. Customary international law as a law of co-ordination 26
III. Applicability of customary international law in municipal law 28
IV. Incorporation of customary international law according to Article 25 of the Basic Law 29
1. Generally recognized rules and general rules of international law 29
2. Manifestations of general rules ol international law 32
3. Legal consequences of Art. 25 34
V. Incorporatlon of particular rules of customary international law 37
1. Incorporation beyond Art. 25 37
2. Classification of incorporated particular customary international Iaw 39
Discussion 41
Philip Kunig, Heidelberg: The Relevance of Resolutions and Declarations of International Organizations for Municipal Law 59
I. Introduction 59
II. The relevance of decisions of international Organisations to municipal law - General remarks 62
III. The relevance of decisions of an international organisation to legislation 64
IV. The relevance of decisions of an international organisation to the administration and to the judiciary 67
1. Different types of administration 68
2. The judiciary 73
V. Conclusions 75
Summary 77
Igor I. Lukashuk, Moscow: UN General Assembly Resolutions and Municipal Law 79
Discussion 89
Albrecht Randelzhofer, Berlin (West): Incorporation of International Treaties into Municipal Law 101
I. The different international agreements according to the Basic Law 101
1. The agreements of the Federation 101
a) International agreements regulating the political relations of the Federation 102
b) International treaties affecting the Federal legislation; Art. 59 para. 2 sentence (sent.} 2, alternative (alt.} 2 102
c) Administrative agreements; Art. 59 para. 2 sent. 2 102
d) Other types of agreements mentioned in the Basic Law 103
2. The treaties of the states (Länder) 104
II. Domestic law procedures for giving international agreements effect in international law 105
1. Agreements of the Federation 105
a) International agreements regulating the political relations of the Federation and those affecting Federal legislation; Art. 59 para. 2, sent. 1 alt. 1, 2 105
b) Administrative agreements 107
c) Other expressly mentioned international treaties 108
2. Agreements of the states (Länder) 108
a) Agreements affecting the legislation 108
b) Other international agreements 109
c) Administrative agreements 109
III. Domestic law procedures for giving effect to international agreements in domestic law 109
1. Agreements of the Federation 109
a) International treaties according to Art. 59 para. 2 sent. 1 110
b) Administrative agreements 111
c) Other specifically mentioned treaties 111
2. Agreements of the states (Länder) 112
a) Treaties affecting the legislation 112
b) Other political treaties 112
c) Administrative agreements 112
IV. Remarks to some remaining problems 113
V. Concluslon 114
Discussion 115
Galina G. Shinkaretskaya, Moscow: Content and Limits of “Domaine Réservé” 123
Discussion 132
Eugeny T. Usenko, Moscow: The Law-Creating Activity of the CMEA and Soviet Law 143
Meinhard Hilf, Bielefeld: The Relevance of Acts of International ‘Supra-National’ Organizations to Municipal Law; The European Community 149
I. The supra-national character of the EC 149
1. The Founding Treaties of the EC 149
2. Co-operation and integration within a para-federal structure 152
3. Institutions and law-making procedures 156
II. The relevance of acts of EC law for municlpal law 157
1. Regulations 157
2. Decisions 159
3. Directives 159
4. Recommendations and programmes 161
5. International agreements 161
6. General principles 162
7. The judgments of the ECJ 164
8. lnter-institutional acts 164
9. Acts 'at the edge' of the Community 165
III. Legal protection, executlon, and legal enforcement 165
IV. Summary 166
Discussion 168
Annex 179
R. A. Müllerson, Moscow: Treaties and Municipal Law: With Special Reference to Treaties on Private International Law 179
Documentation 190
I. Article 29 of the Constitution and other Provisions of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 190
II. Articles of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany 192
III. Provisions of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance 196
IV. Provisions of the European Communities 199
List of Participants 209