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Antarctic Challenge



Wolfrum, R. (Ed.) (1984). Antarctic Challenge. Conflicting Interests, Cooperation, Environmental Protection, Economic Development. Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Symposium June 22nd - 24th, 1983. Duncker & Humblot.
Wolfrum, Rüdiger. Antarctic Challenge: Conflicting Interests, Cooperation, Environmental Protection, Economic Development. Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Symposium June 22nd - 24th, 1983. Duncker & Humblot, 1984. Book.
Wolfrum, R (ed.) (1984): Antarctic Challenge: Conflicting Interests, Cooperation, Environmental Protection, Economic Development. Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Symposium June 22nd - 24th, 1983, Duncker & Humblot, [online]


Antarctic Challenge

Conflicting Interests, Cooperation, Environmental Protection, Economic Development. Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Symposium June 22nd - 24th, 1983

Editors: Wolfrum, Rüdiger

Veröffentlichungen des Walther-Schücking-Instituts für Internationales Recht an der Universität Kiel, Vol. 88


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Die »Veröffentlichungen des Walther-Schücking-Instituts für Internationales Recht an der Universität Kiel« sind eine 1918 unter dem Namen »Aus dem Institut für Internationales Recht an der Universität Kiel« gegründete Schriftenreihe des ältesten universitären Völkerrechtsinstituts im deutschsprachigen Raum. Sie werden in der Nachfolge von Prof. Dr. Jost Delbrück herausgegeben. In ihr werden zum einen Habilitationsschriften von Institutsangehörigen und hervorragende Dissertationen, die von den Direktorinnen und Direktoren des Instituts betreut oder begutachtet wurden, veröffentlicht. Zum anderen erscheinen in der Schriftenreihe die Tagungsbände der vom Institut ausgerichteten internationalen Symposien und Workshops sowie die Sammelbände zu den jedes Jahr veranstalteten Ringvorlesungen des Instituts. Schließlich finden sonstige Monographien von Institutsangehörigen oder von mit dem Institut verbundenen Wissenschaftlern Aufnahme.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents 5
Preface 7
Opening Ceremonies 9
Jost Delbrück: Opening Address 9
Gerd Griesser: Welcoming Address 11
Karl-Heinz Luckhardt: Welcoming Address 13
Jürgen Westphal: Address 14
Finn Sollie: The Development of the Antarctic Treaty System 17
I. Introduction 17
II. The Antarctic Treaty System 18
III. The Question of Exclusiveness 22
IV. Avoiding Conflict 25
V. International Cooperation in Polar Research 28
VI. The Basis for Political Agreement 29
VII. A Unique Negotiating Process 30
VIII. A Regime for Antarctic Minerals 35
John Heap: Comment 38
Tore Gjelsvik: Scientific Research and Cooperation in Antarctica 41
I. Scientific Cooperation 41
1. lntroduction 41
2. SCAR alter I. G. Y. 42
II. Cooperation between the Antarctic Treaty System and SCAR 45
1. Conservation of Nature in Antarctica 45
2. Establishment of Regimes to Control Resources Development in Antarctica 47
Roberto E. Guyer: Comment 52
Discussion 57
Dietrich Sahrhage: Present Knowledge of Living Marine Resources in the Antarctic, Possibilities for their Exploitation and Scientific Perspectives 67
References 87
Sebastian Gerlach: Comment 89
Rainer Lagoni: Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Living. Resources: A Model for the Use of a Common Good? 93
I. Introduction 93
II. The Drafting and the Development of the Convention 94
III. The Contents of the Convention 97
IV. The Convention as a Model 105
Rudolf Illing: Comment 109
Richard H. Wyndham: Comment 114
Discussion 119
Gotthilf Hempel: Antarctic Research in the Federal Republic of Germany 133
I. How did German Antarctic Research Start again? 133
II. Scientific Themes 137
III. Actors and Sponsors 138
IV. Instruments of Antartic Research 140
V. International Links, Long-term Emphasis and Needs 141
Rüdiger Wolfrum: The Use of Antarctic Non-Living Resources: The Search for a Trustee? 143
I. Introduction 143
II. Principles Derived from the Antarctic Treaty and its Supplementing Regime 149
1) The Impact of Art. IV Antarctic Treaty on the Future Regime on Mineral Resources 149
2) Impact of the Rules Concerning the Protection of the Antarctic Environment 152
3) Impact of the Rules on Scientific Research 154
4) Impact of the Provisions on Demilitarization and lnspection 155
5) Principles on Mineral Activities already Elaborated by the Consultative Parlies 155
III. Internal Accommodation 156
IV. Extemal Acceptance of a Future Mineral Resources Regime 160
Christopher Pinto: Comment 164
I. Comment on Professor Wolfrum's Paper 164
II. Parameters for Generalized Agreement on Antarctica 165
III. A Regime for Antarctica 167
Scharnhorst Müller: The Impact of UNCLOS III on the Antarctic Regime 169
Discussion 177
Franz Tessensohn: Present Knowledge of Non-Living Resources in the Antarctic, Possibilities for their Exploitation and Scientific Perspectives 189
I. lntroduction 189
II. Antarctic Off-shore Resources 190
III. Antarctic Off-shore Resources 196
IV. Economic Considerations 204
V. Summary and Perspectives for the Future 208
References 208
Ludger Kappen: Ecological Aspects of an Exploitation of the Non-Living Resources of the Antarctic 211
Discussion 218
Annex 227
Convention on the Conservation of Marine Living Resources 229
Recommendation IX-1, Antarctic Mineral Resources 243
Recommendation XI-1, Antarctic Mineral Resources 245
List of Participants 249