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Adjustments of Economics and Enterprises in a Changing World



Matsugi, T., Oberhauser, A. (Eds.) (1993). Adjustments of Economics and Enterprises in a Changing World. Duncker & Humblot.
Matsugi, Takashi and Oberhauser, Alois. Adjustments of Economics and Enterprises in a Changing World. Duncker & Humblot, 1993. Book.
Matsugi, T, Oberhauser, A (eds.) (1993): Adjustments of Economics and Enterprises in a Changing World, Duncker & Humblot, [online]


Adjustments of Economics and Enterprises in a Changing World

Editors: Matsugi, Takashi | Oberhauser, Alois

Schriften zu Regional- und Verkehrsproblemen in Industrie- und Entwicklungsländern, Vol. 56


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Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Editors’ Foreword 5
Table of Contents 7
Theodor Dams: Unification of Germany in the Context of European Integration and Current Issues of East European Countries: A Comparative Economic System’s Perspective 9
"The historical German event ..." 9
International political unification in a changing framework of foreign policy decisions 10
"Miracles" and "Challenges" 12
The vertical change of economic systems: A new task for economic research 13
Economic unification: "Step by Step" versus "One Jump" realization of the German internal market 15
German unification: A simple process of accelerating growth... 16
The basic differences of economic systems 17
The monetary, economic and social union 18
Focal points for establishing the German single market 19
Agriculture of the Ex-GDR - adjustment under EC-conditions 21
An interim statement 22
The new dimension of European integration 23
The change of economic systems in Eastern European countries 26
Some final remarks - conclusion 27
References 30
Alois Oberhauser: Public Finance and the Transformation Process to Market Economies in the Countries of Eastern Europe 33
1. The restructuring of taxes and revenues 34
2. Changes in the structure of public expenditure 37
3. Profits from the privatization of public wealth 39
4. Capital imports from foreign countries 41
5. Domestic public debt 43
Summary 44
Hans-Hermann Francke: The Franco-German Way Towards an European System of Central Banks 45
1. Introduction 45
2. Criteria for exchange rate systems 46
2.1. Fixed versus flexible exchange rates 46
2.2. A classification of exchange rate systems 48
3. The performance of Franco-German interest structures in the EMS 51
3.1. History and foundation 51
3.2. The EMS' unexpected development 54
4. Plans and problems with respect to the foundation of a European Central Bank 56
4.1. The Delors-Plan and its background 56
4.2. Unresolved questions 57
Hans-Josef Brink: Managerial Deficits and Solutions in the New Enterprises of East Germany as Consequences of Transition from a Planned Economy to a Market Economy 59
1. The unilication of Germany as an economic and social challenge or the new decade 59
2. Structural features of the former GDR's planned economy as a framework for new enterprises in east Germany 60
3. Ownership and corporate structure of property in the new companies as a task for business administration 61
4. The introduction of new management systems in the former GDR 67
5. Human resource management in the new companies 71
6. Conclusion 76
Hiroyuki Okuno: The Restructuring of Financial Institutions in Japan 87
Introduction 87
1. Mechanisms of financial restructuring 87
2. Overview of Japan's financial Institutions 89
2.1. Categories of the financial institutions in Japan 89
2.2. Strict regulations on the financial institutions 89
2.3. Large share of a group of govemment institutions 90
3. Restructuring of Japan's financial institutions 91
3.1. Mechanisms of the restructuring in Japan 91
3.2. Main categories of the restructuring of Japan's financial institutions 92
a) Direction toward universal banking 92
b) Specialization into regional institutions 92
c) Restructuring of govemmental financial institutions 92
4. City banks' restructuring in the direrion of universal banking 93
4.1. Segmenting securities business from banking business 93
4.2. Progress of securitization and the decline of commercial banks' status 93
4.3. Economies of scope and bank management 93
4.4. Five fonnulas for the deregulation of business submitted by the Financial System Research Council 93
4.5. View of the Securities Exchange Council 94
4.6. Current responses by city banks 94
5. Restructuring of the Post Office Savings system 95
5.1. Present situation of govemmental institutions (March 1990) 95
5.2. Reasons for the existence of public financial institutions in a free economy 96
5.3. Expansion of the independent investment fund 96
5.4. Govemmental regional financial institutions 97
6. Assessment or financial restructuring in Japan 97
6.1. View points of the assessment 97
6.2. Problems resulting from the restructuring 97
a) Existence of risks 97
b) Ill-effects of oligopoly or monopoly 98
7. Conclusion 98
References 99
Nobuhiro Okuno/Ritsuko Futagami: Regional Income Inequality and Allocation of Public Investment: The Japanese Experience, 1958–1986 101
1. Introduction 101
2. Economic plans and development of public investment allocation 103
3. Patterns of regional allocation of public investment 105
4. Patterns of regional income inequality 108
5. Public investment and patterns of regional income inequality 110
Nobuhito Takeuchi/Yuko Arayama: Interregional Difference and Public Finance 115
Part I: Nobuhito Takeuchi: Industrial Structures and their Fiscal Improvement 115
1. lntroduction 115
2. Interregional economic difference 117
2.1. Net prefectural product 117
2.2. Per capita prefectural income 118
2.3. Distribution of population 119
2.4. Structure of industry 120
3. Fiscal improvement of the interregional difference 121
3.1. Fiscal aid 121
3.2. Govemment investment 122
4. Conclusion 123
References 127
Part II: Yuko Arayama: Prefectural Structure of Employment and its Determinants 129
1. lntroduction 129
2. Employment structure 131
2.1. Transitional pattern of employment structure 131
2.2. Population and employment structure 132
2.3. Interregional variation 132
2.4. Fiscal transfer 135
3. Determination of employment structure 135
4. Results of the estimation 138
5. Conclusion 140
References 141
Ralf-Bodo Schmidt: Models to Aid Decision Making under Economic Uncertainty – A Problem of Interdisciplinary Research – 143
A. Preliminaries 143
B. The structure of managerial decisions at affected by risk 143
I. Decisions as a subject of business administration 143
II. Uncertainty in the informatory basis of decisions 144
C. Models to aid decision rnaking 146
I. Employment of models for managerial decisions affected by risk 146
1. Types of models and model analysis 146
2. The consideration of uncertainty in decision models 147
II. Reduction of complexity using uncertainty theories 149
1. Coverage of risks in uncertainty theories 149
2. Terms of application 151
D. Future tasks 153
References 153
Tamiki Kishida: Technological Innovation and Organizational Restructuring 155
1. Technology, organization, and innovation 155
1.1. Technology and organization 155
1.2. Innovation and organization 156
2. Case analysis of the process of technological innovation - BOF & 3M 157
2.1. Japanese steel industry and introduction of BOF 157
2.2. Processes of 3M's new product development 158
3. Interpretation using the garbage can model 158
3.1. Introduction of BOF 160
a) Problems 160
b) Solutions 160
c) Participants 160
d) Choice opportunities 161
3.2. Development of post-it 161
a) Problems 161
b) Solutions 161
c) Participants 161
d) Choice opportunities 162
4. Interpretation using the evolutionary model 162
4.1. Introduction of BOF 163
4.2. Development of post-it 164
5. Interpretation using the open & rational model 164
5.1. Introduction of BOF 166
5.2. Development of post-it 166
6. Conclusion 167
Wolfgang Hilke: Information about R & D Activities in Annual Reports of German Corporations 171
A. Introduction 171
B. Structure and extent of this study 172
C. Findings of the study 174
I. Result of the published information concerning R & D activities in the status report according to § 289 of the German Commercial Code 174
II. Information about R & D activities elsewhere in the annual report 175
III. The meaning of R & D 177
IV. Amount of expenses for ''research and development" (R & D) 181
D. Outlook 184
References 185
Takeshi Yoshida: On Technological Change and Interorganizational Relationships 187
1. Introduction 187
2. Patterns of technological change 187
2.1. The deftnition of technology and its change 187
2.2. Technological paradigms and trajectories 188
3. Technological paradigms and devices for their selection 188
3.1. Selection of technological paradigms 188
3.2. After selection of a paradigm: progress within the trajectory 189
4. What are the innovative devices? 189
4.1. Intra-organizational devices 190
a) Organization's traditions associated with technology 190
b) Present economical performance and forecast of future performance 190
4.2. Interorganizational devices 191
5. Types or linkages aod effectiveness or devices 191
6. The generative means of change of coupling systems 193
6.1. Means of tightening 193
6.2. Means of loosening 193
7. Illustrative case: the introduction of the basic oxygen furnace (BOF) 193
References 194
Franz Schober: Information and Planning Systems in Support of International Business Strategies 195
Summary 195
1. Introduction 195
2. A taxonomy of international business strategies 196
2.1. Regional versus product focus 196
2.2. International strategy and organization 198
2.3. International strategy and style of coordination 199
3. Information and communication systems 200
3.1. Transaction and administration systems 201
3.2. Planning and control systems 203
4. A decision support system for the design of an international manufacturing strategy 205
4.1. External and internal synergy potentials 205
4.2. Optimization of resource allocation 210
4.3. Application of the decision support system to an example 213
5. Expanding the decision support system to the whole company 214
References 229
Siegfried Hauser: Models Considering Current and Chaotic Structural Changes Exemplified by the Money and Stock Market 231
1. The understanding of reality and the consequences for the epistemology 231
2. Causality and economic modelling 236
3. A new approach to prediction models on the money and stock market 239
3.1. Prediction methods on the money and stock market 239
3.2. Indicators and threshold values 241
3.3. Indicator fields 241
3.4. The procedure of the model 242
3.5. Results 244
Contributors 249