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Environmental Code



(1998). Environmental Code. (Umweltgesetzbuch - UGB). Draft. Prepared by the Independent Expert Commission on the Environmental Code at the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of the Federal Republic of Germany. Duncker & Humblot.
. Environmental Code: (Umweltgesetzbuch - UGB). Draft. Prepared by the Independent Expert Commission on the Environmental Code at the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of the Federal Republic of Germany. Duncker & Humblot, 1998. Book.
(1998): Environmental Code: (Umweltgesetzbuch - UGB). Draft. Prepared by the Independent Expert Commission on the Environmental Code at the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of the Federal Republic of Germany, Duncker & Humblot, [online]


Environmental Code

(Umweltgesetzbuch - UGB). Draft. Prepared by the Independent Expert Commission on the Environmental Code at the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of the Federal Republic of Germany


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Book Details



This draft Environmental Code is intended to bring together, unify, harmonise, develop and update German environmental law. The codification project takes up a transnational legal trend that has already led to the passing of similar legislation in a number of countries such as the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom or the preparation of corresponding drafts, as in France, Sweden, Poland and Hungary. The European Union is also looking into the codification of environmental law.

The Commission's draft applies the principle of sustainable environmentally sound development and establishes an integrated cross-media approach in all areas of environmental legislation. One of its principal features is the unified project authorisation model (Vorhabengenehmigung) for environmental legislation, which the Federal Government intends to use as a basis for the planned implementation of the IPPC Directive in a first volume of an Environmental Code. Other aims pursued by the Commission were to strengthen the responsibility of enterprises and of society, develop incentive instruments and expand transboundary environmental protection.

The draft was prepared between autumn 1992 and summer 1997. The Commission consisted of eight experts with practical experience in the field of environmental law as judges, university teaching staff, lawyers, administrative officials and an environmental officer in a large industrial company.

This volume contains the English translation of the draft. It seeks to make a contribution to international and European discussions about the harmonisation and codification of environmental law. For this reason the introduction to the English version also contains observations about the German legal system and existing environmental legislation which should make it easier for the reader to understand the proposals.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Preface to the English Edition 5
Preface 7
Translator’s Note 9
Overview 11
Contents 13
Abbreviations 38
Introduction 41
I. Necessity for and Potential of Codification 41
1. Situation in Germany 41
2. Foreign and International Codification Trends 42
II. On the Legal Context of an Environmental Code 46
1. International Law 46
2. Law in the European Communities 48
3. Constitutional Law 52
4. Administrative Law and Administrative Courts 56
III. Guiding Considerations and Working Methods of the Commission 57
1. Background 57
2. Working Methods of the Independent Expert Commission 58
3. Guiding Considerations 58
IV. Subject and Structure of Draft 59
1. Subject of Draft 59
2. Absence of a Chapter on Climate Protection 60
3. Subjects Not Included 60
4. Chapter Structure 62
V. Contents of the Individual Chapters 63
General Part 63
Chapter One: General Provisions 63
Chapter Two: Planning 65
Chapter Three: Projects 66
Chapter Four: Products 68
Chapter Five: Intervention Measures and Monitoring 69
Chapter Six: Environmental Protection within Companies, Environmental Liability and Other Economic Instruments 69
Chapter Seven: Environmental Information 70
Chapter Eight: Transboundary Environmental Protection 71
Specific Part 72
Chapter Nine: Nature Conservation, Landscape Maintenance and Forest Conservation 72
Chapter Ten: Soil Conservation 73
Chapter Eleven: Water Conservation 74
Chapter Twelve: Immission Control and Energy Supply 75
Chapter Thirteen: Nuclear Energy and Radiological Protection 76
Chapter Fourteen: Traffic Infrastructure Projects and Utility Lines 77
Chapter Fifteen: Genetic Engineering 77
Chapter Sixteen: Dangerous Substances 78
Chapter Seventeen: Waste 78
VI. Outlook for an Environmental Code 79
Draft 81
General Part 83
Chapter One: General Provisions 83
Section One: Purpose of the Code, Definitions 83
Art. 1 Purpose of the Code 83
Art. 2 Definitions 83
Section Two: Principles of Environmental Protection 84
Art. 3 Environmental Responsibility and Environmental Awareness 84
Art. 4 Guiding Principles for Sustainable, Environmentally Sound Development 84
Art. 5 Precautionary Principle 85
Art. 6 Polluter Pays Principle 85
Art. 7 Cooperation Principle 85
Art. 8 Protection of the Environment as a Whole 86
Art. 9 Balancing of Interests and Compensation 86
Art. 10 Ownership and Use of Environment 86
Section Three: Making Rules and Regulations 86
Subsection One: Statutory Ordinances 86
Art. 11 Authority to Define Limit Values and Guide Values for Environmental Quality 86
Art. 12 Principles for Limit Values and Guide Values 87
Art. 13 Principles for Requirements for Installations, Modes of Operation, Substances, Preparations and Products 87
Art. 14 Implementation of International or Community Legislation 88
Art. 15 Recipient of Power to Enact Statutory Ordinances 88
Art. 16 Statement of Reasons for and Publication of Drafts 89
Art. 17 Environmental Commission 89
Art. 18 Hearing and Informing the Environmental Commission 90
Art. 19 Right to Make Proposals 90
Art. 20 Public Participation 90
Art. 21 Participation by the Bundesrat 90
Art. 22 Participation by the Bundestag 90
Art. 23 Urgent Ordinances 91
Art. 24 Periodic Review 91
Subsection Two: Administrative Rules 91
Art. 25 Limit Values and Guide Values for Environmental Quality and Requirements for Installations and Modes of Operation 91
Art. 26 Presumption regarding Administrative Rules 91
Art. 27 Recipient of Power to Enact Administrative Rules 91
Art. 28 Participation by the Bundesrat 92
Art. 29 Procedure, Publication 92
Art. 30 Periodic Review 92
Subsection Three: Technical Rules 92
Art. 31 References to Technical Rules 92
Art. 32 Official Introduction of Technical Rules 92
Art. 33 Presumption concerning Technical Rules 93
Subsection Four: Targets, Voluntary Undertakings, Covenants, Bylaws 93
Art. 34 Targets 93
Art. 35 Voluntary Undertakings 94
Art. 36 Covenant in lieu of Legislation 94
Art. 37 Declaration of General Application 95
Art. 38 Public-Law Environmental Covenants 95
Art. 39 Private Environmental Covenants, Environmental Protection Cartels 96
Art. 40 Bylaws of Public-Law Regional Environmental Corporations 96
Section Four: Participation by Associations 97
Art. 41 Recognition of Associations 97
Art. 42 Participation by Associations 98
Section Five: Judicial Review 98
Art. 43 Review of Forecasts and Assessments 98
Art. 44 Protection of Third Parties with regard to Precautionary Limit Values 99
Art. 45 Cause of Action for Associations 99
Art. 46 Legal Action by Competitors 99
Art. 47 Judicial Review of Procedural Regulations under Land Legislation 100
Art. 48 Suspensive Effect 100
Art. 49 Recourse to Administrative Courts 100
Section Six: Environmental Obligations of Public Administration 100
Art. 50 Principle 100
Art. 51 Sourcing Duties 100
Art. 52 Premises of the Federal and Land Authorities 101
Section Seven: Organisation and Competences 101
Subsection One: Organisation and Competences of Public Authorities 101
Art. 53 General Provisions 101
Art. 54 Federal Environmental Agency 102
Art. 55 Federal Nature Conservation Agency 103
Art. 56 Federal Radiological Protection Agency 103
Art. 57 Supervisory Control and Reporting Obligations 104
Art. 58 Promulgations 104
Subsection Two: Advisory Commissions 104
Art. 59 Composition and Constitution Procedures 104
Art. 60 Working Methods 104
Art. 61 Relations with Competent Authorities 104
Art. 62 Power to Enact Ordinances 105
Art. 63 Council of Environmental Experts 105
Section Eight: Administrative Offences 105
Art. 64 Determination of Fines and Use of Revenue 105
Art. 65 Environmental Education 106
Art. 66 Administrative Offences 106
Chapter Two: Planning 106
Section One: General Provisions 106
Art. 67 Planning Principles of Environmental Law 106
Art. 68 Participation by Environmental Protection Authorities 106
Section Two: Basic Environmental Planning 107
Art. 69 Purpose and Subject Matter of Basic Environmental Planning 107
Art. 70 Preparing, Amending and Supplementing Basic Environmental Plans 107
Art. 71 Significance of Basic Environmental Planning for Other Plans 107
Art. 72 Representations in the Regional Basic Environmental Plans 108
Art. 73 Federal Environmental Programmes, Technical Programmes 108
Section Three: Environmental Impact Assessment in Plans and Programmes 108
Art. 74 Purpose 108
Art. 75 Scope 108
Art. 76 Scope of Investigation 109
Art. 77 Environmental Description 109
Art. 78 Public Participation 110
Art. 79 Administrative Decision 110
Chapter Three: Projects 110
Section One: General Provisions 110
Art. 80 Subject Matter 110
Art. 81 Projects Requiring Authorisation 111
Art. 82 Project Developers and Licensing Authority 111
Section Two: Non-discretionary Project Authorisation 112
Art. 83 Basic Duties 112
Art. 84 Prerequisites for Authorisation 112
Art. 85 Application Meeting and Scoping 113
Art. 86 Application 113
Art. 87 Participation Procedure 114
Art. 88 Inquiry 114
Art. 89 Reconciliation 115
Art. 90 Decision 115
Art. 91 Provisions as to Contents and Conditions and Supplementary Requirements 116
Art. 92 Statutory Ordinance concerning Authorisation Procedure 117
Art. 93 Partial Authorisation 117
Art. 94 Preliminary Decision 118
Art. 95 Early Commencement 118
Art. 96 Substantial Modifications 119
Art. 97 Duties of Notification and Information 119
Art. 98 Review of Authorisations and Installations 120
Art. 99 Legal Effects of Project Authorisation 120
Art. 100 Expiry of Project Authorisation 120
Section Three: Discretionary Project Authorisation 121
Art. 101 Scope 121
Art. 102 Prerequisites for Authorisation 121
Art. 103 Preparatory Work 121
Art. 104 Procedure 122
Art. 105 Decision and Legal Effects 122
Art. 106 Division into Sections, Partial Authorisation and Preliminary Decision 122
Art. 107 Validity of Specific Provisions 123
Art. 108 Cancellation of Project Authorisation 123
Section Four: Simple Project Authorisation 123
Art. 109 Scope 123
Art. 110 Prerequisites and Procedures 124
Section Five: Environmental Impact Assessment in the case of Prior Procedures and Other Projects 124
Art. 111 Environmental Impact Assessment in the case of Prior Procedures and Project-Specific Plans 124
Art. 112 Environmental Impact Assessment in the case of Other Projects 125
Section Six: Common Provisions and Administrative Offences 126
Art. 113 Transitional Provisions 126
Art. 114 Administrative Offences 127
Chapter Four: Products 127
Section One: General Provisions 127
Art. 115 Purpose and Scope 127
Art. 116 Definitions 128
Art. 117 Principles 128
Section Two: Duties of Manufacturers, Marketers and Users 128
Art. 118 Development and Manufacture 128
Art. 119 Environmental Impact Analysis 129
Art. 120 Marketing and Use 129
Art. 121 Prohibitions, Restrictions, Labelling 129
Art. 122 Reacceptance and Waste Management 130
Art. 123 Self-Monitoring 131
Section Three: Environment Seal 131
Art. 124 Environment Seal 131
Section Four: Administrative Offences 131
Art. 125 Administrative Offences 131
Chapter Five: Intervention Measures and Monitoring 132
Section One: Intervention Measures 132
Subsection One: Activities Requiring Authorisation 132
Art. 126 Subsequent Orders in the case of Activities Requiring Authorisation 132
Art. 127 Prohibition of Activities Requiring Authorisation 132
Art. 128 Withdrawal and Revocation of Authorisations 133
Art. 129 Emergency Measures in connection with Activities Requiring Authorisation 133
Subsection Two: Activities Not Requiring Authorisation 134
Art. 130 Orders in the case of Activities Not Requiring Authorisation 134
Subsection Three: Common Provisions 134
Art. 131 Redressing Adverse Impacts on Nature and Landscape 134
Art. 132 Remediation Concept 135
Section Two: Monitoring 136
Subsection One: General Provisions 136
Art. 133 Functions and Principles 136
Subsection Two: Administrative Monitoring 136
Art. 134 Competence and Monitoring by Third Parties 136
Art. 135 Admissibility of Monitoring Measures 136
Art. 136 Authorities’ Duty to Monitor 136
Art. 137 Liability to Monitoring 137
Art. 138 Involvement of Parties Not Liable to Monitoring 137
Art. 139 Entering Properties and Premises 137
Art. 140 Taking Samples, Surrender of Objects 138
Art. 141 Duty to Furnish Information 138
Art. 142 Restricted Duty of Assistance and Notification in relation to Tax Authorities 138
Subsection Three: Self-Monitoring 139
Art. 143 Monitoring of Installations Requiring Authorisation 139
Art. 144 Measures for Special Reasons 140
Art. 145 Safety Checks 140
Art. 146 Recognition of Expert Agencies 140
Art. 147 Duty to Inform 140
Subsection Four: Common Provisions 141
Art. 148 Cost of Monitoring 141
Art. 149 Service 141
Section Three: Administrative Offences 141
Art. 150 Administrative Offences 141
Chapter Six: Environmental Protection within Companies, Environmental Liability and Other Economic Instruments 142
Section One: Environmental Protection within Companies 142
Subsection One: General Provisions 142
Art. 151 Purpose 142
Art. 152 Definitions 142
Subsection Two: Company Organisation and Environmental Protection Director 142
Art. 153 Duty to Inform about Company Organisation 142
Art. 154 Environmental Protection Director 143
Subsection Three: Environmental Officer 143
Art. 155 Functions 143
Art. 156 Appointment of Environmental Officer 145
Art. 157 Appointment of several Environmental Officers 145
Art. 158 Dismissal of Environmental Officer 145
Art. 159 Duties in relation to the Environmental Officer 146
Art. 160 Statement of Opinion on Decisions by Obligee 146
Art. 161 Right of Presentation 146
Art. 162 Technical Independence 146
Art. 163 Ban on Discrimination, Protection against Dismissal 146
Subsection Four: Eco-Audit 147
Art. 164 Scope 147
Art. 165 Register of Sites 147
Art. 166 Entry in the Register of Sites 147
Art. 167 Deletion and Temporary Suspension of the Entry 148
Art. 168 Bans on Use of Statements of Participation 148
Art. 169 Registration Procedure and Environmental Verifiers 148
Subsection Five: Environmental Information within Companies 149
Art. 170 Disclosure of Environmental Information within Companies 149
Art. 171 Mailing of Environmental Statement and Environmental Report 150
Section Two: Environmental Liability 150
Subsection One: Liability for Behaviour in Breach of the Duty of Care 150
Art. 172 Liability for Infringements of Regulatory Requirements Regarding the Environment 150
Subsection Two: Strict Liability 151
Art. 173 Liability for the Operation of Certain Installations 151
Art. 174 Liability for Genetically Modified Organisms 151
Art. 175 Liability for Changing the Quality of Water 151
Subsection Three: Common Provisions 152
Art. 176 Presumption of Cause 152
Art. 177 Multiple Causes 152
Art. 178 Contributory Fault 152
Art. 179 Injured Party’s Claim to Information from Responsible Party 152
Art. 180 Injured Party’s Claim to Information from Authorities 153
Art. 181 Responsible Party’s Claim to Information 153
Art. 182 Scope of Duty to Compensate 153
Art. 183 Costs of Emergency Measures 154
Art. 184 Limits of Liability 154
Art. 185 Limitation Periods 154
Art. 186 Financial Cover 154
Art. 187 Details of Liability 155
Art. 188 Relationship to Other Liability Provisions 155
Art. 189 Transitional Provision 155
Section Three: Environmental Charges 155
Art. 190 Principles 155
Art. 191 Party Liable to Pay Charges 155
Art. 192 Level of Charges 155
Art. 193 Determination and Collection 155
Art. 194 Use of Revenue from Charges 156
Art. 195 Report to the Bundestag 156
Section Four: Environmental Subsidies 157
Art. 196 Principle 157
Art. 197 Requirements for Promotion Programmes and Promotion Guidelines 157
Art. 198 Procedure 157
Art. 199 Prerequisites for Allocation; Conditions and Supplementary Requirements 157
Art. 200 Report to the Bundestag 157
Art. 201 Application of the Provisions of the Subsidies Act 158
Section Five: Off-setting, Preferential Treatment, Joint Use 158
Art. 202 Off-setting within the Framework of Precautions 158
Art. 203 Off-setting in Impaired Areas 158
Art. 204 Preferential Treatment for Use 158
Art. 205 Joint Use of Installations 159
Section Six: Administrative Offences 159
Art. 206 Administrative Offences 159
Chapter Seven: Environmental Information 160
Section One: Governmental Environmental Information 160
Art. 207 Governmental Environmental Research 160
Art. 208 Environmental Observation 160
Art. 209 Federal Environmental Information Systems 160
Art. 210 Preparation and Provision of Data 161
Art. 211 Environmental Statistics 161
Art. 212 National Environmental Accounting 162
Art. 213 Informing the Public about the Environment 162
Art. 214 Information and Advice 163
Art. 215 Environmental Instruction 163
Art. 216 Enforcement Data 163
Section Two: Access to Environmental Information 164
Art. 217 Right of Access to Environmental Information 164
Art. 218 Procedure 164
Art. 219 Representatives in the case of Uniform Applications 165
Art. 220 Exclusion and Limitation of Right 165
Art. 221 Register 165
Art. 222 Rolls and Inventories 165
Art. 223 Costs 165
Section Three: Confidentiality 166
Art. 224 Person-Related Data 166
Art. 225 Business Secrets 166
Art. 226 Information on Measures against Third-Party Interference 166
Section Four: Commissions on Access to Information 166
Art. 227 Commissions on Access to Information 166
Chapter Eight: Transboundary Environmental Protection 167
Section One: General Provisions 167
Art. 228 International Responsibility 167
Art. 229 International Cooperation 167
Section Two: Procedure in cases of Transboundary Environmental Impacts 167
Art. 230 Transboundary Participation of Authorities 167
Art. 231 Transboundary Public Participation 168
Art. 232 Announcement of Foreign Projects in Germany 168
Art. 233 Duty to Notify Major Accidents 168
Section Three: Implementation of Projects Outside the Territorial Scope of this Code 168
Art. 234 Exploitation of Seabed Mineral Resources 168
Art. 235 Environmental Protection in Technical and Financial Development Cooperation 168
Section Four: Imports and Exports of Products 169
Art. 236 Labelling for Export Products 169
Art. 237 Notification of Exportation of Products 169
Art. 238 Notification in Cases of Release of Genetically Modified Organisms Outside Germany 169
Art. 239 Advising Foreign Agencies 170
Art. 240 Testing of Other Product Properties 170
Art. 241 Ban on Exports of Products and Installations 170
Art. 242 Imports of Products 170
Art. 243 Competence 171
Section Five: Administrative Offences 171
Art. 244 Administrative Offences 171
Specific Part 172
Chapter Nine: Nature Conservation, Landscape Management and Forest Conservation 172
Section One: General Provisions of Nature Conservation and Landscape Management 172
Art. 245 Objectives of Nature Conservation and Landscape Management 172
Art. 246 Definitions 172
Art. 247 Principles of Nature Conservation and Landscape Management 174
Art. 248 Nature Conservation under Community Legislation 175
Art. 249 Nature Conservation Duties 175
Art. 250 Agriculture and Forestry 175
Art. 251 Nature Conservation and Recreation 176
Section Two: General Protection of Ecosystems 176
Subsection One: Nature Maintenance Plans 176
Art. 252 Purpose of Nature Maintenance Plans 176
Art. 253 Types and Contents of Nature Maintenance Plans 176
Art. 254 Nature Programme 177
Art. 255 Nature Framework Plans 177
Art. 256 Nature Plans 177
Art. 257 Green Space Development Plans 177
Art. 258 Special Arrangements for the City States 177
Art. 259 Preparation Procedure 177
Subsection Two: Encroachments on Nature and Landscape 178
Art. 260 Encroachments on Nature and Landscape 178
Art. 261 Admissibility of Encroachments 178
Art. 262 Duties of the Originator 179
Art. 263 Procedure 179
Art. 264 Register of Encroachments 180
Art. 265 Relationship to Plans Preparing for Encroachments and to Building Law 180
Art. 266 Implementation of Compensation and Substitute Measures 181
Subsection Three: Management 181
Art. 267 Duty to Tolerate 181
Art. 268 Maintenance and Development Measures 181
Section Three: Protection for Biotopes and Special Areas 182
Subsection One: Biotope Protection 182
Art. 269 Protection of Certain Biotopes 182
Art. 270 Measures by the Länder 182
Subsection Two: Protection for Special Areas 183
Art. 271 General Provisions 183
Art. 272 Nature Conservation Area 183
Art. 273 National Park 183
Art. 274 Biosphere Park 184
Art. 275 Landscape Protection Area 184
Art. 276 Nature Park 185
Art. 277 Natural Monument 185
Art. 278 Protected Landscape Element 185
Subsection Three: Protected Areas of European Significance 186
Art. 279 Selection and Declaration of Protected Area 186
Art. 280 Promulgations 186
Art. 281 Projects of Relevance to Protected Areas 186
Art. 282 Assessment of Impact on Protected Areas 187
Art. 283 Admissibility of Projects of Relevance to Protected Areas, Originator’s Duties 187
Art. 284 Procedure 187
Art. 285 Plans of Relevance to Protected Areas 188
Section Four: Conservation of Wild Animals and Plants 188
Subsection One: General Provisions 188
Art. 286 Objectives of Species Conservation 188
Art. 287 Länder Provisions on Species Conservation 189
Art. 288 Definitions 189
Art. 289 Promulgations 190
Art. 290 Species Conservation Seal 190
Subsection Two: Conservation Provisions 190
Art. 291 General Conservation of Wild Animals and Plants 190
Art. 292 Release and Settlement of Animals and Plants 190
Art. 293 Poisonous Animals and Plants 190
Art. 294 Wildlife Reserves 191
Art. 295 Bans on Interference with and Disturbance of Specially Protected Animal and Plant Species 191
Art. 296 Bans on Possession and Marketing of Specially Protected Species and Certain Other Animal and Plant Species 192
Art. 297 Authority to Enact Ordinances 193
Art. 298 Other Länder Provisions 193
Subsection Three: Supplementary Provisions 194
Art. 299 Competence and Procedures 194
Art. 300 Burden of Proof, Seizure 194
Art. 301 General Administrative Rules 195
Section Five: Forest Conservation 195
Subsection One: General Provisions 195
Art. 302 Objectives of Forest Conservation 195
Art. 303 Definitions 195
Art. 304 Forest Management 195
Art. 305 Management of Federal and Land Forests 196
Art. 306 Federal Forest Inventory 196
Subsection Two: Forest Preservation 196
Art. 307 Purpose of Forestry Master Plans 196
Art. 308 Principles of Forestry Master Plans 197
Art. 309 Types and Content of Forestry Master Plans 197
Art. 310 Preparation Procedure 197
Art. 311 Forest Conversion 197
Art. 312 Initial Afforestation 198
Subsection Three: Specially Protected Forest 198
Art. 313 Protective Forest 198
Art. 314 Recreational Forest 199
Art. 315 Supplementary Land Legislation 199
Subsection Four: Common Provisions 199
Art. 316 Safeguarding Forest Functions 199
Art. 317 General Administrative Rules 200
Section Six: Expropriation, Indemnification and Compensation for Hardship 200
Art. 318 Expropriation 200
Art. 319 Special Restrictions on Ownership 200
Art. 320 Other Restrictions 200
Section Seven: Common Provisions 200
Art. 321 Functions of Authorities and Public Agencies 200
Art. 322 Exemptions 200
Art. 323 Administrative Offences 201
Art. 324 Investigations by Customs Authorities 203
Art. 325 Provisions for Land Legislation 203
Chapter Ten: Soil Conservation 203
Section One: General Provisions 203
Art. 326 Purpose 203
Art. 327 Definitions 203
Art. 328 Principles 204
Art. 329 Basic Duties 205
Art. 330 Determination of Soil Condition Values 205
Art. 331 Competent Authorities 206
Section Two: Agricultural and Silvicultural Land Use 206
Art. 332 Rules of Good Agricultural or Silvicultural Practice 206
Art. 333 Use of Plant Protection Agents 207
Art. 334 Use of Fertilisers 208
Art. 335 Promotion of Organic Farming 208
Art. 336 Nitrogen Charge 209
Section Three: Extraction of Mineral Resources 210
Art. 337 Basic Duties 210
Art. 338 Planning of Mining Requirements and Locations 210
Section Four: Soil Quality Monitoring and Avoidance of Soil Impairment 211
Art. 339 Functions of the Authorities 211
Art. 340 Duties to Inform and Cooperate 211
Art. 341 Duty to Notify 212
Art. 342 Soil Information Systems 212
Art. 343 Powers of the Authorities 212
Art. 344 Selection in the case of Multiple Responsible Parties 213
Art. 345 Compensation among Multiple Responsible Parties 213
Art. 346 Soil Conservation Plans 214
Section Five: Soil Remediation and Recultivation 215
Art. 347 Duty of Remediation and Recultivation 215
Art. 348 Parties Responsible for Remediation and Recultivation 215
Art. 349 Military Contaminated Sites 216
Art. 350 Duty to Tolerate 217
Art. 351 Orders and Measures by Authorities 217
Art. 352 Entities Responsible for Remediation 218
Art. 353 Compensation for Appreciation in Value 219
Section Six: Administrative Offences 219
Art. 354 Administrative Offences 219
Chapter Eleven: Water Conservation 220
Section One: General Provisions 220
Art. 355 Purpose 220
Art. 356 Definitions 221
Art. 357 Limits of Property Ownership 222
Art. 358 Principles 222
Art. 359 Water Resources Management Planning 222
Art. 360 Basic Duties 223
Section Two: Authorisation 223
Art. 361 Necessity for and Content of Authorisation 223
Art. 362 Prerequisites for Authorisation 224
Art. 363 Conditions, Supplementary Requirements and Early Commencement 224
Art. 364 Compensation for Rights and Powers 225
Art. 365 Withdrawal of Authorisation 225
Art. 366 Subsequent Decisions by Water Authority 225
Art. 367 Participation by Water Authority 225
Art. 368 Continued Validity of Permits and Consents; Existing Rights and Existing Powers 225
Section Three: Surface Waters 226
Subsection One: Management 226
Art. 369 Load Reduction Programmes and Management Objectives for Surface Waters 226
Art. 370 Minimum Requirements for Discharging Waste Water 226
Art. 371 Special Uses of Surface Waters 226
Art. 372 Dumping, Storage and Carriage of Substances 227
Subsection Two: Authorisation-Free Uses 227
Art. 373 Public Use 227
Art. 374 Proprietary Use by Owners and Residents 227
Art. 375 Use for Fishing Purposes 227
Art. 376 Uses in the case of Exercises and Trials 227
Subsection Three: Development, Maintenance, Flood Protection 228
Art. 377 Development 228
Art. 378 Maintenance 228
Art. 379 Flood Areas 228
Section Four: Coastal Waters and High Seas 229
Subsection One: Coastal Waters 229
Art. 380 Management Objectives for Coastal Waters 229
Art. 381 Minimum Requirements for Discharging of Waste Water, Storage and Transportation of Substances 229
Art. 382 Authorisation-Free Uses 229
Subsection Two: Introducing and Discharging Waste into the High Seas and into Coastal Waters 229
Art. 383 Scope and Definitions 229
Art. 384 Ban on Introduction, Discharging and Incineration of Waste 230
Art. 385 Authorisation 230
Art. 386 Introduction and Discharging of Dredged Material 230
Art. 387 Distress Clause 230
Art. 388 Implementation of the Provisions for the High Seas 231
Section Five: Ground Water 231
Art. 389 Management Objectives for Ground Water 231
Art. 390 Quality Maintenance and Remediation 232
Art. 391 Special Uses of Ground Water 232
Art. 392 Authorisation-Free Uses 232
Art. 393 Exploratory Earthworks 233
Section Six: Area-Specific Water Conservation 233
Art. 394 Water Conservation Areas 233
Section Seven: Waste Water Disposal 234
Art. 395 Waste Water Disposal Duty and Waste Water Disposal Plans 234
Art. 396 Construction and Operation of Waste Water Installations 234
Art. 397 Authorisation of Waste Water Treatment Installations 234
Section Eight: Installations for Handling Substances Harmful to Water and Soil 235
Art. 398 Requirements 235
Art. 399 Determination of Suitability (Eignungsfeststellung) and Type Approval (Bauartzulassung) 235
Art. 400 Duties and Specialist Enterprises 236
Section Nine: Monitoring and Environmental Officer 236
Art. 401 Duty to Monitor 236
Art. 402 Environmental Officer 237
Section Ten: Water Use Charges 237
Subsection One: Waste Water Charge 237
Art. 403 Liability for Charges 237
Art. 404 Basis for Assessment 238
Art. 405 Determining Pollution Units on the Basis of the Notice 238
Art. 406 Increase in the Number of Pollution Units 238
Art. 407 Declaration concerning Deviations from Notice 239
Art. 408 Calculating Pollution Units in Other Cases 239
Art. 409 Charge Rate 240
Art. 410 Offsetting against Expenditure on Waste Water Purification 240
Art. 411 Levying 241
Art. 412 Use of Waste Water Charge 241
Subsection Two: Charge for Ground Water Abstraction 241
Art. 413 Liability for Charges 241
Art. 414 Assessment Basis and Charge Rate 242
Art. 415 Use of Charge 242
Section Eleven: Common Provisions 242
Art. 416 Water Register 242
Art. 417 Administrative Offences 242
Art. 418 Provisions for Land Legislation 243
Chapter Twelve: Immission Control and Energy Supply 243
Section One: General Provisions on Immission Control 243
Art. 419 Purpose and Scope 243
Art. 420 Principles 244
Section Two: Immission Control relating to Installations 244
Subsection One: Construction and Operation of Installations Requiring Authorisation 244
Art. 421 Requirement of Authorisation 244
Art. 422 Basic Duties for Construction and Operation 245
Art. 423 Statutory Ordinances concerning Basic Duties 245
Art. 424 Special Prerequisites for Authorisation 246
Art. 425 Environmental Officer 246
Subsection Two: Construction and Operation of Installations Not Requiring Authorisation 246
Art. 426 Basic Duties for Construction and Operation 246
Art. 427 Statutory Ordinance concerning Requirements for Installations Not Requiring Authorisation 247
Art. 428 Orders in Individual Cases 247
Subsection Three: Marketing of Installations 247
Art. 429 Requirements for Installations and Parts Thereof 247
Art. 430 Type Approval (Bauartzulassung) 247
Subsection Four: Advisory Commissions 248
Art. 431 Installation Safety Commission 248
Art. 432 Technical Committee on Installation Safety 248
Section Three: Immission Control relating to Traffic 249
Subsection One: Properties and Operation of Vehicles 249
Art. 433 Basic Duties 249
Art. 434 Statutory Ordinance concerning Properties and Operation of Vehicles 249
Subsection Two: Traffic Infrastructure Projects (Verkehrsanlagen), Traffic Charges 249
Art. 435 Basic Duties relating to the Construction and Operation of Traffic Infrastructure Projects 249
Art. 436 Orders upon Authorisation of Traffic Infrastructure Projects 249
Art. 437 Subsequent Orders in cases of Harmful Immissions from Existing Traffic Infrastructure Projects 250
Art. 438 Road Traffic Charge 250
Art. 439 Air Traffic Charge 251
Art. 440 Ascertaining Immissions 251
Art. 441 Programme of Measures 251
Art. 442 Statutory Ordinance 251
Section Four: Immission Control relating to Areas 252
Art. 443 Observation Areas 252
Art. 444 Air Quality Control Plans 252
Art. 445 Noise Abatement Plans 253
Art. 446 Measures in Inversion Weather Conditions 253
Art. 447 Measures in High-Ozone Situations 253
Section Five: Energy Supply and Energy Use 254
Subsection One: General Provisions 254
Art. 448 Purpose 254
Art. 449 Definitions 254
Art. 450 Principles 255
Art. 451 Basic Duties 255
Art. 452 Local Authority Energy Plans 255
Subsection Two: Preferential Arrangements for Environmentally Sound Generation of Electricity 255
Art. 453 Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources 255
Art. 454 Environmentally Sound Generation of Electricity 256
Art. 455 Review of Preferential Arrangements 256
Subsection Three: Saving Energy 256
Art. 456 Thermal Insulation for Buildings Not Yet Constructed 256
Art. 457 Requirements for Heating and Air-Conditioning Systems and Process Water Systems 257
Art. 458 Requirements for the Operation of Heating and Air-Conditioning Systems and of Process Water Systems 257
Art. 459 Divergent Requirements and Extension to Existing Buildings 257
Art. 460 Distribution of Operating Costs 258
Art. 461 Common Provisions for Statutory Ordinances 258
Art. 462 Reference Date 258
Art. 463 Monitoring 258
Section Six: Administrative Offences 258
Art. 464 Administrative Offences 258
Chapter Thirteen: Nuclear Energy and Radiological Protection 260
Section One: General Provisions 260
Art. 465 Purpose 260
Art. 466 Scope 260
Art. 467 Definitions 260
Section Two: Authorisation and Monitoring 261
Subsection One: Authorisation of Installations 261
Art. 468 Nuclear Installations Requiring Authorisation 261
Art. 469 Basic Duties 261
Art. 470 Special Prerequisites for Authorisation 262
Art. 471 Safety of Installations 262
Art. 472 Closure 263
Art. 473 Installations Producing Ionising Radiation 263
Subsection Two: Other Authorisations 264
Art. 474 Handling of Radioactive Substances 264
Art. 475 Imports and Exports of Radioactive Substances 265
Art. 476 Carriage of Radioactive Substances 265
Subsection Three: Waste Management 266
Art. 477 Duties of Possessor of Waste 266
Art. 478 Duties of the State 267
Art. 479 Authorisation of Disposal Facilities 267
Subsection Four: Monitoring and Intervention Measures 267
Art. 480 Administrative Monitoring 267
Art. 481 Review of Reliability 268
Art. 482 Periodic Safety Review 268
Art. 483 Subsequent Orders in Special Cases 269
Art. 484 Revocation 269
Art. 485 Compensation 269
Subsection Five: Common Provisions 270
Art. 486 Exemption from Authorisation Requirement 270
Art. 487 Power to Enact Statutory Ordinances concerning Administrative Control 270
Art. 488 Independent Experts 271
Art. 489 Advisory Commissions 271
Art. 490 Competence concerning Measures relating to Imports and Exports and Carriage 271
Art. 491 Competence of Federal Authorities 272
Art. 492 Competence of Land Authorities 272
Section Three: Radiological Protection 273
Subsection One: Functions and Basic Duties 273
Art. 493 Authorities’ Functions 273
Art. 494 Basic Duties 273
Subsection Two: Protective Measures within Companies and Company Organisation 273
Art. 495 Power to Enact Statutory Ordinances concerning Protective Measures 273
Art. 496 Party Responsible for Radiological Protection, Environmental Officer for Radiological Protection 274
Subsection Three: Administrative Observation of Radioactivity, Radiological Protection Register 275
Art. 497 Federal Functions 275
Art. 498 Länder Functions 276
Art. 499 Information Duties of the Federation 276
Art. 500 Federal Administrative Authorities 276
Art. 501 Radiological Protection Register 276
Art. 502 Damage of Unexplained Origin 277
Subsection Four: Statutory Ordinances and Administrative Measures 277
Art. 503 Maximum Doses and Maximum Contamination Levels 277
Art. 504 General Prohibitions and Restrictions 277
Art. 505 Powers in Transboundary Traffic 278
Art. 506 Recommendations 278
Subsection Five: Delegated Administration 278
Art. 507 Länder Administration on behalf of the Federation (Auftragsverwaltung) 278
Section Four: Liability and Financial Cover 279
Subsection One: General Provisions 279
Art. 508 Fundamentals of Liability 279
Art. 509 Definitions 279
Subsection Two: Liability 280
Art. 510 Liability for Nuclear Installations 280
Art. 511 Liability for Nuclear Ships 281
Art. 512 Liability in Other Cases 281
Art. 513 Contributory Fault 282
Art. 514 Extent of Liability 282
Art. 515 Limits of Liability 282
Art. 516 Limitation Periods 283
Art. 517 Multiple Parties Liable for Compensation 283
Art. 518 Indemnity Obligation 284
Art. 519 Division of Indemnity between Federation and Länder 284
Art. 520 Recourse in Cases of Indemnity 284
Art. 521 Compensation by the Federation 285
Art. 522 Exceptions to Payments by the Federation and the Länder 286
Art. 523 Foreign Nuclear Installations 286
Art. 524 Liability Exemption Limits 286
Art. 525 Decisions by the Steering Committee 287
Subsection Three: Financial Cover 287
Art. 526 Financial Cover 287
Art. 527 Application of the Insurance Contracts Act 288
Art. 528 Order of Precedence for Satisfaction from Financial Cover 288
Section Five: Administrative Offences 288
Art. 529 Administrative Offences 288
Chapter Fourteen: Traffic Infrastructure Projects and Utility Lines 289
Section One: Traffic Infrastructure Projects 289
Subsection One: General Provisions 289
Art. 530 Purpose 289
Art. 531 Principle of Taking into Account the Consequences of Traffic 290
Subsection Two: Planning of Supraregional Traffic Infrastructure Projects 290
Art. 532 Scope 290
Art. 533 Planning Principles 290
Art. 534 Subjects and Effects of Federal Traffic Infrastructure Planning 291
Art. 535 Regional Policy Procedures 291
Art. 536 Discretionary Project Authorisation 291
Section Two: Utility Lines 292
Subsection One: General Provisions 292
Art. 537 Purpose 292
Art. 538 Definitions 292
Art. 539 Scope 292
Art. 540 Principles 292
Art. 541 Basic Duties 293
Subsection Two: Construction and Operation of Utility Lines 293
Art. 542 Utility Lines Requiring Authorisation 293
Art. 543 Decision by the Licensing Authority 293
Art. 544 Determination of Suitability and Type Approval (Bauartzulassung) 294
Art. 545 Specialist Enterprises 294
Art. 546 Monitoring 294
Art. 547 Environmental Officer 294
Art. 548 Cessation of Operation of Installation 294
Art. 549 Closure of Installation 295
Art. 550 Authority to Enact Statutory Ordinances 295
Subsection Three: Common Provisions 295
Art. 551 Administrative Offences 295
Chapter Fifteen: Genetic Engineering and Other Biotechnology 296
Section One: General Provisions on Genetic Engineering 296
Art. 552 Purpose 296
Art. 553 Scope 296
Art. 554 Definitions 296
Art. 555 Basic Duties for the Handling of Genetically Modified Organisms 297
Art. 556 Duty to Inform 297
Art. 557 Monitoring 297
Art. 558 Genetic Engineering Commission 298
Section Two: Genetic Engineering Operations in Closed Systems 298
Art. 559 Risk Levels, Safety Measures 298
Art. 560 Special Basic Duties 299
Art. 561 Monitoring, Environmental Officers 299
Art. 562 Registration and Authorisation Requirements for Installations and Operations 299
Art. 563 Operations after Authorisation for Release or Marketing 300
Art. 564 Authorisation Procedures for Installations 300
Art. 565 Authorisation Procedures for Operations 300
Art. 566 Registration Procedure 301
Art. 567 Prerequisites for Authorisation 301
Section Three: Release of Genetically Modified Organisms 302
Art. 568 Special Basic Duties 302
Art. 569 Monitoring, Environmental Officers 302
Art. 570 Requirement of Authorisation 303
Art. 571 Release after Authorisation for Marketing 303
Art. 572 Authorisation Procedures for Releases 303
Art. 573 Content of Authorisation, Requirements 304
Section Four: Marketing of Genetically Modified Products 304
Art. 574 Special Basic Duties 304
Art. 575 Requirement of Authorisation 304
Art. 576 Authorisation Procedure 305
Art. 577 Prerequisites for Authorisation 305
Art. 578 Content of Authorisation, Requirements 305
Art. 579 Subsequent Decisions 306
Art. 580 Novel Foods and Food Ingredients 306
Section Five: Requirements regarding Other Biotechnology 306
Art. 581 Biotechnologically Modified Organisms 306
Art. 582 Environmental Maintenance with the Aid of Biotechnology 307
Section Six: Common Provisions 307
Art. 583 Non-Confidential Documents 307
Art. 584 Measures for the Protection of Employees 307
Art. 585 Administrative Offences 308
Chapter Sixteen: Dangerous Substances 309
Section One: General Provisions 309
Art. 586 Purpose 309
Art. 587 Definitions 309
Art. 588 Dangerous Substances, Preparations and Products; Substances Hazardous to Health 310
Art. 589 Scope 311
Art. 590 Principles 312
Art. 591 Basic Duties 313
Section Two: Registration of New Substances 313
Art. 592 Duty to Register 313
Art. 593 Exemptions from Duty to Register 314
Art. 594 Content of Registration 314
Art. 595 Simplified Registration 315
Art. 596 Procedure after Receipt of Registration, Marketing of Registered Substance 315
Art. 597 Additional Testing First and Second Stage 316
Art. 598 Special Provisions for Importer Registrations 316
Art. 599 Powers of the Registration Body 317
Art. 600 Evaluation 318
Section Three: Classification, Packaging and Labelling of Dangerous Substances, Preparations and Products 318
Art. 601 Classification, Packaging and Labelling of Dangerous Substances 318
Art. 602 Classification, Packaging and Labelling of Preparations and Products 319
Art. 603 Safety Data Sheet 319
Art. 604 Authorisation to Enact Classification, Packaging and Labelling Provisions 319
Art. 605 Duties of Marketer 320
Art. 606 Advertising 320
Section Four: Duty to Inform 320
Art. 607 Registered Substances 320
Art. 608 Substances Exempted from the Duty to Register 320
Art. 609 New Substances which are Not Marketed or Only Marketed Outside the European Economic Area 321
Art. 610 Existing Substances 321
Art. 611 Preparations and Products 322
Art. 612 Poison Information and Treatment Centres 322
Art. 613 Dangerous Substances Inventory 323
Section Five: Protection of Employees 324
Art. 614 Measures for the Protection of Employees 324
Section Six: Good Laboratory Practice 325
Art. 615 Principles of Good Laboratory Practice 325
Section Seven: Procedures and Organisation 326
Art. 616 Submission of Test Certificates 326
Art. 617 Use of Third-Party Test Certificates, Duty of Preliminary Inquiry 327
Art. 618 Information Duties of the Registration Body 328
Art. 619 Confidentiality 329
Art. 620 Advisory Commissions 329
Art. 621 Implementation, Monitoring 330
Art. 622 Administrative Orders 330
Art. 623 Costs 330
Section Eight: Plant Protection Agents 331
Subsection One: General Provisions 331
Art. 624 Purpose 331
Art. 625 Definitions 331
Art. 626 Scope 332
Art. 627 Principles 333
Art. 628 Basic Duties 333
Subsection Two: Approval of Plant Protection Agents 333
Art. 629 Requirement of Approval 333
Art. 630 Application for Approval 334
Art. 631 Utilisation of Documents of Other Applicants or Approval Holders 334
Art. 632 Approval 335
Art. 633 Supplementary Demands 337
Art. 634 Approval of Plant Protection Agents Approved in Other Member States 337
Art. 635 Approval before Decision by European Community 338
Art. 636 Duration of Approval 338
Art. 637 Amendment; Revocation; Withdrawal; Suspension of Approval 339
Art. 638 Extension of the Field of Application 339
Art. 639 Duty to Inform 340
Art. 640 Confidentiality 340
Art. 641 Details of the Procedure; Promulgations 340
Subsection Three: Marketing of Plant Protection Agents 341
Art. 642 Packaging and Labelling 341
Art. 643 Prohibited Statements 342
Art. 644 Duty to Notify 342
Art. 645 Retail Sales 342
Subsection Four: Use of Plant Protection Agents 342
Art. 646 Use of Plant Protection Agents 342
Art. 647 Duty to Notify 343
Art. 648 Personal Prerequisites 343
Subsection Five: Plant Protection Appliances 343
Art. 649 Marketing 343
Art. 650 Declaration 343
Art. 651 Testing of Plant Protection Appliances 343
Art. 652 Delegated Powers 344
Art. 653 Testing of Existing Plant Protection Appliances 344
Subsection Six: Plant Resistance Improvers; Active Ingredients 344
Art. 654 Marketing of Plant Resistance Improvers 344
Art. 655 Inclusion in the List of Plant Resistance Improvers 345
Art. 656 Marketing of Active Ingredients of Plant Protection Agents 345
Subsection Seven: Other Plant Protection Measures 345
Art. 657 Implementation of Other Plant Protection Measures 345
Art. 658 Plant Protection Measures 346
Art. 659 Protection against Accidental Introduction of Harmful Organisms 347
Art. 660 Urgent Cases 348
Subsection Eight: Compensation 348
Art. 661 Compensation 348
Subsection Nine: Common Provisions 348
Art. 662 Federal Biological Institute for Agriculture and Forestry 348
Art. 663 Descriptive Plant Protection List 349
Art. 664 Expert Commission on Plant Protection Agents 349
Art. 665 Implementation in the Länder 350
Art. 666 Costs 350
Art. 667 Duties to Inform and Tolerate 350
Art. 668 Communication of Data 350
Art. 669 Cooperation with Other Member States and with the Commission of the European Communities 351
Section Nine: Biocides 351
Subsection One: General Provisions 351
Art. 670 Purpose 351
Art. 671 Definitions 351
Art. 672 Scope 351
Art. 673 Principles 352
Art. 674 Basic Duties 352
Subsection Two: Approval of Biocides 352
Art. 675 Requirement of Approval; Application for Approval 352
Art. 676 Utilisation of Documents of Other Applicants or Approval Holders 353
Art. 677 Approval 353
Art. 678 Delegated Powers 354
Subsection Three: Marketing of Biocides 354
Art. 679 Packaging and Labelling; Prohibited Statements; Duty to Notify; Restrictions on Sales 354
Subsection Four: Use of Biocides; Appliances for Applying Biocides 355
Art. 680 Use of Biocides 355
Art. 681 Restrictions on Use 355
Art. 682 Appliances for Applying Biocides 356
Subsection Five: Common Provisions 356
Art. 683 Approval Body; Expert Commission 356
Art. 684 Costs, Cooperation, Communication of Data 357
Section Ten: Detergents and Cleaners 357
Subsection One: General Provisions 357
Art. 685 Purpose 357
Art. 686 Definitions 357
Art. 687 Scope 357
Art. 688 Principles 358
Art. 689 Basic Duties 358
Subsection Two: Marketing of Detergents and Cleaners 358
Art. 690 Requirements for Detergents and Cleaners 358
Art. 691 Packaging, Labelling, especially as regards Recommended Dosage, Details of Water Hardness Ranges 358
Art. 692 Information on Environmentally Relevant Properties 359
Section Eleven: Fertilisers 360
Subsection One: General Provisions 360
Art. 693 Purpose 360
Art. 694 Definitions 360
Art. 695 Scope 360
Subsection Two: Marketing of Fertilisers 361
Art. 696 Approval of Fertiliser Types 361
Art. 697 Packaging and Labelling 361
Art. 698 Restrictions on Marketing 362
Subsection Three: Compensation Fund 362
Art. 699 Establishment of a Compensation Fund 362
Subsection Four: Closing Provisions 363
Art. 700 Expert Commission on Fertiliser Matters 363
Art. 701 Tolerances 363
Section Twelve: Carriage of Dangerous Goods 363
Subsection One: General Provisions 363
Art. 702 Purpose 363
Art. 703 Definitions 363
Art. 704 Scope 363
Art. 705 Principles 364
Art. 706 Basic Duties 364
Subsection Two: Requirements for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods 364
Art. 707 Approval for Carriage; Transport Containers and Vehicles 364
Art. 708 Packaging and Labelling; Transport Documents 365
Art. 709 Power to Enact Statutory Ordinances 365
Art. 710 Exemptions 366
Art. 711 Emergency Measures 366
Art. 712 Hearing of Experts 366
Subsection Three: Environmental Officer 366
Art. 713 Environmental Officer 366
Subsection Four: Competence, Safety Measures, Monitoring, Costs 367
Art. 714 Competence 367
Art. 715 Monitoring 368
Art. 716 Costs 368
Section Thirteen: Administrative Offences 368
Art. 717 Administrative Offence Provisions for Sections One to Seven 368
Art. 718 Administrative Offence Provisions for Section Eight 369
Art. 719 Administrative Offence Provisions for Section Nine 371
Art. 720 Administrative Offence Provisions for Section Ten 373
Art. 721 Administrative Offence Provisions for Section Eleven 373
Art. 722 Administrative Offence Provisions for Section Twelve 374
Section Fourteen: Transitional Provisions 375
Art. 723 Transitional Provisions for Sections One to Seven 375
Art. 724 Transitional Provisions for Section Eight 376
Art. 725 Transitional Provisions for Section Nine 376
Chapter Seventeen: Waste 377
Section One: General Provisions 377
Art. 726 Purpose 377
Art. 727 Definitions 377
Art. 728 Scope 377
Art. 729 Basic Duties 378
Section Two: Duties relating to Waste 378
Subsection One: Producers and Possessors of Waste 378
Art. 730 Duties of Producers and Possessors of Waste 378
Art. 731 Company Waste Concepts 379
Art. 732 Company Waste Accounting 379
Art. 733 Return 380
Art. 734 Relinquishment Duties 380
Art. 735 Property Owners’ and Occupiers’ Duty to Tolerate 381
Subsection Two: Waste Managers 381
Art. 736 Duties of Waste Managers 381
Art. 737 Requirements for Waste Recovery 381
Art. 738 Requirements for Waste Disposal 382
Art. 739 Duty to Inform and Advise 382
Art. 740 Exercise of Duties by Public-Law Entities Responsible for Waste Management 382
Art. 741 Exercise of Duties by Associations 383
Art. 742 Exercise of Duties by Self-Government Corporations 383
Art. 743 Exercise of Duties by Third Parties 384
Section Three: Organisation and Planning of Waste Management 384
Art. 744 Organisation of Disposal 384
Art. 745 Waste Strategy Planning 384
Art. 746 Informing the Public 385
Section Four: Authorisation and Closure of Landfill Sites 385
Art. 747 Requirement of Authorisation 385
Art. 748 Basic Duties relating to Construction, Operation and Closure 385
Art. 749 Prerequisites for Authorisation 386
Art. 750 Existing Landfill Sites 386
Art. 751 Closure 386
Section Five: Monitoring and Environmental Officer 386
Art. 752 General Monitoring 386
Art. 753 Evidence Procedure 387
Art. 754 Environmental Officer 387
Section Six: Shipment of Waste 388
Subsection One: Authorisation of Carriers, Dealing and Brokering 388
Art. 755 Authorisation of Carriers 388
Art. 756 Authorisation of Dealing and Brokering 389
Art. 757 Carriage of Hazardous Waste 389
Art. 758 Specialist Waste Management Enterprise, Waste Management Syndicate 389
Subsection Two: Transboundary Shipment of Waste 389
Art. 759 Transboundary Shipment 389
Art. 760 Competent Authority 390
Art. 761 Cooperation by Other Authorities 390
Art. 762 Specifications for Transboundary Shipment 390
Art. 763 Reimportation 391
Art. 764 Security 391
Art. 765 Waste Repatriation Fund 392
Art. 766 Point of Contact 393
Art. 767 Authority to Enact Statutory Ordinances 393
Section Seven: Waste Charge 394
Art. 768 Waste Charge 394
Art. 769 Waste Liable to Charges 394
Art. 770 Liability for Charges 394
Art. 771 Charge Rate and Assessment Basis 395
Art. 772 Determination 395
Art. 773 Use of Revenue from Charges 395
Section Eight: Common Provisions 396
Art. 774 Administrative Offences 396
Art. 775 Transitional Provisions 396
Table of Statutes 397
Index 403