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Technological Innovation, Competitiveness, and Economic Growth



Clauser, O., Kalmbach, P., Pegoretti, G., Segnana, L. (Eds.) (1992). Technological Innovation, Competitiveness, and Economic Growth. Duncker & Humblot.
Clauser, Onorio; Kalmbach, Peter; Pegoretti, Giovanni and Segnana, Luisa. Technological Innovation, Competitiveness, and Economic Growth. Duncker & Humblot, 1992. Book.
Clauser, O, Kalmbach, P, Pegoretti, G, Segnana, L (eds.) (1992): Technological Innovation, Competitiveness, and Economic Growth, Duncker & Humblot, [online]


Technological Innovation, Competitiveness, and Economic Growth

Editors: Clauser, Onorio | Kalmbach, Peter | Pegoretti, Giovanni | Segnana, Luisa

Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften, Vol. 427


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Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Contents 5
Onorio Clauser et al.: Introduction 7
A General Outlook 7
Innovation and Diffusion: Some Empirical Facts and Institutional Conditions 11
Technical Progress and Labour 17
Innovation Activities and International Competition 23
Technological Change and the Structure of the Economic System 29
References 34
I. Innovation and Diffusion: Some Empirical Facts and Institutional Conditions 41
Lothar Scholz: Technological Innovation in Industry: Conception and Results of Innovation Surveys 41
1. A Critique of the Conventional Theory of Technical Progress 41
2. Innovation Activities as Determinants of Technical Progress 42
3. Development of Innovation Surveys 43
4. Micro-Economic Results 44
5. Macro-Economic Results 46
6. International Comparisons 49
7. Final Remarks 52
References 53
Wilhelmine Goldmann: Research and Development in Austria in an International Comparison 55
1. The State of Research in the Fifties and Sixties 55
1.1. Research Policies at Level Zero 56
2. Austrian R&D Expenditure in an International Comparison 57
2.1. General Trends 57
2.2. Structural Frame of Research Expenditure 57
2.3. The Government Sector (Public Financing of R&D) 58
2.4. The Business Enterprise Sector: Finance and Performance 60
2.5. The University Sector 62
3. The Structure of Expenditure 63
4. Conclusions for Austria 67
References 68
Kurt Hornschild: The Role of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Framework of Technology Conditioned Structural Changes 69
1. Causes of Structural Change 69
2. Technological Competitiveness Secures Position in World Trade 71
3. The Role of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises 75
4. Empirical Results of the Innovative Behaviour of SMEs 78
5. Strategy and Technology-Conditioned Changes in Role Playing Between Large Enterprises and SMEs 82
6. Closing Remarks 83
References 85
Raffaele Paci: Technological Innovation and International Competitiveness: The Cases of Germany and Italy 87
1. Introduction 87
2. A Brief Survey of the Literature 88
3. The Specialization Indexes 90
4. The Econometric Results 93
References 100
Patrizio Bianchi: Theory of the Firm, Innovative Processes and Institutional Change 103
1. Introduction 103
2. Theories of the Firm and Neo-Institutionalism 104
3. Theories of Social Evolution 106
4. Evolution of Social Relations and Institutional Change 109
5. Public Policies, Institutional Change and Social Evolution 111
References 114
Werner Clement: Pattern Detection in Innovation Research 117
Discussion of the Papers by W. Goldmann, L. Scholz and P. Bianchi 117
References 122
II. Technical Progress and Labour 123
Paolo Pini: Macroeconomic Analysis of the Employment Effects of Technological Change: An Evaluation of the Links Between Theoretical Framework and Empirical Models 125
1. Introduction 125
2. Structure of a General Model and Compensation Effects 126
3. Some Types of Aggregate Models 133
4. Some Types of Multisectoral Model 146
5. Conclusions 163
References 165
Peter Kalmbach: The Impact of New Technologies on Employment: The State of the Art and Perspectives for Research 169
Introduction 169
Different Dimensions of the Problem 170
The Determination of the Net-Employment Effect 174
Conclusions and Perspectives for Research 180
References 182
Riccardo Leoni: Quantitative and Qualitative Effects of Technological Innovations: Issues, Empirical Evidence and Implications 185
1. Introduction 185
2. Issues 186
2.1. The Optimistic Thesis 186
2.2. The Pessimistic Thesis 188
2.3. The Neutral Thesis 190
3. The Definition of Skill 191
4. Empirical Evidence 193
4.1. Quantitative Aspects 193
4.2. A Brief Glance at the Production-Productivity-Employment Relationsbip 197
4.3. The Impact of Technological Innovations on Required Skills 198
4.4. The "Male-Chauvinist" Nature of New Technology 202
4.5. The Effect of Microelectronics on Jobs 205
5. Discussion and Conclusion 208
References 210
Paolo Piacentini: Capacity and Employment: Macroeconomic Implications of the Variability of the Age Structure of the Capital Stock 213
1. Introduction 213
2. Stylized Facts 214
3. Analytical Suggestions from within a Vintage Production Framework 217
4. Concluding Remarks 225
References 226
Luitpold Uhlmann: Technical Innovation and the Labour Market 229
Discussion of the Papers by P. Kalmbach and R. Leoni 229
III. Innovation Activities and International Competition 233
Ferdinando Targetti, Alessandro Foti: Growth and Technical Progress: Convergence or Divergence among Countries 235
1. Introduction 235
2. A Simple Framework 235
3. Harrod 236
4. The Neoclassical Model 237
5. Endogenous Technical Progress 238
6. Connections of Growth in Different Countries 238
7. Theories of Cumulative Causation 239
8. Limitations of the Model 243
9. Catching up Theory 243
10. Limitations of the Model 245
11. Integration of the Three Forces Acting in the Two Models 246
12. Each of the Three Forces has Two Regimes 247
13. The Complexity of a Theoretical Model 247
14. The Econometric Model 248
15. OECD 1960-1973 249
16. OECD 1973-1985 249
17. C.U. Ranking and C.C. 250
18. Latin America 1960-1973 252
19. Latin America 1973-1985 252
20. Latin America Before and After 1979 253
21. Conclusions 253
Appendix 255
Data Sources and Econometric Techniques 261
References 262
Gerhard Clemenz: International R&D Competition in Cournot Oligopolies 265
1. Introduction 265
2. The R&D Process 267
2.1. Equilibria at Given Unit Costs 267
2.2. Returns to R&D 268
3. International R&D Competition 272
3.1. International Duopolies 272
3.2. Several Foreign Firms 274
4. Some Policy Issues 275
4.1. Gains From Trade 275
4.2. Subsidies 276
5. Concluding Remarks 278
Appendix 279
References 279
Francesco Pigliaru, Luisa Segnana: Spillovers, Localized Learning and Comparative Advantage 281
1. Introduction 281
Part I 283
2. Uneven Growth and Comparative Advantage 283
3. Production 285
4. Comparative Advantage 287
5. Comparative Statics 289
Part II 292
6. Institutional and Organizational Aspects of Comparative Advantages 292
7. Institutional and Organizational Aspects of Learning Processes 295
8. Policy Implications and Some Concluding Remarks 300
References 302
IV. Technological Change and the Structure of the Economic System 305
Gilberto Antonelli, Giovanni Pegoretti: Technological Change, Technological Systems, Factors of Production 307
1. Introduction 307
2. A General Reference Framework 309
2.1. Scarcity, Variety of Natural Resources and Economic Systems 310
2.2. Antagonism-Coexistence-Synergy Between Scarcity and Producibility 312
2.3. Relative Scarcity and Focusing Devices 313
3. Some Considerations on the Use of the Concept of System 313
4. The Distinction Between Technological System and Production Techniques 316
5. A Simplified Model 320
6. Incomes, Final Demand and Activity Levels 327
7. The Dynamics of the System 328
8. Introduction of the New Technique 332
9. The Diffusion of the New Technique 334
10. The Price-Distribution System 340
11. Comparison Between Economic Systems 342
12. Some Reflections on Possible Uses of the Model 343
References 345
Bernhard Böhm, Lionello F. Punzo: Detecting Structural Change: A Scheme for the Comparison of Austria and Italy in the Seventies and Eighties 347
1. Austria and Italy: Some Stylized Facts 347
2. Preliminaries 349
3. Two Viewpoints on Technical Change and Accumulation 350
4. The Terminology and Data of the "Model" 351
5. A State Space Framework 353
6. Development Patterns and Structural Change 355
7. Overall Development Patterns of Italy and Austria 356
8. The Development Patterns of Industrial Sectors 358
References 362
Onorio Clauser, Geremia Gios, Roberta Raffaelli: Innovations Constrained by Scarce Resources 375
I. 375
II. 375
III. 376
IV. 379
V. 380
References 381
List of Speakers 383