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Matsugi, T., Oberhauser, A. (Eds.) (1992). Economic Cooperation in the 1990s. European Common Market and Pacific-Asian Cooperation in a Changing Global Framework. Duncker & Humblot.
Matsugi, Takashi and Oberhauser, Alois. Economic Cooperation in the 1990s: European Common Market and Pacific-Asian Cooperation in a Changing Global Framework. Duncker & Humblot, 1992. Book.
Matsugi, T, Oberhauser, A (eds.) (1992): Economic Cooperation in the 1990s: European Common Market and Pacific-Asian Cooperation in a Changing Global Framework, Duncker & Humblot, [online]


Economic Cooperation in the 1990s

European Common Market and Pacific-Asian Cooperation in a Changing Global Framework

Editors: Matsugi, Takashi | Oberhauser, Alois

Schriften zu Regional- und Verkehrsproblemen in Industrie- und Entwicklungsländern, Vol. 54


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Table of Contents.

Section Title Page Action Price
Editors’ Foreword 5
Table of Contents 7
Takashi Matsugi: Impacts of the EC Single Market 1992 on the Japanese Economy, with Special Reference to Manufacturing/Automobile Industry 9
1. lntroduction 9
2. Economic meanings of the EC single market 1992 10
3. Japanese direct investments in the European community 12
4. Reactions of Japanese manufacturing/automobile industries 13
4.1. Office machines 13
4.2. Automobiles 14
5. Globalization of enterprises 17
References 18
Yoshinobu Sato: Japanese Direct Investment in the United States and Related Problems, with Special Reference to Automobile Industry 21
1. Introduction 21
2. The condition of local production in the U.S.A. 22
2.1. Aims 22
2.2. Ways of moving out 22
2.3. Production capacity 23
2.4. Condition of location 24
3. A full scale of foreign direct investment - the problem of the high Yen 24
4. Effect on domestic employment 26
5. Conclusion 27
Soshichi Kinoshita/Jiro Nemoto: The Changing Pattern of International Specialization and Economic Interdependence among Asia-Pacific, the US and EC Economies 29
1. lntroduction 29
2. Changing patterns of international specialization 31
2.1. Share of exports 32
2.2. Comparative advantage and disadvantage 33
2.3. A product life-cycle pattern of comparative advantage 34
3. Modeling the interdependence through trade among countries 36
4. Concluding remarks 40
References 40
Werner Pascha: On the Intricacies of Specialization and Interdependence – A Comment on S. Kinoshita’s and J. Nemoto’s Paper – 41
References 46
Takashi Matsugi/Alexander Bernhard: On two Ways of Recycling Japanese Trade Surplus 47
I. Japans's recent foreign direct investment 47
1. lntroduction 47
2. Export and economic development 47
3. Japan's foreign direct investment in recent years 50
II. Use of Japan's official development assistance (ODA) for ASEAN countries' economic development 52
1. General conception of foreign assistance 52
2. The share of Japan's ODA 53
a) To ASEAN countries 53
b) Economic infrastructure 54
3. Japan 's ODA to ASEAN countries' economic infrastructure: the case of the Philippines and Thailand 56
4. Conclusion and the outlook for Japan 's foreign assistance 57
References 58
Hans-Hermann Francke: On Some Processual and Structural Problems of an European System of Central Banks 61
1. lntroduction 61
2. The process or monetary transmission: some major issues 62
2.1. Monetary centralisation may imply reduced speed of adjustment 62
2.2. Monetary transmission and efficient control of money supply 65
3. Central bank autonomy and monetary policy rules 66
3.1. Issues of the independence of an ESCB 66
3.2. Monetary rules for an ESCB 69
4. International coordination of European monetary policy 71
4.1. The reasons for and the risks of policy coordination 71
4.2. Monetary rules and/or coordination 73
References 75
Jun’ichi Senda: Impacts of the EC Single Market 1992 on Japanese Banks and Securities Firms 77
1. lntroduction 77
2. Extension of Japanese banks and securities firms into Europe 78
3. Implications of the second banking coordination directive for Japanese financial institutions 84
3.1. Single banking license 84
3.2. Universal banking system (a full range of banking services) 85
3.3. Reciprocity to the Third country 85
4. Japanese financial institutions' reactions to the EC single market 1992 86
5. Final remarks 87
Atsushi Iida: The Financial Accounting System in Japan – From an International Perspective – 89
1. lntroduction 89
2. Commercial code accounting and securities exchange act accounting in Japan 90
3. "Business accounting principles" in Japan 91
4. The translation problems under exchange rate changes 92
4.1. The methods of translation 92
a) The current-noncurrent method 92
b) The monetary-nonmonetary method 93
c) The temporal method 93
d) The current rate method 94
4.2. The gains and Iosses from exchange rates changes 94
5. Accounting standards for exchange rate changes in Japan 95
5.1. Concerning the transactions denominated in foreign currencies 95
5.2. Concerning the translation of the financial statements of foreign currencies 96
6. Concluding remarks 97
Bernhard Külp: Coordination Demand and Coordination Chances of a Stability Policy in the Common Market 101
1. Definition 101
2. Problems 105
3. Coordination requirements under changing conditions 110
3.1. Defending the stability of a small country 110
3.2. Defending the stability in a large country 112
3.3. The expansion policy of a small country 113
3.4. Stability policy and the prisoners' dilemma 114
3.5. Coordination requirements with respect to fiscal policy 115
4. Coordination chances 116
4.1. The coordination dilemma 116
4.2. Requirements for successful coordination 120
4.3. Coordination chances and their dependence on coordination procedures 123
5. Effects of intensified European coordination on non-EC countries 126
6. Conclusions 127
Yuko Arayama: A Study on the Structure of the Labor Market: Empirical Study on a Socio-Economic Survey in Thailand 133
1. lntroduction 133
2. An economic model for nuclear families 134
2.1. Neo-classical model 134
2.2. Household production model 135
2.3. Econometric specifications 135
3. Data description of SES 137
3.1. Definition of households and household members 137
3.2. Sampling design 138
3.3. Survey items 138
3.4. Database for empirical research 139
4. Empirical results 140
4.1. Wagedetermination 140
4.2. Work hour determination 141
References 148
Rudolf Kögler: The European Communities Single Market from a Swiss Viewpoint – Problems, Adjustments, Prospects – 149