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Pro-poor Growth: Policy and Evidence



Menkhoff, L. (Ed.) (2006). Pro-poor Growth: Policy and Evidence. Duncker & Humblot.
Menkhoff, Lukas. Pro-poor Growth: Policy and Evidence. Duncker & Humblot, 2006. Book.
Menkhoff, L (ed.) (2006): Pro-poor Growth: Policy and Evidence, Duncker & Humblot, [online]


Pro-poor Growth: Policy and Evidence

Editors: Menkhoff, Lukas

Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik, Vol. 314


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The embarrassing living conditions of more than one billion poor people in developing countries in combination with the increasing gap of living standards between the poor and the rich, has provided a strong motivation for development policy to change this situation. From its beginning, policy has aimed for stimulating economic growth in order to improve living conditions for everyone. The endurance of poverty, however, has motivated to extend the traditional »growth is good for the poor« by a more targeted policy that combines growth with a particular emphasis on improving the situation of the poor. This is exactly the objective of »pro-poor growth«, a term that became popular during the late 1990s and which seemed to dominate the stage with the propagation of the Millennium Development Goals, including its goal to halve poverty by 2015.

This volume contains six papers that address various core issues of pro-poor growth policies. These papers were presented at the annual meeting of the Research Committee Development Economics (Ausschuss Entwicklungsländer des Vereins für Socialpolitik) in 2005. Papers were lively discussed at the meeting and later on improved by comments from anonymous referees.

All authors have done extensive research in the field of pro-poor growth, including field studies. Accordingly, their contributions - reflecting this knowledge and proficiency - pick up recent developments in the field. The discussion of most appropriate pro-poor growth policies is an ongoing process which has been documented by a growing literature. The value added of the present volume is obviously not to be more comprehensive than others but rather to continue the line of work by bringing some recent research findings - with a focus on policy relevance and empirical substantiation - to a broader audience.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Lukas Menkhoff: Foreword 5
References 8
Contents 9
Rainer Klump and César A. Miralies Cabrera: Pro-poor Growth: Theory, Measurement, and Policy Implications 11
Abstract 11
A. Introductio 11
B. How to explain why and when growth becomes pro-poor? 13
C. How to define and measure pro-poor growth? 16
I. Definition: Relative versus absolute concepts of pro-poor growth 16
II. Measurement: Rate of pro-poor growth versus poverty equivalent growth rate 17
D. How to support pro-poor growth by adequate policies? 22
I. Pro-growth policies: Factor related, sector related and area related policies 22
II. Pro-poor policies: Safety Nets and targeted interventions 27
III. Macro policies and institutions 30
IV. Country experiences 32
E. How to prioritize pro-poor growth policies? 34
F. Summary and conclusions 36
References 37
Appendix: Assumptions for the simulation of pro-poor growth scenarios 44
Michael Grimm: Integrating Issues of Income Mobility in the Analysis of Pro-poor Growth 51
Abstract 51
A. Introductio 51
B. Mobility and the measurement of pro-poor growth 53
I. The measurement of pro-poor growth 53
II. Integrating mobility in measurements of pro-poor growth 54
III. Decomposition of poverty changes into income growth, up-ward and down-ward mobility 55
IV. An assessment of pro-poor growth for Indonesia and Peru with and without integrating mobility 57
1. Data 57
2. Results 57
3. Robustness to measurement erro 64
C. How to account for mobility when longitudinal data is unavailable? 65
I. Mobility analysis using micro-simulation methods 66
II. Two illustrative examples 68
D. Conclusio 71
References 72
Stefan Klonner: Estimating Pro-poor Indices from Time Series Data: Concepts and an Application to Rural India 75
Abstract 75
A. Introductio 75
B. Methodology 77
I. Distribution-neutral elasticity and the pro-poor index 77
II. A regression framework for the measurement of PPG 78
C. Data 80
D. Estimation and results 86
The dynamic properties of the series 86
Estimation of pro-poor indices 88
E. Conclusio 92
References 93
Jann Lay and Manfred Wiebelt: Policy Options for Achieving Pro-poor Growth in Bolivia 95
Abstract 95
A. Introductio 95
B. Modeling framework 97
I. Structural vs. reduced-form models 97
II. Desired model structure 98
III. Key features of the Bolivia model 99
C. Simulation results 102
I. Business as usual 102
II. Macro policies 104
III. Structural reforms 105
IV. Gas projects 107
V. Targeted interventions in favor of the poo 109
VI. Trade-offs and complementarities between growth and poverty alleviatio 111
D. Concluding remarks 113
References 114
Jean Bourdon, Markus Frölich and Katharina Michaelowa: Broadening Access to Primary Education: Contract Teacher Programs and their Impact on Education Outcomes in Africa 117
Abstract 117
A. Introductio 117
B. The relevance of contract teacher programs and their development over time 120
C. The PASEC data set for Niger and selected characteristics of contract teachers, their students and schools 124
D. Evaluating the effect of the contract teacher program on the basis of propensity score matching 128
I. Ensuring common support 130
II. Determining relevant control variables and estimation of the propensity score 132
III. Matching results for the effect of the contract teacher statute 136
E. Experiences from other countries and conclusions 139
References 140
Annex 142
Stephan Klasen: Pro-poor Growth and Gender Inequality 151
Abstract 151
A. Introductio 151
B. Gender inequality and income-based pro-poor growth measures: methodological problems 153
C. Gender inequality and pro-poor growth: insights from the literature 155
D. Gender and pro-poor growth in the OPPG case study countries 161
E. Conclusions and policy issues 173
References 175