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The Role of »Informal« Activity in Household Economic Behaviour



Cécora, J. (1991). The Role of »Informal« Activity in Household Economic Behaviour. Duncker & Humblot.
Cécora, James. The Role of »Informal« Activity in Household Economic Behaviour. Duncker & Humblot, 1991. Book.
Cécora, J (1991): The Role of »Informal« Activity in Household Economic Behaviour, Duncker & Humblot, [online]


The Role of »Informal« Activity in Household Economic Behaviour

Cécora, James

Beiträge zur Ökonomie von Haushalt und Verbrauch, Vol. 22


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Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Preface 7
Table of Contents 9
0 Introduction: 13
0.1 General context of the subject matter 13
0.2 Objectives and methods of our empirical investigation 15
0.3 Definition of terms 16
1 Household Behaviour in Economic Theory 23
1.1 Three modules: state, enterprises, households 24
1.2 Factors influencing non-market production by members of private households 27
1.3 Choice theory and resource allocation 30
2 Private Households in Public Statistics 33
2.1 Depiction of households in general administrative statistics: National and international accounts 33
2.2 Statistical instruments in the Federal Republic of Germany 36
3 Informal Economic Activity of Private Households in the Light of Empirical Research 41
3.1 Macro-economic investigations for evaluation purposes in administrative statistics 42
3.2 Behavioural research on household ‘informal economic activity’ 44
3.3 Unanswered questions and hypotheses 49
4 Design and Implementation of a Survey on Household Economic Behaviour and its ‘Informal’ Aspects 53
4.1 Theoretical concept 53
4.2 Selection of the survey sample, survey design and implementation 57
4.2.1 Selection of the survey sample 58
4.2.2 Survey design and implementation 59
4.3 Classification and evaluation of survey data 63
4.3.1 Categories of time-use 64
4.3.2 Evaluation of time-use 67
4.3.3 Classification of the income and allocation of nominal and real goods 70
4.3.4 Evaluation of the income and allocation of nominal and real goods 70
5 Survey Results 73
5.1 Utility value and allocation of household income in nominal and real goods from ‘formal’ and ‘informal’ sources 75
5.1.1 Utility value of household income in nominal and real goods 75
5.1.2 Household allocation of income in nominal and real goods 81
5.2 Time-allocation and the utility value of ‘formal’ and ‘informal’ inputs of human capital into household subsistence 83
5.2.1 Description of time-allocation by members of the survey households 84 Time-input into ‘formal’ gainful activity 86 Time-input into ‘housework’ 89 Time-input into miscellaneous side-activities 90 Time-input into non-domestic ‘informal activities’ 91 Total productive use of time 92
5.2.2 Utility value of time-use by members of the survey households 93
5.3 Utility value of owner-occupied residences for household subsistence 94
5.4 The ‘real consumption’ of the survey households and a review of the contribution of ‘informal’ resources 94
5.5 Economic behaviour – as described by the ‘subsistence technology’ of private households 100
6 Summary 103
Literature 105
Appendix 117