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New Trends in International Lawmaking - International 'Legislation' in the Public Interest



Delbrück, J. (Ed.) (1997). New Trends in International Lawmaking - International 'Legislation' in the Public Interest. Proceedings of an International Symposium of the Kiel Walther-Schücking-Institute of International Law, March 6 to 8, 1996. Duncker & Humblot.
Delbrück, Jost. New Trends in International Lawmaking - International 'Legislation' in the Public Interest: Proceedings of an International Symposium of the Kiel Walther-Schücking-Institute of International Law, March 6 to 8, 1996. Duncker & Humblot, 1997. Book.
Delbrück, J (ed.) (1997): New Trends in International Lawmaking - International 'Legislation' in the Public Interest: Proceedings of an International Symposium of the Kiel Walther-Schücking-Institute of International Law, March 6 to 8, 1996, Duncker & Humblot, [online]


New Trends in International Lawmaking - International 'Legislation' in the Public Interest

Proceedings of an International Symposium of the Kiel Walther-Schücking-Institute of International Law, March 6 to 8, 1996

Editors: Delbrück, Jost

Veröffentlichungen des Walther-Schücking-Instituts für Internationales Recht an der Universität Kiel, Vol. 121


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New threat scenarios include global environmental hazards, poverty generated mass migrations, and international terrorism which in view of the still not satisfactorily solved problem of containing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction has taken on a new dimension. Although undeniably the task of meeting these challenges is an instrinsically political one, there can be no serious doubt that respective political steps to cope with these global threats to the well-being of humankind cannot be effectively taken without an adequate and enforceable legal framework. It is quite evident that such international or global legal framework cannot be designed on the basis of a traditional sovereignity-oriented international law. One can observe that international law has begun to react to the new environment in which it is to function more effectively. Modifications of the modes of creating adequate legal norms and efforts to broaden the scope of relevant international legal norms as well as to strengthen their enforceability $avis-à-vis$z third states as in the case of the now well recognized norms with $aerga omnes$z effect are sure indications of the changing nature of international law in an era of global hazards. The 1996 International Law Symposium »The New Trends in International Lawmaking - International 'Legislation' in the Public Interest« brought together 28 leading scholars from the United States and Europe with a view to probe into these recent developments in the international legal order.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Foreword 5
Contents 9
Abbreviations 10
In memoriam Richard B. Lillich (1933–1996) 13
Jost Delbrück: Opening Address 17
Bernhard H. Oxman: The International Commons, the International Public Interest and New Modes of International Lawmaking 21
I. Public Interest Norms 21
II. International Legislation 28
III. Common Spaces 30
1. Outer Space 30
2. Antarctica 31
3. The Sea 31
IV. Jurisdiction in Common Spaces 33
V. Enforcement Problems 34
1. Piracy 35
2. Shipboard Crimes 36
3. Port State Enforcement of Environmental Norms 37
VI. Rules of the Road 40
VII. The ICAO Model 43
VIII. Antarctica 46
IX. Outer Space and the Electromagnetic Spectrum 51
X. The Oceans: Shrinking Common Spaces 52
1. The Continental Shelf 53
2. Fisheries 54
3. The International Sea-Bed Authority 58
Conclusion 60
Eibe Riedel: International Environmental Law – A Law to Serve the Public Interest? – An Analysis of the Scope of the Binding Effect of Basic Principles (Public Interest Norms) 61
I. Introduction 61
II. Environment and International Law 63
III. The Stock of Existing International Environment Law 67
1. Treaties 67
2. Customary International Law 70
3. General Principles of Law as Basic Principles of Common Interest 76
IV. Third Generation Rights and the Right to an Environment Worth Living in 79
V. The Rio Process 82
VI. Public interest norms of the world community 89
VII. Conclusion 97
Discussion 99
Klaus Dicke: National Interest vs. the Interest of the International Community – A Critical Review of Recent UN Security Council Practice 145
I. Introduction 145
II. What are "Threats to the peace"? The Practice of the Security Council under Art. 39 of the UN Charter 147
1. General Findings and Cold War Practice 147
2. Dynamic Interpretation of "Threats to the Peace" after 1990 150
3. International Statements on Art. 39 156
III. Answers in Legal Doctrine 159
1. Security Council Practice and the Sovereignty of States 159
2. Humanitarian Intervention 161
3. The Concept of Peace 163
4. International Legislation 164
5. The Council's Role in the Enforcement of Public Interest Norms 165
6. Towards a Constitutionally Bound Legislation in the Interest of the International Community 167
IV. Conclusion: The Interest of the International Community – a New Source of International Law? 168
Jonathan I. Charney: International Lawmaking – Article 38 of the ICJ Statute Reconsidered 171
I. Introduction 171
II. The Contemporary International Lawmaking Processes 177
1. Consent 177
2. Categories of Public International Law 180
III. Contemporary Enforcement of International Law 185
IV. Conclusion 189
Discussion 192
List of Participants 229