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Comparative and Private International Law



Clark, D. (1990). Comparative and Private International Law. Essays in Honor of John Henry Merryman on his Seventieth Birthday. Duncker & Humblot.
Clark, David. Comparative and Private International Law: Essays in Honor of John Henry Merryman on his Seventieth Birthday. Duncker & Humblot, 1990. Book.
Clark, D (1990): Comparative and Private International Law: Essays in Honor of John Henry Merryman on his Seventieth Birthday, Duncker & Humblot, [online]


Comparative and Private International Law

Essays in Honor of John Henry Merryman on his Seventieth Birthday

Clark, David


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Book Details


Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
John Henry Merryman Festschrift Committee V
Preface VII
Summary of Contents IX
Table of Contents XIII
Mauro Cappelletti: In Honor of John Henry Merryman 1
Part I: John Henry Merryman and Comparative Law 9
David S. Clark: The Idea of the Civil Law Tradition 11
I. Origins of the Idea of the Civil Law Tradition 12
II. Legal Tradition versus Legal System 16
III. The Atypicality of France and Germany within the Civil Law Tradition 18
IV. The Western Legal Tradition 21
Héctor Fix-Zamudio: John Henry Merryman and the Modernization of Comparative Legal Studies 25
I. Introduction 25
II. The Concept and Nature of “Comparative Law” 26
III. The Goals of Comparative Law 28
A. Reach an Authentic Scientific Level in Legal Studies 28
B. Increase Understanding of National Law 28
C. Perfect Legal Language 29
D. Promote International Understanding of Law 29
E. Unify or Harmonize Legal Systems 29
F. Understand Legal Systems as Dynamic 30
IV. The Extension of Comparative Law 30
V. Comparative Law and National Law 31
VI. Comparative Law and Foreign Law 34
VII. Legal Nationalism and Foreign Law Borrowing 35
VIII. The Traditional and Contemporary Teaching of Comparative Law 36
IX. The Influence of John Henry Merryman’s Modernizing Ideas 40
X. The Need to Update Comparative Legal Studies and Teaching in the Mexican Legal System 42
XI. Conclusions 45
Lawrence M. Friedman: Some Thoughts on Comparative Legal Culture 49
I. Standard Comparative Law 49
II. Classification of Legal Systems 50
III. Comparative Legal Culture 52
IV. A Concrete Example 55
Part II: Comparisions of Legal Systems 59
Hans W. Baade: Springs, Creeks, and Groundwater in Nineteenth-Century German Roman-Law Jurisprudence with a Twentieth-Century Postscript 61
I. Introduction 61
II. The Nineteenth-Century Decisions 65
A. Source and Scope 65
B. Guiding Principles: Public and Private Waters 66
C. Servitudes 66
D. Riparian Rights to Public Waters 70
III. The Millers Go to Court 72
A. Four Cases 72
B. Summary 76
C. The Usus Modernus 77
D. Questions of Policy 80
IV. “Vested” Water Rights and Modern Ground Water Management 82
A. Civil-Law Codification 82
B. “Vested” Rights and Twentieth-Century Water Management 83
C. The Federal Constitutional Court Speaks 84
V. Conclusion 87
Mirjan Damaška: Atomistic and Holistic Evaluation of Evidence: a Comparative View 91
I. Atomistic and Holistic Tendencies Surveyed 92
A. Anglo-American Systems 92
B. Continental Systems 94
II. Sources of Atomistic and Holistic Tendencies 98
A. Organization of Adjudicatory Authority 98
B. Differing Objectives of Justice 99
III. Anglo-American and Continental Systems Revisited 101
Louis Favoreu: American and European Models of Constitutional Justice 105
I. Introduction 105
II. Why Europe Did Not Adopt the American System 106
A. Substantive Factors 107
B. Institutional Factors 109
C. A Political Factor 110
D. The Situation after World War II 110
III. How the European Model Differs from the American Model 111
A. Separation of Constitutional Litigation from Ordinary Litigation 111
B. Jurisdictional Monopoly in a Constitutional Court 111
C. Constitutional Court Uniqueness 111
D. Referral to a Constitutional Court 112
E. The Nature of Constitutional Litigation 113
F. Effects of Constitutional Court Decisions 114
IV. Common Elements in the Two Models 115
A. The United States Supreme Court and Constitutional Courts 115
B. Less Obvious Common Elements 117
V. Conclusion 119
Gino Gorla: Samuel Livermore (1786–1833): An American Forerunner to the Modern “Civil Law-Common Law Dialogue” 121
I. The Civil Law-Common Law Dialogue 121
A. Introduction 121
B. “Diritto comparato delle differenze” and “Diritto comparato delle concordanze” during the Twentieth Century 122
C. “Diritto comparato delle concordanze” during the Formative Era of American Law 123
D. The Anglo-Scottish-American Comparatists 124
II. Samuel Livermore 125
A. A Short Biography 125
B. Livermore’s Library 127
III. Livermore’s Attitudes as Reflected in His Works 128
A. An Overview 128
B. Provide Order and System to American Case Law with Textbooks 129
C. Use of a Scholarly Style 130
D. Use of Comparisons with the Civil Law 131
E. Use of the Ius Commune 132
IV. Livermore’s Influence 134
A. The Fortunes of Livermore’s Books 134
B. Livermore’s Success in Court: Whiston v. Stodder 135
V. The History of Comparative Law of Concordances and the “Civil Law Tradition” 137
Carlos José Gutiérrez: La Constitución Norteamericana como Ley Importada en Costa Rica 139
I. Introducción 139
II. El Régimen Presidencial 142
A. El Modelo 142
B. Las Alternativas Iniciales Latinoamericanas 144
C. La Situación Costarricense 146
CH. Conclusiones 152
III. El Control de Constitucionalidad 153
A. La Gran Invención 153
B. La Evolución Costarricense en las Disposiciones Constitucionales 156
C. La Jurisdicción Compartida entre los Tres Poderes 157
CH. Actuaciones Judiciales 160
D. El Sistema Actual 164
E. Evaluación del Sistema 166
IV. Las Constituciones en Derecho Comparado 168
English Summary: The Constitution of the United States as Imported Law in Costa Rica 170
Jan Hellner: Interpretation of Contracts under the Influence of Statutory Law 173
I. The Use of Statutory Rules 174
II. Interpretation of Special Clauses 174
III. Facultative Rules 176
IV. Mandatory Rules 181
V. Conclusion 182
Hein Kötz: Scholarship and the Courts: A Comparative Survey 183
I. Introduction 183
II. Legal Scholarship in French Courts 185
III. Legal Scholarship in British Courts 187
IV. Legal Scholarship in American Courts 190
V. Legal Scholarship in German Courts 193
VI. The Need for Further Research 194
Dietrich André Loeber: Latvia’s 1937 Civil Code: A Quest for Cultural Identity 197
I. Significance of the Latvian Civil Code 198
II. The Civil Code as a Reform Act 199
III. History of Drafting the Civil Code 200
IV. The Civil Code of Latvia Today 202
Inga Markovits: Socialism and the Rule of Law: Some Speculations and Predictions 205
I. Socialist Administrative Legality: Past and Present 206
II. Capitalist Administrative Legality: Ideological Implications of Our System of Judicial Review 210
A. The Protection of Private Interests 210
B. The Individual against the State 211
C. Blurring the Public/Private Distinction 213
III. Capitalist Reservations about Judicial Review: When Do We Limit Court Supervision 216
A. Citizens in Close Affiliation with Specific State Institutions 217
B. Complex Planning Decisions 219
C. Children and Welfare Clients 221
IV. Obstacles to the Success of Judicial Review Procedures in Socialist Countries 223
A. First Obstacle: The Socialist State 224
B. Second Obstacle: Socialist Judiciaries 228
C. Third Obstacle: Socialist Citizens 232
V. Outlook 238
A. The Future of Socialist Law Reform 238
B. The Limits of Law Reform 243
C. Postscript 245
Barry Nicholas: Certainty of Price 247
I. The U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 247
II. The Roman Rule 248
III. Modern National Views 250
IV. Conclusion 255
Rogelio Pérez Perdomo: La justicia penal en la investigación socio-jurídica de América Latina 257
I. Introducción 257
II. El proceso penal: duración y disfunciones 259
III. Justicia penal y desigualdad social 265
IV. Justicia penal y represión politica 267
V. Un balance 270
English Summary: Criminal Justice in Latin American Sociolegal Research 272
Giovanni Pugliese: Ius Honorarium and English Equity 275
I. Ius Honorarium and Equity in Legal History 275
II. The Distinctiveness of the Two Bodies of Rules 277
III. The Powers of the Praetor and the Chancellor 278
IV. Social Forces Influencing the Two Bodies of Rules 279
V. Similarities and Differences between Ius Honorarium and Equity 280
VI. Dualism and Merger 281
Denis Tallon: The Notion of Contract: A French Jurist’s Naive Look at Common Law Contract 283
I. Uncertain Frontiers: What is a Contract? 284
A. The Rigid Framework of French Law 284
B. The Nebula of the Common Law 285
II. Ambiguous Contents: Contract as a Promise 286
A. Contract and Promise 287
B. The Consequences 288
III. Conclusion 290
Yasuhei Taniguchi: Civil Liability of Experts in Court: A Comparative Overview 291
I. Introduction 291
II. The French Expert 292
A. The Negligent Conduct of Expertise 294
B. Error in the Expert’s Report 295
III. The German Expert 296
IV. The American Expert 301
V. The Japanese Expert 304
VI. Conclusion 307
Justin P. Thorens: The Common Law Trust and the Civil Law Lawyer 309
I. Introduction 309
II. Basic Common Law Property Principles 310
A. No Clear Distinction between Real Rights and Personal Rights 310
B. Rejection of a Numerus Clausus for Real Rights 310
C. Fragmentation of Property Ownership 310
D. Tenure 311
E. Estate 311
III. Trust Characteristics from a Civilian Point of View 314
IV. Conclusion 315
Carlos Viladás: Obras de arte y Patrimonio Histórico en España: Una reforma legislativa reciente 317
I. Dos casos ilustrativos de la situación anterior a la reforma 317
A. “Viaje a la luna en el fondo del mar” 317
B. “La Marquesa de Santa Cruz” 318
C. El marco legal español 318
II. La Ley del Patrimonio Histórico Español 319
A. El mandato constitucional 320
B. El Patrimonio Histórico Español 321
C. Medidas de tutela y protección 321
D. Algunas medidas de especial interés 322
E. Incentivos fiscales 323
F. Propiedad privada versus interés público 324
G. Distribución de competencias en materia de Patrimonio Histórico 327
English Summary: Works of Art and the Historical Patrimony in Spain: A Recent Legislative Reform 328
Part III: The Convergence and Integration of Legal Systems within Europe 331
George A. Bermann: EEC Community-Building under the Single European Act 333
Mauro Cappelletti: Balance of Powers, Human Rights, and Legal Integration: New Challenges for European Judges 341
I. The Expansion of European Judicial Review of Legislation 341
II. National and Transnational Developments in Europe 345
A. National Constitutional Tribunals 345
B. Transnational European Judicial Review 347
III. A Judicial Review Revolution in Europe 352
Sabino Cassese: Toward a European Model of Public Administration 353
I. The Possibility of Comparing Different Administrative Systems 353
II. The Origins of Italian Public Administration 354
III. The French-Napoleonic Administrative Model in Italy 355
A. Democratic or Oligarchic Foundations 356
B. The Adoption of Droit Administratif 357
C. Administrative Uniformity 358
D. The Administrative Elite 359
E. The Council of State 359
F. Prefects 360
G. The Efficacy of Legal Transplants 361
IV. The Convergence of Administrative Systems in Europe 363
A. Democracy and Social Demands 363
B. Droit Administratif and English Administrative Law 364
C. Multi-Organizational Public Administration 364
D. General Administrative Procedure Laws 365
E. The Finance Sector’s Leading Role 366
F. The Underlying Causes of Convergence 367
J. A. Jolowicz: Product Liability in the EEC 369
I. Introduction 369
II. A Liability for Producing or a Liability for Selling? 370
A. Product Liability as Liability for Producing 370
B. Product Liability as Liability for Selling 373
III. The Proposal for a Directive 377
IV. The Directive 379
V. The Effect of the Directive 381
A. The Survival of National Law 381
B. Implementation of the Directive 382
VI. Conclusion 388
Part IV: Private International Law 393
Heikki Jokela: Internationalism in Private International Law 395
I. Doctrinal Antecedents 395
II. Recent Developments: The New Factors 397
III. International Instruments as a Manifestation of Universal Legal Policy 399
A. Uniform Laws 399
B. Establishment of Legal Standards 402
C. Legal Aspects of International Instruments 405
IV. Conclusions 406
Stefan A. Riesenfeld: Transnational Bankruptcies in the Late Eighties: A Tale of Evolution and Atavism 409
I. France: Société Kléber c. société anonyme de droit danois Friis Hansen et autre 410
II. Germany: P.N. KG u. a. v. RA O 413
III. United Kingdom: Felixstowe Dock and Railway Co. v. U.S. Lines, Inc. 415
IV. Recent Developments in United States Law Governing Transnational Bankruptcy 418
V. Conclusion 428
Kurt Siehr: The Return of Cultural Property Expropriated Abroad 431
I. The Fact Situation 431
A. The East German Background and Case History 431
B. West German Court Procedure 432
II. Legal Problems 432
A. Conflict of Laws Issues 433
B. The East German Transaction 433
C. West German Public Policy 434
D. East German Law on Bona Fide Purchases 435
E. The Property Claim under the West German Civil Code 436
III. Critical Remarks and Comments 436
A. A New Specimen of Art Trade 436
B. The Clash of Different Policies 436
C. Taxation and Expropriation 437
D. Bona Fide Purchases 439
IV. Review by the Bundesgerichtshof 440
V. Conclusion 441
Part V: Bibliography 443
List of Publications of John Henry Merryman 445