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Paradoxes in Public Sector Reform: An International Comparison



Hesse, J., Hood, C., Peters, B. (Eds.) (2003). Paradoxes in Public Sector Reform: An International Comparison. Duncker & Humblot.
Hesse, Joachim Jens; Hood, Christopher and Peters, B. Guy. Paradoxes in Public Sector Reform: An International Comparison. Duncker & Humblot, 2003. Book.
Hesse, J, Hood, C, Peters, B (eds.) (2003): Paradoxes in Public Sector Reform: An International Comparison, Duncker & Humblot, [online]


Paradoxes in Public Sector Reform: An International Comparison

Editors: Hesse, Joachim Jens | Hood, Christopher | Peters, B. Guy

Abhandlungen zur Staats- und Europawissenschaft, Vol. 1


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Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Preface 5
Table of Contents 7
Joachim Jens Hesse, Christopher Hood and B. Guy Peters: Introduction: Public Sector Reform - Soft Theory and Hard Cases 9
I. The "Paradox Perspective" on Public Sector Reform 9
II. Types of Reform Paradoxes 11
1. Input Paradoxes 12
2. Paradoxes of Process 14
3. Output Paradoxes 14
III. Are Paradoxes Resolvable? 19
1. Shocks and Crises as Resolution Mechanisms for Input Paradoxes 19
2. Reversion to Type as a Resolution Mechanism for Bad-fit Input Paradoxes 20
3. New Paradoxes for Old? Resolving One Paradox and Creating Others 21
References 22
B. Guy Peters: The Failure of Managerial Reform in a Managerial Society: Public Sector Reform in the United States 25
I. Introduction 25
1. Change in the Reagan and Bush Years 25
2. Administrative Change in the Clinton Administration 26
3. Benchmarking Public Administration in the United States 27
II. Isolation or Integration of the Public Services 27
1. The Isolation of the Public Service Career from the Private Sector 27
2. Use of Alternative Service Delivery Systems 29
3. Decentralisation 30
III. The "Ruliness" of Public Sector Organisations 30
1. Personnel Management 30
2. The Nature of the Rules 31
3. The Unity of the Public Service 32
4. The Nature of Output Controls 33
5. Pay for Performance 34
IV. Overall Regulatory Style 35
V. Summary 35
VI. Paradoxes of Change in the United States 36
VII. Managerialism Lost 37
VIII. The Sources of Failure 40
1. Political Culture 41
2. Congressional Micro-Management 42
3. Presidential Involvement in Administration 44
IX. Managerialism Regained? 46
X. Summary 48
References 49
John P. Burns: Paradoxes of Administrative Reform in the People's Republic of China 53
I. Introduction 53
II. Stages of Development 55
III. Cultural Perspectives and Traditions 60
IV. Institutional Variables 62
V. Resource Base 63
VI. Professionalisation of Reform 64
VII. Policy Entrepreneurship and Political Will 66
VIII. Benchmarking China's Experience 66
IX. Conclusion: Paradoxes of Administrative Reform 71
References 73
Akira Nakamura: Reform in Japan's Public Management: The Changing Role of Bureaucrats, Paradoxes and Dilemmas 77
I. Introduction 77
II. The Backdrop to Japanese Reform Efforts: Bureaucrats, Politics, and Policymaking Process 79
III. The Rise of a Producer-oriented Society and the Plight of Consumers in Japan 84
IV. Paradoxes and Dilemmas in Japan's Implementation of Administrative Reform 89
V. Concluding Remarks and Benchmarking 93
References 94
John Halligan: Paradoxes of Public Sector Reform in Australia and New Zealand 97
I. Reform in Australia and New Zealand 99
1. Reform Stages and Strategies 99
2. Australian Reforms 1983-1999 100
3. New Zealand Reforms 1984-1999 104
II. Factors Shaping Reform 108
1. Cultural Traditions and Institutional Variables 108
2. Resource Base 110
3. Endogenous or Exogenous Influences 110
4. Policy Entrepreneurship and Political Will 112
5. Professionalisation of Reform 113
III. Paradoxes of Reform 114
1. Australia 114
2. New Zealand 117
3. The Paradox of Success 119
References 120
Christopher Hood: From Public Bureaucracy State to Re-regulated Public Service: The Paradox of British Public Sector Reform 127
I. From the Paradox of Ungrounded Statism to the Paradox of Regulatory Growth Inside Government 127
II. Four Ways of Controlling Executive Government and the "Old Public Management" in the UK 130
III. The Intended Effects of New Public Management Reforms: Enhanced Competition and Managerial Freedom 135
IV. Less Intended Effects of Public Management Reform: The Explosion of Audit and "Mirror Image" Regulation 139
V. Accounting for the "Mirror-Image" Paradox 141
VI. Conclusion 145
References 145
Per Laegreid and Paul G. Roness: Administrative Reform Programmes and Institutional Response in Norwegian Central Government 149
I. An Institutional Perspective on Norwegian Administrative Reforms 149
II. The Reform Programmes: Vision and Problem Definition 154
III. Means and Measures 157
1. Organisation of the Reform Processes 158
2. Solutions and Models of Organisation 159
IV. Actual Changes in Organisational Forms 163
1. Implementation of Specific Solutions and Models of Organisation 164
2. Overall Assessments 169
V. Design and Institutional Response 172
References 178
Public Reports 181
Jon Pierre: When the Bottom Line is the Bottom Line: Public Sector Reform in Sweden 183
I. Background: The Politics of Public Sector Reform in Sweden 183
II. Stages of Development 186
III. Cultural Perspectives and Traditions 188
IV. Institutional Variables 190
V. Resource Base 191
VI. Professionalisation of Reform 192
VII. Policy Entrepreneurship and Political Will 193
VIII. Conclusion: The Bottom Line Strategy of Public Sector Reform 193
References 194
Joachim Jens Hesse: Stability Turned Regidity. Paradoxes in German Public Sector Reform 197
I. Introduction 197
II. Paradoxes in Public Sector Reform: The German Case 198
III. Stages of Public Sector Reform: Unfinished Agendas Since 1945 199
IV. Structural Characteristics, Intervening Variables, and Countervailing Forces in the German Governmental System 202
V. Externally Induced Change: The "Double Challenge" of Unification and Europeanisation 203
VI. Main Areas of Reform 205
VII. Options for Reform 208
VIII. On the Future of the Public Sector in Germany: A Speculative View 209
References 211
Theo A. J. Toonen: Substance Came with Little Hype. Public Sector Reform in the Netherlands 215
I. Introduction: Between "Dutch Disease" and "Polder Model" 215
II. Public Sector Reform in the Netherlands 219
1. Budgetary and Managerial Reforms 221
2. Reforms of Policy- and Decision-Making 224
3. Institutional Reforms 228
4. Institutional Transformation 231
5. Results, Outcomes and Effects 232
III. Putting Dutch Public Sector Reform into Perspective 236
1. Stages of Reform 236
2. Cultural Heritage and Institutional Structure: Consociational Democracy and the Consensus State 238
3. Resource Base: Budget, Personnel and Expertise 241
4. Policy Entrepreneurship and Political Will 242
5. European Integration 244
IV. Conclusion: The Reform Paradox in the Dutch Case 244
References 246
Guy Carcassonne: Paradoxes in Public Sector Reform: The Case of France 251
I. Introduction 251
II. Stages of Development 252
1. Decentralisation: The 1982 Earthquake 252
2. Privatisation: The 1986 Tornado 254
3. Mobilisation: The 1989 Attempt 255
4. Delocalisation: The 1991 Disaster 256
5. State Reform: The 1995 Ambition 257
III. Cultural Perspectives and Tradition 258
IV. Institutional Variables, Policy Entrepreneurship and Political Will 262
V. Resource Base 265
VI. Professionalisation of Reform 266
VII. Benchmarking France's Experience 267
VIII. Public Sector Reform Paradoxes 268
Giacinto della Cananea: Paradoxes of Administrative Reform in Italy 273
I. Introduction 273
II. The Historical Background of Administrative Reforms and Their Causes 273
III. The Administrative Reforms of the 1990s: Directions and Techniques 276
IV. "Real" Reforms Versus Announced and Pseudo-Reforms 278
V. Cabinets as the Principal Actors in Reform 281
VI. The Contrast Between High Demand for Reform and Low Supply 282
VII. Retreat or Widening of the Public Sector? 283
VIII. Conclusions 285
References 286
Attila Âgh: Regional Paradoxes of Public Sector Reform in East Central Europe 289
I. The Outlines of Public Sector Reform 289
II. The Institutional Environment: The Itinerary of Democratic Institution-Building 294
1. Long Lasting "Transitory" Institutions 294
2. A Three-Stage Model of Institution-Building 295
III. The Changing Borders of the Public Sector: From Collapse to Reconstruction 296
1. Modernising Governance as a Stage of Democratic Institution-Building 296
2. The Functional Differentiation of "State" and "Public Administration" 300
IV. The New Public Sector and the Task of Europeanisation 304
1. The Public Sector: In the Middle of Nowhere or in the Centre of the New Society? 305
2. Half-Made Administrative Reforms 307
3. The Europeanisation Process: The Tasks of the Accession 309
V. Assessing the Results of Public Sector Reform 311
References 313
Dionyssis Dimitrakopoulos and Edward C. Page: Paradoxes in EU Administration 317
I. Introduction 317
II. What has Changed and What has not 319
III. The Impact of Enlargement 323
IV. The Functional Expansion of the EU 325
V. The Impact of Closer Integration 327
VI. The Problems of the EU Bureaucracy 329
VII. Conclusion 332
References 333
Joachim Jens Hesse, Christopher Hood and B. Guy Peters: Conclusion: Paradoxes in Public Sector Reform - A Comparative Analysis 335
I. The Public Sector and Administrative Reform: Another Three Sets of Paradoxes 335
II. Paradoxes of Global Convergence, Best Practice and Path Dependency Interpretations of Contemporary Administrative Reform 337
1. Paradoxes for Global Convergence and "Best Practice" Interpretations 337
2. Paradoxes for Path-Dependency Interpretations 340
III. Paradoxes of Epoch-Making Change and Emperor's New Clothes Interpretations of Contemporary Administrative Reform 342
1. Paradoxes for Epoch-Making Change Interpretations 342
2. Paradoxes for "Emperor's New Clothes" and Similar Interpretations 343
IV. Paradoxes of "Paradox-Free" and "Mertonian Rule" Interpretations of Contemporary Administrative Reform 344
1. Paradoxes of Paradox Free Interpretations 344
2. Paradoxes for the Mertonian Rule? 349
V. Conclusion: The Future of the "Paradox" Perspective on Public Sector Reform 350
Additional References 351
Subject Index 353
List of Contributors 355