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Negotiation Management



Jahns, C., Möller, S. (Eds.) (2005). Negotiation Management. A Role Play Approach. Working Paper from the Supply Management Institute's series Purchasing and Supply Management. Verlag Wissenschaft & Praxis.
Jahns, Christopher and Möller, Stephan. Negotiation Management: A Role Play Approach. Working Paper from the Supply Management Institute's series Purchasing and Supply Management. Verlag Wissenschaft & Praxis, 2005. Book.
Jahns, C, Möller, S (eds.) (2005): Negotiation Management: A Role Play Approach. Working Paper from the Supply Management Institute's series Purchasing and Supply Management, Verlag Wissenschaft & Praxis, [online]


Negotiation Management

A Role Play Approach. Working Paper from the Supply Management Institute's series Purchasing and Supply Management

Editors: Jahns, Christopher | Möller, Stephan


Additional Information

Book Details




Die Fallstudie zeigt interessierten Einkäufern und Logistikern inkl. Videobeispielen, wie Verhandlungen detailliert vorbereitet und durchgeführt sowie welche Instrumente und Techniken dabei eingesetzt werden können.
This working paper presents a role play approach to negotiation management. Readers will be put into the role of either a buyer or supplier in the automotive industry struggling with price, quality and relationship problems. Based on an initial situation, the reader will learn how negotiation situations can be systematically planned in order to achieve optimal results for all relevant stakeholders.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Table of contents 1
1 Case Study Description 2
2 Personality Description 4
2.1 Dr. Gonzalez (Purchasing Manager / Buying Firm) 5
2.2 Mr. Leibacher (Engineer / Buying Firm) 6
2.3 Dr. Silver (CEO / Supplier) 7
3 The Perspective of a Systematic Coach 8
3.1 Dr. Gonzalez (Purchasing Manager I Buying Firm) 8
3.2 Mr. Lebmann (Engineer / Buying Firm) 10
3.3 Dr. Silver (CEO / Supplier) 11
3.4 Summary 12
4 Theoretical Background 13
5 Solution 15
5.1 Basics 15
5.2 Case Map 15
5.3 Sociogram 17
5.4 Stakeholder Analysis 19
5.4.1 Automotive Producer 21
5.4.2 John Silver Inc. 23
5.4.3 Influence Assumption 25
5.5 Focus Finder 26
5.6 5 Forces 29
6 Generation of Alternatives 34
6.1 Must / Can Criteria 34
6.2 Possible Alternatives 35
6.3 Benefit Value Analysis 38
6.4 Analysis of Possible Threats 39
7 Strategic Solution Proposal 41
7.1 The Goals of Cooperation 42
7.2 The Strategic Process 43
7.3 Summary 50
8 Outcome & Results 51
Acknowledgement 52
Literature 53