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Meyer, D., Raulet, G. (Eds.) (2023). A Critical Archaeology of Cosmopolitan Thinking. Return to the Interwar Years. Duncker & Humblot.
Meyer, Daniel and Raulet, Gérard. A Critical Archaeology of Cosmopolitan Thinking: Return to the Interwar Years. Duncker & Humblot, 2023. Book.
Meyer, D, Raulet, G (eds.) (2023): A Critical Archaeology of Cosmopolitan Thinking: Return to the Interwar Years, Duncker & Humblot, [online]


A Critical Archaeology of Cosmopolitan Thinking

Return to the Interwar Years

Editors: Meyer, Daniel | Raulet, Gérard

Beiträge zur Politischen Wissenschaft, Vol. 202


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In the period between World Wars, the shock of World War 1 and the trauma caused by the conditions of the peace treaties generated an abundance of works on cosmopolitism and supranationalism. In the very period that witnessed the rise of nationalisms, pacifism and cosmopolitan thinking underwent a thorough renewal. While the Socialist International, bolstered by the progress of the Bolshevik revolution, claimed to offer an alternative to the weakness of Western democracies, these experienced a readjustment in the issues linked to cosmopolitanism, fuelled by the leading intellectual theories. Practically all the schools of thought and all the major intellectual figures played a part in this. Important turning points in theory were achieved. This enquiry into the intermediate period between both World Wars aims at outlining an archaeology of models and paradigms in contemporary cosmopolitan thought.In the period between World Wars, the shock of World War 1 and the trauma caused by the conditions of the peace treaties generated an abundance of works on cosmopolitism and supranationalism. In the very period that witnessed the rise of nationalisms, pacifism and cosmopolitan thinking underwent a thorough renewal. While the Socialist International, bolstered by the progress of the Bolshevik revolution, claimed to offer an alternative to the weakness of Western democracies, these experienced a readjustment in the issues linked to cosmopolitanism, fuelled by the leading intellectual theories. Practically all the schools of thought and all the major intellectual figures played a part in this. Important turning points in theory were achieved. This enquiry into the intermediate period between both World Wars aims at outlining an archaeology of models and paradigms in contemporary cosmopolitan thought.

Table of Contents.

Section Title Page Action Price
Inhaltsverzeichnis 5
Daniel Meyer and Gérard Raulet, Introduction 7
Daniel Meyer and Gérard Raulet, Introduction 13
Soraya Nour Sckell and Damien Ehrhardt, Making Sense of Self-Criticism in Cosmopolitanism 19
I. Cosmopolitanism, a Keyword of our Times 19
II. Cosmopolitanism Shaken Up: Crisis, Whiplash, Backlash 24
III. Making Sense of the Puzzle of Self-Criticism 29
IV. Aims of Self-Critique 36
Christina Foroni Consani and Joel T. Klein, The Kantian Legacy in Kelsen's Philosophy of International Law 39
I. Kant's Juridical Cosmopolitanism 40
II. Kelsen's Philosophy of International Law 44
III. Final Remarks 50
Soraya Nour Sckell, Hans Kelsen's Cosmopolitanism in the 1920s 53
I. Kelsen's Critique of Psychological Sociology 54
II. Kelsen on Freud 57
III. Kelsen's Critique of the Ideological State 60
IV. Final Remark: Law and Cosmopolitanism 65
Tristan Coignard, la paix par le droit est-elle affaire d'éducation ? Théodore Ruyssen, Friedrich Wilhelm Foerster et la transmission des normes du cosmopolitisme juridique 67
I. Théodore Ruyssen, penseur d'une cosmopolitique libérale des relations internationales 69
II. Quel rôle pour l'éducation ? Potentialités de la référence à Friedrich Wilhelm Foerster 74
Pedro M. S. Alves, The Common World and the World for All. A Reappraisal of Husserl's Theses from a Cosmopolitan Stance 79
I. Preliminaries 79
II. Husserl's Seeds for a Phenomenology of a Cosmopolitan World 80
III. The Spheres of the Social World and their Possible Universalization 88
Gualtiero Lorini, “The Historical Teleology of the Infinite Goals of Reason”. Husserl's Idea of Europe in the Middle of the Crisis 95
I. Introduction 95
II. The “Practical” Vocation of Phenomenology 96
III. “Europe” as a Concept and as an Ideal 99
IV. Conclusion: Husserl as a Man of his Age 102
Carlos Morujão, La pertinence phénoménologique du concept «homme-masse» 107
I. La présence de la phénoménologie dans La Rébellion des masses 107
II. La contribution d'ortega aux sciences sociales 109
III. Types humains déficients : dissection de l'homme-masse 114
IV. Conclusion 118
Daniel Meyer, Le planétarisme apocalyptique de Martin Heidegger 121
I. Deux mondes 121
II. Néo-Impérialisme apocalyptique 124
III. Kant en temps obscurs 128
John Farrenkopf, Die Welt in der Krise. Spengler und zeitgenössische Philosophen der internationalen Beziehungen 133
Olivier Agard, Idée d'Europe et critique du libéralisme chez Max Scheler 151
I. La définition du libéralisme par Max Scheler 152
II. Critique du libéralisme et politique 153
III. L'Europe 155
IV. De la guerre des civilisations à l'Ausgleich 161
Gérard Raulet, Max Scheler und der Gedanke eines nicht moralischen Kosmopolitismus 167
I. 168
II. 172
Nuno Miguel Proença, Sigmund Freud on the Uneasiness in the Identities 177
Achim Geisenhanslüke, Unheimliche Welt. Freud und das Drama des Großen Krieges 191
I. Die Zäsur des Krieges: Freud 1914–1918 191
II. Freud und der Krieg 192
III. Der Krieg, der Tod und die Trauer 193
IV. Freud und das Unheimliche 195
V. Im Zeichen des Todes. Jenseits des Lustprinzips 200
VI. Freud nach dem Krieg 201
English Summaries 203
Biographies 209
Personal Index 213