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Fincan, M. (2023). Artificial Intelligence and Legal Issues. A Review of AI-based Legal Impasses in Terms of Criminal Law. Duncker & Humblot.
Fincan, Müslüm. Artificial Intelligence and Legal Issues: A Review of AI-based Legal Impasses in Terms of Criminal Law. Duncker & Humblot, 2023. Book.
Fincan, M (2023): Artificial Intelligence and Legal Issues: A Review of AI-based Legal Impasses in Terms of Criminal Law, Duncker & Humblot, [online]


Artificial Intelligence and Legal Issues

A Review of AI-based Legal Impasses in Terms of Criminal Law

Fincan, Müslüm

Schriften zum Strafrecht, Vol. 406


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About The Author

Müslüm Fincan, LL.M., studierte Rechtswissenschaften 2014 in Gaziantep/Türkei. Nach dem Jurastudium erhielt er die Anwaltszulassung von der Anwaltskammer Gaziantep. Nach dem Masterabschluss in der Türkei war er Gastwisschaftler an der Friedrich-Alexander Erlangen-Nürnberg Universität tätig, wo er im Mai 2022 promovierte. Seit 2022 ist er von der Rechtsanwaltskammer des Saarlandes als Avukat gemäß § 206 BRAO zugelassen.


Die Arbeit befasst sich mit der strafrechtlichen Verantwortlichkeit und dem rechtlichen Status von Einheiten mit künstlicher Intelligenz. Die rasante Entwicklung der auf KI basierenden Technologien in den letzten Jahren hat es erforderlich gemacht, die rechtlichen Probleme klarzustellen, die in diesem Zusammenhang auftreten könnten. Neben der Darstellung und Diskussion der Ziele und der notwendigen Eignungen der Rechtspersönlichkeit von der Vergangenheit bis zur Gegenwart liegt der inhaltliche Schwerpunkt der Studie auf der rechtlichen Analyse der Bestimmung des Rechtsstatus zukünftiger künstlicher Intelligenzsysteme. Anschließend befasst sich der Autor mit den Fragen, welche Strafarten und Strafzwecke in der Zukunft eine Rolle spielen und wie die strafrechtliche Verantwortung heutiger und künftiger Generationen von fortgeschrittenen KI-Systemen aussehen könnte.»Artificial Intelligence and Legal Issues: A Review of AI-Based Legal Impasses in terms of Criminal Law«: The work interprets the criminal liability and legal status of AI entities. In addition to outlining and discussing the goals and necessary suitability of legal personhood, the substantive focus of the book is on the legal analysis of determining the legal status of future AI systems. It then explores the question of what penalties and punitive purposes could be applied for current and future advanced AI systems.

Table of Contents.

Section Title Page Action Price
Acknowledgements 7
Table of Contents 9
List of Illustrations 11
List of Abbreviations 12
Introduction 15
A. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 17
I. Descriptive Examination of Artificial Intelligence 17
1. Notions Related to Artificial Intelligence 17
2. Definitive Obstacles of AI Technologies and the Determiner Test 27
II. The Evolution and Historical Background of Artificial Intelligence 34
1. Pretechnological Era Developments 35
a) Myths and Tales 35
b) Automatons 36
2. Modern Age Advancements 40
a) The Growth of AI Technologies 40
b) New Actors of AI Technologies in the Recent Era 45
c) Autonomous Vehicle Technologies from Past to Future 52
B. Legal Personhood of Artificial Intelligence Entities 64
I. Legal Personhood’s Pathway 65
1. The Concept of Legal Person and Legal Regulations Related to Personality 65
a) Definitions 66
b) Non-Human Entities with Legal Personhood 69
2. Legal Personhood Criteria 70
a) Soul 71
b) Consciousness and Self Awareness 73
c) Communication Skills 76
d) Intelligence 78
e) Feelings 81
f) Free will 82
g) Intentionality 85
h) Empathy 88
i) Biological Body 89
j) Mortality 92
k) Conclusion 92
II. Legal Personhood of Artificial Intelligence Entities in the Future 93
1. Possible Grantable Legal Status in the Near Future 93
2. Probable Legal Status of the Far Future 95
C. Criminal Law Issues Related to Artificial Intelligence Technologies 104
I. Fundamental Elements of the Criminal Law System 105
1. The Journey of Punishment from Past to Present 105
a) The Impact of Punishment as a Power Instrument 105
b) Penal Policies in the Historical Process 108
2. Purposes of Punishment 113
a) Retribution 116
b) Deterrence 117
c) Rehabilitation 118
d) Conclusion 119
3. Types of Punishment 119
a) Death penalty 120
b) Confinement 128
c) Monetary Sanctions and Public Service 131
d) Alternative Sanctions 132
II. Solutions for Liability Issues Related To AI Technologies in the Context of Criminal Law 133
1. Modern Day and Near Future Issues 134
a) Punitive Issues by and against AI Entities 134
(1) The Most Recent Technological Method of Committing an Offense: The Usage of Artificial Intelligence Systems as Tools in Crime 136
(2) Negligent Culprits of Foreseeable Potential Problems 140
(3) Potential Suspects and Legal Solutions in the Absence of Foreseeability 143
b) Legal Issues Related to Autonomous Vehicle Technologies 152
(1) Current Legal Regulations 153
(2) Liability Issues and Exemplificative Solutions to Theoretical Impasse 156
(3) Dilemmas and Solutions 159
2. Futuristic Elucidations for the Far Future Problems 172
a) Purposes of Punishment for AI Entities 173
b) Types of Punishment for AI Entities 175
Conclusion 184
References 188
Index 212