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You Don’t Need to Win, Just Don’t Lose: The Effect of Draw Outcomes on Soccer Coach Dismissals



Elaad, G., Jelnov, A., Kantor, J. You Don’t Need to Win, Just Don’t Lose: The Effect of Draw Outcomes on Soccer Coach Dismissals. Applied Economics Quarterly, 64(4), 351-369.
Elaad, Guy; Jelnov, Artyom and Kantor, Jeffrey "You Don’t Need to Win, Just Don’t Lose: The Effect of Draw Outcomes on Soccer Coach Dismissals" Applied Economics Quarterly 64.4, , 351-369.
Elaad, Guy/Jelnov, Artyom/Kantor, Jeffrey: You Don’t Need to Win, Just Don’t Lose: The Effect of Draw Outcomes on Soccer Coach Dismissals, in: Applied Economics Quarterly, vol. 64, iss. 4, 351-369, [online]


You Don’t Need to Win, Just Don’t Lose: The Effect of Draw Outcomes on Soccer Coach Dismissals

Elaad, Guy | Jelnov, Artyom | Kantor, Jeffrey

Applied Economics Quarterly, Vol. 64 (2018), Iss. 4 : pp. 351–369

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Article Details


Author Details

Guy Elaad, Department of Economics & Business Administration, Ariel University, Ariel, 40700, Israel.

Artyom Jelnov, Department of Economics & Business Administration, Ariel University, Ariel, 40700, Israel.

Jeffrey Kantor, Department of Accounting, Ariel University, Ariel, 40700, Israel.


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This article deals with circumstances leading to the dismissal of a soccer coach. It is based on the performance of the top four professional soccer leagues in England over the past 12 years. We find that dismissals of coaches take place after losses, but not after draws. This is true even when the draw is disappointing and was unexpected. The scoring method in soccer leagues is biased in favor of wins, but we find that dismissals are linked with losses. The present article questions whether the aim of a dismissal is in line with the objective function of maximizing a soccer club’s league points.

JEL classifications: Z22, Z20, J50

Keywords: Soccer Coach, Risk Aversion, Performance, Dismissal

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Guy Elaad / Artyom Jelnov / Jeffrey Kantor: You Don’t Need to Win, Just Don’t Lose: The Effect of Draw Outcomes on Soccer Coach Dismissals 1
Abstract 1
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review 2
3. Theory 4
4. Data 5
5. Variables 7
5.1 The Number of League Points Attained by the Club in the last T Matches as a Predicting Variable of Coach Dismissal 7
5.2 The Effect of a Draw on the Likelihood of Coach Dismissal 7
6. Estimation 9
6.1 The Number of League Points Collected in the last T Matches Predicts Coach Dismissal 9
6.2 The Effect of a Draw on the Likelihood of Coach Dismissal 1
7. Concluding Remarks 1
References 1