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Fashioning Dakar’s Urban Society: Sartorial Code-Mixing in Senegal



Kastner, K. Fashioning Dakar’s Urban Society: Sartorial Code-Mixing in Senegal. Sociologus, 69(2), 167-187.
Kastner, Kristin "Fashioning Dakar’s Urban Society: Sartorial Code-Mixing in Senegal" Sociologus 69.2, , 167-187.
Kastner, Kristin: Fashioning Dakar’s Urban Society: Sartorial Code-Mixing in Senegal, in: Sociologus, vol. 69, iss. 2, 167-187, [online]


Fashioning Dakar’s Urban Society: Sartorial Code-Mixing in Senegal

Kastner, Kristin

Sociologus, Vol. 69 (2019), Iss. 2 : pp. 167–187

Additional Information

Article Details


Author Details

Institut für Ethnologie, Oettingenstr. 67, 80538 München und Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Zentnerstr. 31, 80798 München


Fashion constitutes a vital part of material culture and is an expression of sociocultural and aesthetical practices in Senegal. Manifold features have shaped sartorial styles for centuries, with sartorial mastery interweaving local techniques and global trends up to today. Tied to a long history of bodily adornment and of the importance of textiles, fashionable clothing plays a crucial role in indicating status and various forms of belonging. The widely used concepts of sañse and métissage refer to the centrality of fashion in everyday life and to the cultural tendency to integrate and combine various ideas, materials and styles. In this paper, I suggest that fashion in urban contexts not only serves as a means of and for social distinction but also works as a social adhesive when analysing fashion through the prism of métissage. Hence, ‘sartorial code-mixing’ has become a decisive feature of urban fashion and, like language and music, has a role in the formation of an open-minded and steadily growing urban society beyond polarizing tendencies.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Kristin Kastner: Fashioning Dakar’s Urban Society: Sartorial Code-Mixing in Senegal 1
Abstract 1
1. Introduction 1
2. The Making of a Distinctive Elegance 4
2.1 Historical Sartorial Mastery: the Figure of the Signare 4
2.2 Having, Doing and Being Sañse 6
3. Fashion Partout 7
3.1 Bada Diaw, Street Tailor, ‘Touba Couture’ 7
3.2 Yadi Cissé, Street Fashion Designer, ‘Yokaat’ 1
3.3 Oumou Sy, High Fashion Designer 1
4. Urban Fashion Practices 1
4.1 Staging Dakar: The City as Setting and Resource 1
4.2 Sartorial Métissage 1
5. Conclusion 1
References 1