Journal for Social Anthropology
Volume 72, 2022 (2)
Volume 71, 2021 (2)
Issue 2 [pp. 107–215]
Issue 1: Fluid Personhood and the Fuzziness of Life: Reaching beyond the Human and the Biosphere [pp. 1–106]
Volume 70, 2020 (2)
Issue 2 [pp. 101–196]
Issue 1: Bureaucratic Practices and Cultural Difference [pp. 1–100]
Volume 69, 2019 (2)
Issue 2 [pp. 105–197]
Issue 1: Urbaner Protest im globalen Süden [pp. 1–103]
Volume 68, 2018 (2)
Volume 67, 2017 (2)
Volume 66, 2016 (2)
Issue 2 [pp. 105–226]
Issue 1: Manufacturing Beauty, Grooming Selves: The Creation of Femininities in the Global Economy [pp. 1–102]
Volume 65, 2015 (2)
Issue 2 [pp. 131–234]
Issue 1: Making Kinship in Switzerland and Beyond: Imaginations and Substances [pp. 1–127]
Volume 64, 2014 (2)
Volume 63, 2013 (1)
Issue 1–2: Bureaucrats in Uniform [pp. 1–187]
Volume 62, 2012 (2)
Volume 61, 2011 (2)
Volume 60, 2010 (2)
Volume 59, 2009 (2)
Volume 58, 2008 (2)
Supplement Series
Dynamics of Violence
Processes of Escalation and De-Escalation in Violent Group Conflicts
Additional Information
Journal Details
Sociologus is an internationally known, peer-reviewed journal of social anthropology. It is available online and in print and is listed in the major scholarly indexes. Founded in 1925 by Richard Thurnwald, it is one of the best-known anthropology journals in the German-speaking world. The journal is dedicated to empirical research on cultural diversity, social processes and their transformations and the contrasting forms of social relations. It has no fixed topical or regional focus, but concerns itself with the comparative interpretation and explanation of human behaviour. Its international status is underlined by the use of English as a second language of publication and the fact that more than half of the subscriptions are held by overseas institutions. Today, Sociologus aims at providing European, especially German-speaking, social anthropologists with the opportunity to contribute to international discussion and research through a publication that meets the highest international standards.
As an independent journal without an institutional affiliation or association whatsoever its editors, editorial staff and academic advisory council are responsible for the high quality of the articles. The core criterion for selection is the empirical content of a manuscript as well as its contribution to current theoretical debates in the discipline. Manuscripts are welcome at any time; they will be processed thoroughly and as promptly as possible.
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The Assemblage: A Framework for Anthropological Research in Multispecies Studies
Sociologus, Vol. 72 (2022), Iss. 2 : pp. 93–113

Killer Cults on Campus: Secrets, Security and Services Among Nigerian Students
Sociologus, Vol. 58 (2008), Iss. 1 : pp. 1–25

Localizing Global Climate Change in the Pacific. Knowledge and Response in Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)
Sociologus, Vol. 68 (2018), Iss. 1 : pp. 43–62

Decolonizing Knowledge: Reflections from Africa
Sociologus, Vol. 72 (2022), Iss. 1 : pp. 3–31

“Decolonise”: The Fall of a Colonial Statue, Student Protests and Trajectories of Anthropology in South Africa
Sociologus, Vol. 72 (2022), Iss. 1 : pp. 33–56