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Asylum Seekers Struggle to Recover the Everyday: The Extended “Emergency Shelter” at Tempelhofer Feld as a Site of Continuous Crisis



Bhimji, F. Asylum Seekers Struggle to Recover the Everyday: The Extended “Emergency Shelter” at Tempelhofer Feld as a Site of Continuous Crisis. Sociologus, 69(2), 105-125.
Bhimji, Fazila "Asylum Seekers Struggle to Recover the Everyday: The Extended “Emergency Shelter” at Tempelhofer Feld as a Site of Continuous Crisis" Sociologus 69.2, , 105-125.
Bhimji, Fazila: Asylum Seekers Struggle to Recover the Everyday: The Extended “Emergency Shelter” at Tempelhofer Feld as a Site of Continuous Crisis, in: Sociologus, vol. 69, iss. 2, 105-125, [online]


Asylum Seekers Struggle to Recover the Everyday: The Extended “Emergency Shelter” at Tempelhofer Feld as a Site of Continuous Crisis

Bhimji, Fazila

Sociologus, Vol. 69 (2019), Iss. 2 : pp. 105–125

4 Citations (CrossRef)

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Author Details

Senior Lecturer, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Central Lancashire, Preston PR1 2HE, UK.

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This study describes how the iconic hangars at Tempelhofer Feld, which are designed to accommodate asylum-seekers temporarily prior to relocating them to various other parts of Germany, have for some of them turned into a more permanent and more regimented site of accommodation in Berlin. The shelters have housed several hundred asylum-seekers for two and a half years, and in many respects they contradict the so-called Willkommenskultur (‘welcome culture’) on which Germany has prided itself. Drawing on Vigh’s (2008) notion of continuous crisis, this study argues that these asylum-seekers have found themselves residing in a state of perpetual regimentation, which they understand as detrimental to their well-being. It also shows that they have nevertheless sought to find well-being and to dignify their lives by striving to normalize this situation.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Fazila Bhimji: Asylum Seekers Struggle to Recover the Everyday: The Extended “Emergency Shelter” at Tempelhofer Feld as a Site of Continuous Crisis 1
Abstract 1
1. Introduction 1
2. Refugee Shelters as Closed and Politicized Spaces 4
3. Field Methods 7
4. The THF Hangars as Protracted Emergency Shelters 7
5. The THF Cafe 1
6. The Workshops, Volunteers, and Networking 1
7. Resisting the Shelter’s Food 1
8. At the City Parks, the Mosque, Practicums and Language Schools 1
9. Conclusion 1
References 1