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Economic Sustainability of the MENA Region



Sweidan, O. Economic Sustainability of the MENA Region. Applied Economics Quarterly, 65(1), 71-86.
Sweidan, Osama D. "Economic Sustainability of the MENA Region" Applied Economics Quarterly 65.1, , 71-86.
Sweidan, Osama D.: Economic Sustainability of the MENA Region, in: Applied Economics Quarterly, vol. 65, iss. 1, 71-86, [online]


Economic Sustainability of the MENA Region

Sweidan, Osama D.

Applied Economics Quarterly, Vol. 65 (2019), Iss. 1 : pp. 71–86

1 Citations (CrossRef)

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Author Details

Sweidan, Osama D., Department of Economics and Finance, United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, P.O. Box 15551, UAE. Tel: +971 3 7135297.

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This paper calculates an index measuring economic sustainability for the mainstream economy in the MENA region during the period 1999–2016. Our approximation says that a large value of the index indicates more stress on the economy or low sustainability and vice versa. We also explore some macroeconomic variables as potential determinants of economic sustainability. We employ the panel data analysis, in particular the feasible generalized least squares (FGLS). Our results show that economic development, trade openness, and political stability encourage economic sustainability. In contrast, government expenditures and control of corruption hinder the sustainability of the economy. Our paper suggests that policymakers should concentrate on economic development, enhance the trade openness, and create political stability environment to strengthen economic sustainability.

JEL classifications: I31, O11, Q01

Keywords: Economic sustainability; Economic development; Panel analysis; FGLS; MENA region

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Osama D. Sweidan: Economic Sustainability of the MENA Region 1
Abstract 1
1. Introduction 1
Table 1: The Average Real Economic Growth Rateof Different Groups, (1990–2016), in Percent 3
2. Literature Review 3
3. Data and Methodology 7
3.1 Data 7
3.2 Independent Variables 7
Table 2: Descriptive Statistics (Raw Data) 9
3.3 Methodology 9
3.4 Preliminary Estimates 9
3.5 The Stationarity of the Variables 1
Table 3: Panel Unit Root Tests 1
4. Results 1
Table 4: FGLS Coefficients Estimate, Sample 16 Countries (The Dependent Variable is ΔLnSUSt) 1
4.1 Sensitivity Analysis 1
Table 5: Sensitivity analysis, FGLS Coefficients Estimate, Sample 12 Countries (The Dependent Variable is ΔLnSUSt) 1
5. Conclusions and Policy Implications 1
References 1