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Weiß, T. Die Gesetzliche Sozialversicherung in der Wirtschaftskrise. Sozialer Fortschritt, 60(1–2), 37-42.
Weiß, Thomas "Die Gesetzliche Sozialversicherung in der Wirtschaftskrise" Sozialer Fortschritt 60.1–2, 2011, 37-42.
Weiß, Thomas (2011): Die Gesetzliche Sozialversicherung in der Wirtschaftskrise, in: Sozialer Fortschritt, vol. 60, iss. 1–2, 37-42, [online]


Die Gesetzliche Sozialversicherung in der Wirtschaftskrise

Weiß, Thomas

Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 60 (2011), Iss. 1–2 : pp. 37–42

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Author Details

Weiß, Dr. Thomas, Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales, Referat Ia 3 – Grundsatzfragen der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung, 11017 Berlin.


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The Legal Social Insurance in the Economic Crisis

Due to the economic and financial crisis, the prospects for business have deteriorated dramatically. This changed economic environment strongly affects the financial situation of both local authorities and social security systems. Government income, taxes and social contributions are shrinking, whilst, as a result of the crisis, expenditures on social benefits are rising. In addition to this, the federal government has taken numerous measures to mitigate the consequences of the crisis. Firstly, it has, for instance, lowered the contribution rates on unemployment insurance schemes and statutory illness insurance programmes. Secondly, it has expanded, for labour market policy reasons, short-time employment. This article assesses how both the historically unique economic downturn and the measures that have been taken by the government will affect the overall financial development of the various branches of the social security system.