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Für eine bewusste neue Berufsetappe ab 55



Sendler, H., Piorr, R. Für eine bewusste neue Berufsetappe ab 55. Sozialer Fortschritt, 63(6), 145-150.
Sendler, Hans H. Th. and Piorr, Rüdiger "Für eine bewusste neue Berufsetappe ab 55" Sozialer Fortschritt 63.6, 2014, 145-150.
Sendler, Hans H. Th./Piorr, Rüdiger (2014): Für eine bewusste neue Berufsetappe ab 55, in: Sozialer Fortschritt, vol. 63, iss. 6, 145-150, [online]


Für eine bewusste neue Berufsetappe ab 55

Sendler, Hans H. Th. | Piorr, Rüdiger

Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 63 (2014), Iss. 6 : pp. 145–150

1 Citations (CrossRef)

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Article Details

Author Details

Sendler, Dr. Hans H. Th., EUSENDOR, Suarezstraße 41, 14057 Berlin

Piorr, Dr. Rüdiger, bkp Team GbR, Große Beckstr. 1, 44787 Bochum

Cited By

  1. Arbeitswelten der Zukunft

    Der Übergang von der Erwerbs- in die Nacherwerbsphase – Gestaltungsaufgabe und -möglichkeit für das Personalmanagement

    Bury, Simone

    Decker, Elke

    Piorr, Rüdiger

    2019 [Citations: 1]


A new Vocational Stage Beyond 55

Looking clearly at careers and biographies of employees aged 55 and older opens the chance for a reinterpretation of this period of life under a vocational perspective. This also leads us to a different use of existing HR management tools and practices for this group. Many people in this age group have excellent abilities and experience, and also have the motivation for professional occupation – e. g. an increasing number carries on their careers, some of them even underpaid and occupied beneath their qualification. This article discusses latest findings and encourages HR professionals to make better use of the motivation and abilities of this occupational segment.