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Potentiale und Probleme von Meta-Analysen in der Soziologie



Weiß, B., Wagner, M. Potentiale und Probleme von Meta-Analysen in der Soziologie. Sozialer Fortschritt, 57(10–11), 250-256.
Weiß, Bernd and Wagner, Michael "Potentiale und Probleme von Meta-Analysen in der Soziologie" Sozialer Fortschritt 57.10–11, 2008, 250-256.
Weiß, Bernd/Wagner, Michael (2008): Potentiale und Probleme von Meta-Analysen in der Soziologie, in: Sozialer Fortschritt, vol. 57, iss. 10–11, 250-256, [online]


Potentiale und Probleme von Meta-Analysen in der Soziologie

Weiß, Bernd | Wagner, Michael

Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 57 (2008), Iss. 10–11 : pp. 250–256

6 Citations (CrossRef)

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Author Details

Bernd Weiß, Forschungsinstitut für Soziologie und GESIS-ZA Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung, Universität zu Köln, Greinstraße 2, 50939 Köln.

Michael Wagner, Forschungsinstitut für Soziologie, Universität zu Köln, Greinstraße 2, 50939 Köln.

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Problems and Opportunities of Meta-Analyses in Sociology

This article discusses the opportunities and problems of meta-analysis in sociology. Even though meta-analyses are very common in other disciplines, sociology is still unfamiliar with this type of analysis. A simple, but useful classification of meta-analyses is introduced which is helpful in describing differences between disciplines. Furthermore, it is illustrated that meta-analyses offer solutions with respect to four prototypical research problems: (1) describing and (2) exploring a field of research as well as (3) testing hypotheses and (4) evaluating social or political programs. Finally, some problems are described which emerge when applying meta-analyses to sociological issues.