Qualifizierung im Erwerbsverlauf – Eine Chance in der Wirtschaftskrise?
Qualifizierung im Erwerbsverlauf – Eine Chance in der Wirtschaftskrise?
Dietrich, Hans | Kruppe, Thomas
Sozialer Fortschritt, Vol. 58 (2009), Iss. 11 : pp. 257–264
3 Citations (CrossRef)
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Author Details
Dietrich, Hans, FB Bildungs- und Erwerbsverläufe, Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Regensburger Straße 104, 90478 Nürnberg.
Kruppe, Thomas, FB Arbeitsförderung und Erwerbstätigkeit, Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Regensburger Straße 104, 90478 Nürnberg.
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Qualification and Training and the Employment Career – Economic Crisis as an Opportunity?
Falling growth rates, in general, and the current economic crisis, in particular, have placed renewed importance on the question of whether publicly sponsored training programmes, in broad terms, and vocational or firm-specific training, more specifically, protect employees from unemployment or help the unemployed find work. This paper analyses the function of general education and vocational training at the beginning of the employment career and the effectiveness of publicly sponsored further training that is provided for the (un-)employed. In relation to this major and more general problem, the economic crisis is of less importance in explaining outcomes. Taking into account the central role of education and qualifications for labour-market success in Germany, the paper shows that the crisis has not been used in an optimal way to help the less qualified achieve higher attainment levels.