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From Development Discourse to the Discourse of Globalisation – Changing Forms of Knowledge about Change in North-South Relations and their Political Repercussions



Ziai, A. From Development Discourse to the Discourse of Globalisation – Changing Forms of Knowledge about Change in North-South Relations and their Political Repercussions. Sociologus, 60(1), 41-70.
Ziai, Aram "From Development Discourse to the Discourse of Globalisation – Changing Forms of Knowledge about Change in North-South Relations and their Political Repercussions" Sociologus 60.1, , 41-70.
Ziai, Aram: From Development Discourse to the Discourse of Globalisation – Changing Forms of Knowledge about Change in North-South Relations and their Political Repercussions, in: Sociologus, vol. 60, iss. 1, 41-70, [online]


From Development Discourse to the Discourse of Globalisation – Changing Forms of Knowledge about Change in North-South Relations and their Political Repercussions

Ziai, Aram

Sociologus, Vol. 60 (2010), Iss. 1 : pp. 41–70

1 Citations (CrossRef)

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Author Details

1PH Dr. Aram Ziai, Ather Str. 21a, 52146 Würselen.

Cited By

  1. Global Histories, Imperial Commodities, Local Interactions

    A Periodisation of Globalisation According to the Mauritian Integration into the International Sugar Commodity Chain (1825–2005)

    Neveling, Patrick

    2013 [Citations: 1]


The article argues that in the field of North-South relations, predominant conceptions of social change have been transformed during the last decades. The discourse of ‘development’, which used to be dominant, has been gradually replaced by a discourse of ‘globalisation’. The article engages in a comparative analysis of the two discourses, their underlying principles and the political practices rendered possible by them.


Vom Entwicklungs- zum Globalisierungsdiskurs – Wechselnde Formen von Wissen um Veränderung in Nord-Süd-Beziehungen und die politischen Auswirkungen

Der Artikel argumentiert, dass im Bereich der Nord-Süd Beziehungen die gängigen Konzeptionen über sozialen Wandel in den letzten Jahrzehnten eine Transformation erfahren haben. Der früher dominante Diskurs der “Entwicklung“ ist zunehmend einem Diskurs der “Globalisierung“ gewichen. Der Artikel unternimmt eine vergleichende Analyse der beiden Diskurse, der ihnen zugrundeliegenden Prinzipien und der durch sie ermöglichten politischen Praktiken.