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Woher wir kamen



Fischer, H. Woher wir kamen. . Moderne Elemente zur Herkunftsgeschichte der Wampar, Papua-Neuguinea. Sociologus, 63(1–2), 125-145.
Fischer, Hans "Woher wir kamen. Moderne Elemente zur Herkunftsgeschichte der Wampar, Papua-Neuguinea. " Sociologus 63.1–2, 2013, 125-145.
Fischer, Hans (2013): Woher wir kamen, in: Sociologus, vol. 63, iss. 1–2, 125-145, [online]


Woher wir kamen

Moderne Elemente zur Herkunftsgeschichte der Wampar, Papua-Neuguinea

Fischer, Hans

Sociologus, Vol. 63 (2013), Iss. 1–2 : pp. 125–145

3 Citations (CrossRef)

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Author Details

Prof. em. Dr. Hans Fischer, Schottmüllerstraße 20, 20251 Hamburg, Tel.: 040-25 41 38 34.

Cited By

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    Church, Willem

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  3. Social Reproduction and Ethnic Boundaries: Marriage Patterns Through Time and Space Among the Wampar, Papua New Guinea

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The Wampar of Papua New Guinea had their first contacts with white people in the beginning of the twentieth century. A station of the Lutheran mission was established in 1911, in the 1920s the Wampar were baptized. The author carried out his studies among them between 1958 and 2009 and collected a large number of their stories (myths, ghost stories, war stories and others). This article is concerned with a small category of stories, which originated evidently under different modern influences: stories about the arrival of their ancestors from a land outside New Guinea. These stories tell about very different regions of origin and different points of arrival in New Guinea. Moreover, connections with mission and school, with christian concepts, single white men, with local teachers and new contexts and experiences become evident. These stories seem no longer to be narrated since the ninetees. They are an example for the temporary origin of stories and for changing concepts of one's own history.