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A European Common Area for Asylum – An Argument from Legal Philosophy



Kirste, S. A European Common Area for Asylum – An Argument from Legal Philosophy. Rechtstheorie, 51(1), 61-85.
Kirste, Stephan "A European Common Area for Asylum – An Argument from Legal Philosophy" Rechtstheorie 51.1, , 61-85.
Kirste, Stephan: A European Common Area for Asylum – An Argument from Legal Philosophy, in: Rechtstheorie, vol. 51, iss. 1, 61-85, [online]


A European Common Area for Asylum – An Argument from Legal Philosophy

Kirste, Stephan

Rechtstheorie, Vol. 51 (2020), Iss. 1 : pp. 61–85

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Author Details

Prof. Dr. Stephan Kirste, Chair for Legal and Social Philosophy, Department for Social and Economic Sciences, Faculty of Law, University of Salzburg, Churfürststraße 1, 5020 Salzburg, Austria


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Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Stephan Kirste: A European Common Area for Asylum – An Argument from Legal Philosophy 61
I. Introduction 61
II. Universal and Communitarian Theories of Migration Law 63
1. Immanuel Kant: Visiting right – Non-Refoulment – Guest rights – Citizenship 63
2. The justification of migration law by cosmopolitan egalitarianism and libertarians 68
3. Critique of this group of approaches by communitarian theories 61
4. A Mediating Position: The Discourse Theory 61
III. European values and asylum and refugee policy 61
1. European values 61
2. European values and asylum law 61
References 62