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Migration and the Unity of Society: A Liberal Perspective



Chwaszczca, C. Migration and the Unity of Society: A Liberal Perspective. Rechtstheorie, 51(1), 27-44.
Chwaszczca, Christine "Migration and the Unity of Society: A Liberal Perspective" Rechtstheorie 51.1, , 27-44.
Chwaszczca, Christine: Migration and the Unity of Society: A Liberal Perspective, in: Rechtstheorie, vol. 51, iss. 1, 27-44, [online]


Migration and the Unity of Society: A Liberal Perspective

Chwaszczca, Christine

Rechtstheorie, Vol. 51 (2020), Iss. 1 : pp. 27–44

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Article Details


Author Details

Prof. Dr. Christine Chwaszczca, Department of Philosophy, University of Cologne, Albertus-Magnus-Platz 1, 50923 Köln


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Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Christine Chwaszczca: Migration and the Unity of Society: A Liberal Perspective 27
I. Exposition of the Practical Problem 28
II. Methodological Prelude: The Plurality of Citizenship-concepts, and the “Unity of Society” 29
III. The Normative Relevance of Political Agency: The Limits of Consequentialism and Ideal-theory Theorizing 33
IV. Reasoning from a Moral Point of View 35
V. Weighing of Interests: Is Positive Discrimination of Immigrants Morally Justifiable? 27
VI. Negative Discrimination and Democratic Exclusion of Immigrants 27
VII. Citizenship and Collective Self-determination: The Limits of Normative Theory 27
References 27