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Simple Analytics of the Dynamic Laffer Curve Under Alternative Financing Schemes



Tsuchiya, Y. Simple Analytics of the Dynamic Laffer Curve Under Alternative Financing Schemes. Applied Economics Quarterly, 61(3), 199-227.
Tsuchiya, Yoichi "Simple Analytics of the Dynamic Laffer Curve Under Alternative Financing Schemes" Applied Economics Quarterly 61.3, , 199-227.
Tsuchiya, Yoichi: Simple Analytics of the Dynamic Laffer Curve Under Alternative Financing Schemes, in: Applied Economics Quarterly, vol. 61, iss. 3, 199-227, [online]


Simple Analytics of the Dynamic Laffer Curve Under Alternative Financing Schemes

Tsuchiya, Yoichi

Applied Economics Quarterly, Vol. 61 (2015), Iss. 3 : pp. 199–227

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Author Details

Yoichi Tsuchiya, Tokyo University of Science, School of Management, 500 Shimokiyoku, Kuki, Saitama, Japan, 346-8512


In this study, we investigate self-financing tax cuts, which are also known as dynamic Laffer effects. By proposing alternative definitions for dynamic Laffer effects, a policy option that features a tax cut should be chosen primarily on the basis of the relative magnitude of government transfers. The simple analytical condition under an alternative financing scheme that leaves current deficits unchanged reduces to a simple comparison between tax revenues and government transfers. Empirical examination of those conditions indicates that whereas countries in Northern and Western Europe, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Korea, and Mexico show the most potential for experiencing dynamic Laffer effects, countries in Eastern Europe, France, the Netherlands and Portugal were not very susceptible.

JEL Classification: E62, H62, H63