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Short-Time Work in German Firms



Hoffmann, M., Schneck, S. Short-Time Work in German Firms. Applied Economics Quarterly, 57(4), 233-254.
Hoffmann, Marina and Schneck, Stefan "Short-Time Work in German Firms" Applied Economics Quarterly 57.4, , 233-254.
Hoffmann, Marina/Schneck, Stefan: Short-Time Work in German Firms, in: Applied Economics Quarterly, vol. 57, iss. 4, 233-254, [online]


Short-Time Work in German Firms

Hoffmann, Marina | Schneck, Stefan

Applied Economics Quarterly, Vol. 57 (2011), Iss. 4 : pp. 233–254

3 Citations (CrossRef)

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Author Details

Institute for SME Research, Bonn. Maximilianstraße 20, 53111 Bonn, Germany.

Institute for SME Research, Bonn. Maximilianstraße 20, 53111 Bonn, Germany.

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The aim of this paper is twofold. First, we describe determinants for the use of short-time work during the economic recession 2008/2009. Second, post-crisis changes in turnover and employment are analyzed with focus on the use of short-time work. The analysis is restricted to firms in the manufacturing sector in Germany. We present evidence that small firms are less likely to utilize short-time work. With respect to the post-crisis economic development, multivariate analysis suggests that short-time work is significantly negatively correlated with employment growth even after accounting for changes in turnover. This might indicate a period of jobless growth after utilization of short-time work.

JEL Classification: J2, L60