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Visionäre Führung und Empowering in KMU



Baldegger, U., Klösel, K. Visionäre Führung und Empowering in KMU. ZfKE – Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 69(3), 151-168.
Baldegger, Urs and Klösel, Kilian "Visionäre Führung und Empowering in KMU" ZfKE – Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship 69.3, 2021, 151-168.
Baldegger, Urs/Klösel, Kilian (2021): Visionäre Führung und Empowering in KMU, in: ZfKE – Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, vol. 69, iss. 3, 151-168, [online]


Visionäre Führung und Empowering in KMU

Baldegger, Urs | Klösel, Kilian

ZfKE – Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, Vol. 69 (2021), Iss. 3 : pp. 151–168

1 Citations (CrossRef)

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Article Details


Author Details

Prof. Dr. Urs Baldegger, School of Management Fribourg, Chemin du Musée 4, 1700 Fribourg.

Kilian Klösel, MSc., School of Management Fribourg, Chemin du Musée 4, 1700 Fribourg, Schweiz.

Cited By

  1. Self-Leadership und Führung

    Empowering Leadership

    Furtner, Marco

    Baldegger, Urs

    2023 [Citations: 0]


  1. Amundsen, S. und Martinsen, Ø. L. (2014): Empowering leadership: Construct clarification, conceptualization, and validation of a new scale. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(3), 487–511.  Google Scholar
  2. Amundsen, S. und Martinsen, Ø. L. (2015): Linking Empowering Leadership to Job Satisfaction, Work Effort, and Creativity: The Role of Self-Leadership and Psychological Empowerment. Journal of Leadership und Organizational Studies, 22(3), 304–323.  Google Scholar
  3. Antonakis, J. und Day, D. V. (2018): The Nature of Leadership (3. Aufl.). SAGE Publications.  Google Scholar
  4. Arnold, J., Arad, S., Rhoades, J. und Drasgow, F. (2000): The empowering leadership questionnaire: The construction and validation of a new scale for measuring leader behaviors. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21(3), 249–269.;2-#.  Google Scholar
  5. Ateş, N. Y., Tarakci, M., Porck, J. P., Van Knippenberg, D. und Groenen, P. J. F. (2018): The Dark Side of Visionary Leadership in Strategy Implementation: Strategic Alignment, Strategic Consensus, and Commitment. Journal of Management, 46(5), 637–665.  Google Scholar
  6. Baldegger, U. und Gast, J. (2016): On the emergence of leadership in new ventures. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior und Research, 22(6), 933–957.  Google Scholar
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  12. Berson, Y., Halevy, N., Shamir, B. und Erez, M. (2015): Leading from different psychological distances: A construal-level perspective on vision communication, goal setting, and follower motivation. The Leadership Quarterly, 26(2), 143–155.  Google Scholar
  13. Berson, Y., Shamir, B., Avolio, B. J. und Popper, M. (2001): The relationship between vision strength, leadership style, and context. The Leadership Quarterly, 12(1), 53–73.  Google Scholar
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  16. Cheong, M., Yammarino, F. J., Dionne, S. D., Spain, S. M. und Tsai, C.-Y. (2019): A review of the effectiveness of empowering leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 30(1), 34–58.  Google Scholar
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  26. Furtner, M. und Baldegger, U. (2016): Self-Leadership und Führung: Theorien, Modelle und praktische Umsetzung (2. Aufl.). Springer Gabler.  Google Scholar
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  29. Hoang, G., Wilson-Evered, E. und Lockstone-Binney, L. (2019): Leading innovation among tourism small and medium enterprises: Examining the mediating role of climate for innovation. Leadership und Organization Development Journal, 40(5), 647–666.  Google Scholar
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  31. Kearney, E., Shemla, M., Van Knippenberg, D. und Scholz, F. A. (2019): A paradox perspective on the interactive effects of visionary and empowering leadership. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 155, 20–30.  Google Scholar
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  70. Carton, A. M., Murphy, C. und Clark, J. R. (2014): A (Blurry) Vision of the Future: How Leader Rhetoric about Ultimate Goals Influences Performance. Academy of Management Journal, 57(6), 1544–1570.  Google Scholar
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  72. Berson, Y., Halevy, N., Shamir, B. und Erez, M. (2015): Leading from different psychological distances: A construal-level perspective on vision communication, goal setting, and follower motivation. The Leadership Quarterly, 26(2), 143–155.  Google Scholar
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  76. Bass, B. M. und Riggio, R. E. (2006): Transformational Leadership (2. Aufl.). Psychology Press.  Google Scholar
  77. Bass, B. M. (1985): Leadership and performance beyond expectations. Free Press.  Google Scholar
  78. Baldegger, U. und Gast, J. (2016): On the emergence of leadership in new ventures. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior und Research, 22(6), 933–957.  Google Scholar
  79. Ates, N. Y., Tarakci, M., Porck, J. P., Van Knippenberg, D. und Groenen, P. J. F. (2018): The Dark Side of Visionary Leadership in Strategy Implementation: Strategic Alignment, Strategic Consensus, and Commitment. Journal of Management, 46(5), 637–665.  Google Scholar
  80. Arnold, J., Arad, S., Rhoades, J. und Drasgow, F. (2000): The empowering leadership questionnaire: The construction and validation of a new scale for measuring leader behaviors. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21(3), 249–269.;2-#.  Google Scholar
  81. Antonakis, J. und Day, D. V. (2018): The Nature of Leadership (3. Aufl.). SAGE Publications.  Google Scholar
  82. Amundsen, S. und Martinsen, Ø. L. (2015): Linking Empowering Leadership to Job Satisfaction, Work Effort, and Creativity: The Role of Self-Leadership and Psychological Empowerment. Journal of Leadership und Organizational Studies, 22(3), 304–323.  Google Scholar
  83. Amundsen, S. und Martinsen, Ø. L. (2014): Empowering leadership: Construct clarification, conceptualization, and validation of a new scale. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(3), 487–511.  Google Scholar
  84. Zupic, I. und Giudici, A. (2017): New Venture Growth: Current Findings and Future Challenges. In: R. Blackburn, D. De Clercq, und J. Heininen (Hrsg.), The Sage handbook of small business and entrepreneurship (S. 191–258). SAGE Publications.  Google Scholar
  85. Srivastava, A., Bartol, K. M. und Locke, E. A. (2006): Empowering Leadership in Management Teams: Effects on Knowledge Sharing, Efficacy, and Performance. Academy of Management Journal, 49(6), 1239–1251.  Google Scholar
  86. Hoang, G., Wilson-Evered, E. und Lockstone-Binney, L. (2019): Leading innovation among tourism small and medium enterprises: Examining the mediating role of climate for innovation. Leadership und Organization Development Journal, 40(5), 647–666.  Google Scholar
  87. Zäch, S., und Baldegger, U. (2014): Führungsverhalten in jungen Unternehmen. ZfKE – Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 62(4), 295–322.  Google Scholar
  88. Venus, M., Stam, D. und Van Knippenberg, D. (2018): Visions of Change as Visions of Continuity. Academy of Management Journal, 62(3), 667–690.  Google Scholar
  89. Walumbwa, F. O., Avolio, B. J., Gardner, W. L., Wernsing, T. S. und Peterson, S. J. (2008): Authentic Leadership: Development and Validation of a Theory-Based Measure. Journal of Management, 34(1), 89–126.  Google Scholar
  90. Wong, S. I. und Giessner, S. R. (2015): The Thin Line Between Empowering and Laissez-Faire Leadership: An Expectancy-Match Perspective. Journal of Management, 44(2), 757–783.  Google Scholar
  91. Xenikou, A. (2017): Transformational Leadership, Transactional Contingent Reward, and Organizational Identification: The Mediating Effect of Perceived Innovation and Goal Culture Orientations. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1–13.  Google Scholar
  92. Filion, L. J. (1991): Vision and Relations: Elements for an Entrepreneurial Metamodel. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 9(2), 26–40.  Google Scholar
  93. Furtner, M. (2017): Empowering Leadership: Mit selbstverantwortlichen Mitarbeitern zu Innovation und Spitzenleistungen. Springer Gabler.  Google Scholar
  94. Furtner, M. und Baldegger, U. (2016): Self-Leadership und Führung: Theorien, Modelle und praktische Umsetzung (2. Aufl.). Springer Gabler.  Google Scholar
  95. Manz, C. C. und Sims, H. P. (2001): The new superleadership: Leading others to lead themselves. Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.  Google Scholar
  96. Westley, F. und Mintzberg, H. (1989): Visionary leadership and strategic management. Strategic Management Journal, 10(1), 17–32.  Google Scholar
  97. Greiner, L. E. (1972): Evolution and Revolution as Organizations Grow. Harvard Business Review, 76(3), 37–46.  Google Scholar
  98. Harris, T. B., Li, N., Boswell, W. R., Zhang, X. und Xie, Z. (2013): Getting What’s New from Newcomers: Empowering Leadership, Creativity, and Adjustment in the Socialization Context. Personnel Psychology, 1–38.  Google Scholar
  99. Jackson, T. A., Meyer, J. P. und Wang, X.-H. (2013): Leadership, Commitment, and Culture: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Leadership und Organizational Studies, 20(1), 84–106.  Google Scholar
  100. Kearney, E., Shemla, M., Van Knippenberg, D. und Scholz, F. A. (2019): A paradox perspective on the interactive effects of visionary and empowering leadership. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 155, 20–30.  Google Scholar
  101. Kirkpatrick, S. A. (2009): Lead through Vision and Values. In: E. A. Locke (Hrsg.), Handbook of principles of organizational behavior: Indispensable knowledge for evidence-based management (2. Aufl., S. 367–387). John Wiley.  Google Scholar
  102. Kirkpatrick, S. A. und Locke, E. A. (1996): Direct and indirect effects of three core charismatic leadership components on performance and attitudes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 81(1), 36–51.  Google Scholar
  103. Lee, A. J. R., Willis, S. und Wei Tian, A. (2018): Empowering leadership: A meta-analytic examination of incremental contribution, mediation, and moderation. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39, 306–325.  Google Scholar
  104. Levie, J. und Lichtenstein, B. B. (2010): A Terminal Assessment of Stages Theory: Introducing a Dynamic States Approach to Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 34(2), 317–350.  Google Scholar
  105. Martin, W. L., McKelvie, A. und Lumpkin, G. T. (2016): Centralization and delegation practices in family versus non-family SMEs: A Rasch analysis. Small Business Economics, 47(3), 755–769.  Google Scholar
  106. Pearce, C. L. und Sims, H. P. (2002): Vertical versus shared leadership as predictors of the effectiveness of change management teams: An examination of aversive, directive, transactional, transformational, and empowering leader behaviors. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 6(2), 172–197.  Google Scholar
  107. Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Lee, J.-Y. und Podsakoff, N. P. (2003): Common method biases in behavioral research: A critical review of the literature and recommended remedies. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(5), 879–903.  Google Scholar
  108. Podsakoff, P. M., MacKenzie, S. B., Moorman, R. H. und Fetter, R. (1990): Transformational leader behaviors and their effects on followers’ trust in leader, satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behaviors. The Leadership Quarterly, 1(2), 107–142.  Google Scholar
  109. Ruvio, A., Rosenblatt, Z. und Hertz-Lazarowitz, R. (2010): Entrepreneurial leadership vision in nonprofit vs. for-profit organizations. The Leadership Quarterly, 21(1), 144–158.  Google Scholar
  110. Schneider, B. (1987): The People Make the Place. Personnel Psychology, 40(3), 437–453.  Google Scholar
  111. Spreitzer, G. M. (1995): Psychological Empowerment in the Workplace: Dimensions, Measurement, and Validation. The Academy of Management Journal, 38(5), 1442–1465.  Google Scholar
  112. Stam, D., Lord, R. G., Van Knippenberg, D. und Wisse, B. (2014): An Image of Who We Might Become: Vision Communication, Possible Selves, and Vision Pursuit. Organization Science, 25(4), 1172–1194.  Google Scholar
  113. Trivisonno, M. und Barling, J. (2018): Organizational leadership and employee commitment. In: J. Meyer (Hrsg.), Handbook of Employee Commitment (S. 305–318). Edward Elgar Publishing.  Google Scholar
  114. Van Dierendonck, D., Stam, D., Boersma, P., Windt, N. und Alkema, J. (2014): Same difference? Exploring the differential mechanisms linking servant leadership and transformational leadership to follower outcomes. The Leadership Quarterly, 25.  Google Scholar
  115. Van Knippenberg, D. und Stam, D. (2014): Visionary leadership. In: D. V. Day (Hrsg.), The Oxford Handbook of Leadership and Organizations (S. 241–259). Oxford University Press.  Google Scholar
  116. Yu, Q., Yen, D. A., Barnes, B. R. und Huang, Y.-A. (2019): Enhancing firm performance through internal market orientation and employee organizational commitment. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(6), 964–987.  Google Scholar
  117. Yukl, G. A. und Fu, P. P. (1999): Determinants of delegation and consultation by managers. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20(2), 219–232.  Google Scholar
  118. Yukl, G. A. und Gardner, W. L. (2020): Leadership in Organizations (9. Aufl.). Pearson.  Google Scholar
  119. Zhang, Y., Waldman, D. A., Han, Y.-L. und Li, X.-B. (2015): Paradoxical Leader Behaviors in People Management: Antecedents and Consequences. Academy of Management Journal, 58(2), 538–566.  Google Scholar
  120. Locke, E. A. und Latham, G. P. (1991): Self-Regulation through Goal-Setting. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50.  Google Scholar


Visionary Leadership and Empowerment in SMEs

Leadership plays a central role in the growth of startups and SMEs. In a comprehensive empirical study (N = 399) within family-owned SME, the influence of visionary leadership and empowering on employees’ affective commitment and goal achievement is investigated. The empirical results show that visionary leadership and empowering positively influence employee commitment, with visionary leadership showing the strongest significant correlation to affective commitment. The effect on goal achievement, which is mainly influenced by empowering the employees, is less strong. Visionary leadership tries to balance the autonomy gained through empowering with a shared vision and to solve the dilemma between “letting go” and “having control” in the sense of a “both and” strategy.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Urs Baldegger / Kilian Klösel: Visionäre Führung und Empowering in KMU 1
Zusammenfassung 1
Abstract 1
I. Einleitung und Zielsetzung 2
II. Theoretischer Hintergrund 4
1. Visionäre Führung 4
2. Empowering Leadership 5
III. Planung und Durchführung der Erhebung 7
1. Sample 7
2. Konzeption des Fragebogens 8
a) Visionäre Führung 8
b) Empowering Leadership 8
c) Commitment 9
d) Zielerreichung 9
e) Kontrollvariablen 9
3. Methodenvarianz 1
IV. Überprüfung der Hypothesen 1
V. Diskussion und Reflexion der Ergebnisse 1
Literatur 1