ZfKE – Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship
ZfKE – Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship
Volume 72, 2024 (1)
Issue 1 [pp. 1–60]
Volume 71, 2023 (4)
Issue 4: Transformation und Sustainability Management [pp. 257–333]
Issue 3: Cultural & Creative Entrepreneurship [pp. 181–255]
Issue 2 [pp. 101–179]
Issue 1 [pp. 1–100]
Volume 70, 2022 (3)
Issue 3–4 [pp. 123–252]
Issue 2 [pp. 71–119]
Issue 1: Compliance-Management in KMU [pp. 1–67]
Volume 69, 2021 (4)
Issue 4: Compliance-Management in KMU [pp. 207–287]
Issue 3: Wachstum in Start-ups und KMU [pp. 147–206]
Issue 2 [pp. 67–145]
Issue 1 [pp. 1–65]
Volume 68, 2020 (3)
Volume 67, 2019 (4)
Volume 66, 2018 (4)
Issue 4 [pp. 223–295]
Issue 3 [pp. 153–221]
Issue 2 [pp. 71–152]
Issue 1: Risk Governance im Mittelstand [pp. 1–70]
Volume 65, 2017 (3)
Issue 4 [pp. 177–258]
Issue 3 [pp. 101–175]
Issue 1–2: Finanzwirtschaftliche Herausforderungen für KMU [pp. 1–100]
Volume 64, 2016 (4)
Issue 4: Geschäftsmodelle in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU) [pp. 243–309]
Issue 3 [pp. 157–241]
Issue 2 [pp. 81–156]
Issue 1: Cultural Entrepreneurship [pp. 1–79]
Volume 63, 2015 (3)
Issue 3–4: Controlling in und für KMU [pp. 191–334]
Issue 2 [pp. 95–189]
Issue 1 [pp. 1–93]
Volume 62, 2014 (4)
Issue 4 [pp. 271–352]
Issue 3 [pp. 191–270]
Issue 2 [pp. 99–190]
Issue 1: Crowdsourcing/Crowdfunding [pp. 1–98]
Volume 61, 2013 (3)
Issue 4 [pp. 243–340]
Issue 3 [pp. 145–242]
Issue 1–2: Familienunternehmensforschung [pp. 1–143]
Volume 60, 2012 (4)
Volume 59, 2011 (4)
Volume 58, 2010 (4)
Volume 57, 2009 (3)
Volume 56, 2008 (3)
Additional Information
Journal Details
Journal for SME and Entrepreneurship
The ZfKE is the leading scientific journal on the topics of SME and entrepreneurship in the German language. Established in 1952, it appears four times a year and includes the categories of »Regular Scientific Articles«, »State-of-the-Art Articles« and »Entrepreneurship Compact«. All articles are also available online.
The focus is on articles related to small- and medium-sized enterprises, entrepreneurship and family businesses. The published articles must meet high scientific standards and simultaneously be relevant to the practice. Within this context, the ZfKE places its main emphasis on topics of business administration but also includes relevant articles from related subject areas. It accepts both empirical and theoretic conceptual articles.
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ZfKE – Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, Vol. 70 (2022), Iss. 3–4 : pp. 243–252