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Loan Maturity Structure and the Actualization of Production



Chaya, J. Loan Maturity Structure and the Actualization of Production. Applied Economics Quarterly, 67(1), 27-45.
Chaya, Jamil "Loan Maturity Structure and the Actualization of Production" Applied Economics Quarterly 67.1, , 27-45.
Chaya, Jamil: Loan Maturity Structure and the Actualization of Production, in: Applied Economics Quarterly, vol. 67, iss. 1, 27-45, [online]


Loan Maturity Structure and the Actualization of Production

Chaya, Jamil

Applied Economics Quarterly, Vol. 67 (2021), Iss. 1 : pp. 27–45

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Author Details

Jamil Chaya, Assistant Professor, Rafik Hariri University, Mechref, Lebanon.


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This paper investigates the relationship between bank credit maturity structure and economic growth of the respective economies at the state level within the United States. The results suggest that loan maturity structure in addition to interest rates and credit availability do significantly affect economic growth. Productive economies make greater use of both short and long term credit. The provision of longer term funding at the margin actualizes future production, experiencing greater productivity growth in the present.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Jamil Chaya: Loan Maturity Structure and the Actualization of Production 1
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature 2
2.1 Conceptual Basis 2
2.2 Macroeconomic Environment 3
2.3 Microeconomic Determinants 5
3. The Actualization Production 6
4. Data 7
4.1 Controls 7
4.1.1 Demographic 7
4.1.2 Economic Structure and Conditions 7
4.2 Financial Variables 8
4.2.1 Financial Depth 8
4.2.2 Financial Conditions 8
4.2.3 Collateral 8
4.2.4 Maturity 8
4.3 Dependent: GDP Growth per Capita 1
4.4 Growth Volatility 1
5. Statistical Analysis 1
5.1 WALS 1
5.2 HAC-FE 1
6. Results 1
6.1 Socio-Economic Controls 1
6.1.1 Demographics 1
6.1.2 Economic Structure 1
6.1.3 Economic Conditions 1
6.2 Financials 1
6.2.1 Financial Depth 1
6.2.2 Interest Rates 1
6.2.3 Maturity 1
7. Conclusion 1
References 1